I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 87: Sigh~

Chapter 87: Sigh~

Haah?! It was that easy? I thought it would take me a long time to find her and yet she came to me? What is this situation?

My irises dilated in shock as I stared at Mei Mei. I looked up and down and I could confirm that this girl doesn't look like his father at all. And yet, she did say that her name is Yang Mei Mei. Why is she here? Isn't she supposed to be in that Forsaken Tree or whatever?

"Um... Yongrui, you're looking way too hard." She fidgeted. "We can leave that aside for now and do what we must do first." She continued.

"Leave what aside? What are you talking about?"

"I-idiot!" She bashfully wheezed. "Don't ask me that!"

Yang Mei Mei pouted as she stomped her way deeper into the sewers. Since I didn't have anything better to do, I decided to follow her. I figured that since I already found her, I still have time to spare if we escape in an hour. For now, I'll take the remaining minutes I have and use it in gathering information about this shelter.

Having made up my mind, Mei Mei and I finally arrived at a metallic door, which at first glance looked like the dead-end of the sewers.




The interior of the room on the other side of the door was pitch-black but due to my enhanced senses, I could easily recognize silhouettes and figures inside. From what I could gather, the room was a simple one. Albeit being underground, I could also tell that it was maintained well and it gave off the vibe that it was someone's house.

"Please come in..." Mei Mei blushed as she slowly opened the door for me. After touching the walls for a few seconds, Mei Mei found the light switch and turned it on.

And what are you being shy for, Mei Mei?

"So this is where you lived," I muttered. "Pardon the intrusion."

"I'm so sorry if it looked really messy. I never had the time to clean this place thoroughly." She apologetically said. Based on her expressions, she was genuinely unsatisfied with the state of her room.

It looks rather clean to me though.

I scratched my head in perplexity after hearing her apology. "What do you mean? It looks really clean as expected of a girl's room!"


A girl's room?!


"No, it's just that, it's my first time having someone over, much less a guy. That's why I didn't know how to react." She said.

Before the embarrassment was revealed in my expressions, Mei Mei turned around and started rummaging under her bed. Sigh~ Fortunately, she didn't see me getting flustered. I've never experienced anything like this back when I was still alive and now I finally knew why it was so embarrassing.

I mean, there's nothing embarrassing about being in someone's room... but somehow I can't stop myself from feeling embarrassed.

"Here," Yang Mei Mei handed me a pouch bag. "It's not much but I managed to accumulate all those after staying underground for three years. I guess those should be enough for you."

Since I didn't know what she meant by that, I quickly opened the bag and saw that there were two handguns inside and 5-millimeter bullets. I was not well-versed with guns so I didn't know what model it was, but I could tell that it must have cost her a fortune... or a great amount of risk if by any chance she stole it from someone. "Why are you giving me thi wait?! THREE YEARS?! You've been here for three years? Why? What happened?"

"There's no time to explain. You said you came here to help, right?" She reconfirmed. "As for me, I only need this handgun. I'm quite used to it."

"No, I came here to rescue you."

"To rescue me? Why? How do you know me?" She asked. "Wait.. are you perhaps hitting on me, I told you now's not the time."

Sigh~ this girl.

"I'll tell you everything later. Right now we have to escape from this place. Otherwise, we'll be caught in the crossfire of the Rush Hour. You do know that the yearly massive horde is coming today, right?"

"Wait, the Rush Hour is happening today? Why? It's still early in the spring, right? Or was my calculation of the date wrong? No, I'm fairly certain."

"Yeah, it's coming a bit earlier this year. No one knows why but there's a shift in the Qi Current." I told her. "And that's why we have to leave here as soon as possible."


Since I just met Mei Mei, I don't know much about her but one thing's for sure there was something here that she can't afford to leave behind. No matter what it is, she must let it go if she wants us to get to safety. She may not know it but she's my mission nd once I rescue her, I can finally go back to Tang Shelter.

And then once I get there, we'd have to defend from the Rush Hour thingy... what is this life?!

"Um, Yongrui, I know you mean well and I'm really grateful that you're here to rescue me. And also... I also feel the same way about you even though we just met. I know you're a kind person and you're really dependable but... but I can't leave. I'm sorry but I have to reject your offer. I still need to do something here."

This girl. Seriously, I don't get her at all. What did she mean by feeling the same way about me? Does she want to rescue me as well? From what? What is she talking about? Why am I even here in the first place?!

With my mind out of sorts, I couldn't stop Mei Mei as she stormed out of the room. Every step she took was filled with determination and I could tell that she was about to do something important... or crazy. Whichever it is, I think she's heading straight to her death. After all, one shouldn't make a move if they're a little bit confused. She's got the spirit though but I still don't know what she was about to do.

"I'm not leaving all those victims in here. Without me, nobody else can save them." Mei Mei said as her eyes turned into slits. She was releasing bloodthirsty without even knowing it.

"Sigh~ whatever it is you're talking about, just lead the way and I'll follow you. But can we finish all these in an hour?"

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