I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 88: Flying Solo

Chapter 88: Flying Solo

Once we got to the surface, Mei Mei didn't waste a breath as she ran towards the Forsaken Tree. Once we arrived there, she handed me a capsule. "Take this."

The capsule was a normal-looking one, with an encasement of red and white thin plastic-like substance. It was like you're regular pain reliever. The only difference was I could sense a trace of Qi from the Forsaken Tree there. I was hesitant to intake it at first but seeing Mei Mie pop one in her mouth without batting an eyelash proved that it was a harmless pill.

"What's this? Some sort of Cultivation Pill?" I asked. I've seen plenty of cultivation pills before but none looked like medicine. Most of the time, it resembled a bead or a small metal ball. But now, this pill clearly resembled an actual pill!

"No, it's a Capsule developed from the extract of the Forsaken Tree. Most people use it so they could get close to the Forsaken Tree. It has a time limit though so we have to move fast. Say Yongrui, how many children can you carry?" She asked after explaining the capsule's effects.

"I don't know, but I'm strong. It may be in my ability to carry ten to twenty children." I replied after giving it a quick thought. "Why?"

"Thanks, let's go." She said as she dashed towards the Forsaken Tree.

To my surprise, she never stopped dashing towards it. The pills seem to be very effective.

After a split second consideration, I hesitantly swallowed the pill and headed to where Mei Mei was. The Forsaken Tree looked more ominous than ever. From a distance, it may seem like a regular giant tree but it was way bigger close-up. Well, that's common sense but its terrifying presence was nothing to laugh at.

"Hurry," Mei Mei said.

One moment, she was there. The next moment, she disappeared.

Panic overcame me as I rushed towards the rear side of the tree where Mei Mei disappeared. And just when I was about to lose my mind, I saw a hole where two large roots of the tree were parted. The inside of the hole was lit up with a bluish and yellowish sort of hue, which made me think that the Forsaken Tree looked really mystical. Still, the Forsaken Tree was too dangerous to be left alive.

As soon as my feet touched the ground level of the hole, I immediately felt my three Qi Cores trying to escape my control. Even though I took the pill, and even though the pressure I felt from the tree was lessened, it still posed a great threat to my Qi Cores.

My theory was correct, my Qi Cores were really reacting to the Forsaken Tree back then. And also, I can now more or less conclude that the Forsaken Tree has been affected by the virus. I could feel some traces of virus energy in the Forsaken Tree and it was trying to invade my mind, trying to either infect me or put me in submission.

"Yongrui, are you okay?" Mei Mei asked. Somehow, she was already sweaty and she was breathing heavily.

"Yes, I'm fine. It looks like you're not doing too well, though." I told her. "Aren't you affected by the pressure?"

"It's fine. I can endure at least this much." She said. Ironically, she said that looking exhausted. "For now, we have to save the kids! The kids... the "

Before she fell into unconsciousness. I released an incredible amount of Qi and surrounded her with it. No matter how mentally tough someone is, they wouldn't be able to stand up against the pressure of the Forsaken Tree. Unless, of course, that someone is in the Ancient Realm or above. Since Ancient Realm is a step away from Immortal Realm, I was still having a hard time fending off the pressure of the Forsaken Tree. But compared to Mei Mei, I certainly have it easy.

"Don't push yourself. You didn't have to come down here." I gritted my teeth as I picked herself up and carried her in a princess-carry.

"No, I- I finally got the help I need. I can't pass up on this chance. We have to save everyone." She said, trying to get out of my grip and stand up.

"If you move any more than what you're doing, then I'd have to hit you and force you to faint." I softly warned her. "It's taking all my control to protect you from the pressure of the Forsaken Tree and if you continue struggling, then it may not end well for both of us."


"Are you stupid?" I asked her in annoyance, my voice cracking with impatience. "You're my mission. If you turn into a rabid human or die here, then forget the kids. Now, do you want me to save the kids, or do you want to die here, and then I won't do anything?"

I never really meant that but somehow, my threat seemed to have driven the nail home.

"Don't misunderstand, Mei Mei, I want to save the kids too. But you're my priority. I can't have you dying while I'm around." I told her. "That's why I'm bringing you to the surface."

With redness on her face, she finally conceded and nodded in agreement.

"Good girl," I said, patting her on the head as we headed up and out of the territory of the Forsaken Tree

Now, all that I have to do is grab all the kids from there, regroup with with Yang Mei Mei, and then sprint straight to the Red Sea Shelter, take a bit of rest over there and finally get to Tang Shelter. The plan seems a bit far-fetched and ambitious but I think I could pull it off.

"What do I do now?" Mei Mei asked, shyly fidgeting as she stood in front of me. The redness on her face was still as clear as day.

"Just hide somewhere. I'll be back soon." I responded as I flashed the brightest smile I could muster. Hopefully, that would be enough to reassure her that everything's going to be fine...

I mean, I hope everything goes well... sigh~

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