I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 165: WORRIES: PART 3

Chapter 165: WORRIES: PART 3

Evelyn decided to help behind the scene, she knew that her brother was also affected by some black magic... still he was someone who gravely injured little Evelyn's feelings.

"I'll be coming with you" Cabel said.

He was waiting for Evelyn outside her chambers.

"What are you doing here outside my room?"

"Waiting for you, you're going out to see your brother, aren't you? I'm going with you Commander Gab has already come back to the Emsworth mansion. We should act fast now*

Evelyn only looked at her and asked.

"What made you think that I would let you come with me?"

Cabel walked to her and stared at her intently.

"You think I would let you go again, Eve?"

Evelyn felt her nerves shudder at the intensity of Cabel's eyes.

"It would probably be wise for you to think that I wouldn't let you go anymore I've had enough of waiting, Eve"

Evelyn shakes her head.

"You really changed that cute child who was following me and saying that he will wait for me patiently became this stubborn now."

"Eve, you must be kidding if you thought that I would wait again after all these time I will definitely stick myself with you and won't leave you alone."

Cabel suddenly hugged her and Evelyn was shocked and she bashfully blushed in his arms.

He leaned in closer and into her ears he whisper,

"I'm not letting you go this time that's a promise."

Evelyn pushed him as she was heating up with embarrassment.

"Stop whispering in my ear, I'm not deaf!"

Cabel grin like what he always shows to Evelyn. The warm gaze that focuses only on her was something that Evelyn tried hard not to notice. 

"I just want to be closer, so you can hear every word."

"I get it Duke Cabel!"

"That's only Cabel for you don't call me with titles,"

Cabel walked closer and Evelyn voluntarily stepped back however cliche as it is, she was cornered to a wall and he held her hand and slowly caressed it, and lifted it to his face. 

The subtle touch of his warm palm and the grazing of his soft skin was new for Evelyn. Her heartbeat beats faster and her sunset eyes shake as she stares at the intensity of his ruby eyes. Her porcelain skin was painted like the cherry tomatoes

Even though she came and has a memory of a modern girl, she never knew how to react to a charming man such as the man in front of him.

Furthermore, he is one of the male leads of the novel, "A Happy Ending", and is said to be one of the amazing visuals of the group.

"Anyways, stop doing this I have important things to do"

'And besides, what if someone walks in when we are in the hallway' 

Just the thought made Evelyn embarrassed.

Evelyn decided to brush the unknown atmosphere that she was just in. Cabel just sighed as a response and followed her.

She walked away from Cabel and started to go towards her office at the end of the hall of the second floor.

Today no, rather, this moment, she's going to have a conversation with the Crown Prince.

The video communication device glowed and a screen with a face of Crown Prince Edickart welcomed her.

Evelyn decided to wear her black mask but other than that everything was just the original her. Black hair and silver blue tips, her sunset eyes, porcelain skin, and kissable lips.

The face of Edickart leaning against his head against his hands and onto the armrest welcomed Evelyn and Cabel who were at the back leaning against the office's wall and watching what was about to unfold.

"It's been a while" Edickart breaks the ice and smiles.

"It really is I greet the Crown Prince, may the sun guide your path." Evelyn bowed a little to give respect.

"So, what does my former fiancee want to talk about?"

Evelyn sighs while Cabel's brow twitches in irritation. She decided to take off the black mask, Evelyn was trying to be careful that someone might be listening and will see her face It's not the time for her to let the others know that she's alive.

But seeing the Crown Prince just mentioning and babbling about her disposition without concern, the thought of being careful became dust and vanished in the air.

"I guess, I don't need this" 

The black mask was placed on the table and besides the crystal ball which serves as the video communication device.

"That's perfect I haven't seen that face for so long you look beautiful as always. Would you like to become my Queen?"

Cabel almost crushed the communication device but when he heard Evelyn, he became at ease.

"I apologize, your highness but that position is now occupied by the Saintess and I don't have the qualification as I already run away from that title"

Evelyn stares at the Crown Prince though it would be presumptuous to look straight at the eyes of a Royal, Evelyn has never cared about that when it comes to Crown Prince Edickart. 

Edickart also doesn't mind Evelyn's honest words.

"I know you don't like to become my wife, enough for you to fake your death and run away to the other Kingdom."

Silence fell in the room. 

Evelyn watched Edickart's genuine smile but his emerald eyes were clouded and surrounded by disappointment, loneliness, and relief.

Evelyn doesn't know what to respond to. Because what the Crown Prince said was one of the reasons why she left. Of course the main reason was because she didn't want to die by decapitating her head.

"Anyways you have news for me, am I right? Crown Prince Edickart just told me that someone will contact me and I knew it would be you you've been collecting information from the temple. Did something occur in your stay there?"

Edickart decided not to dwell on the topic anymore. They have already passed the point of no return. What he knows is that there are things that they need to discuss as the safety of the masses are the priority.

His playful tone became serious as he folded his arm. The atmosphere went back to that of a vassal and a monarch. Cabel silently watched them exchange a few words.

They started to talk about the current affairs of the Duchy and the surrounding territories. The disappearance of the people in different places and all about black mana.

"... so, you're saying that almost all the people who have gone missing have an affinity for fire? The dominant power which has a destructive power? Why?" Evelyn asked, perplexed as to why it needs to be the affinity of fire.

It was the first time that she saw the connection of the people who went missing.

"I also have no clue as to why I already read some ancient books but none of them say the connection of black magic and fire, as well as the sacrificial spell." Edickart replied.

They pondered for a while and thought about how they would proceed. Edickart knew that Evelyn had a great mind. Especially when she can disguise her own death without everyone noticing about the possible evidence that it was her who did it.

She gave plans that made Edickart smile and be content.

"That's great, I would proceed with what we discuss here."

"Thank you, your highness"

They bid their goodbyes and Evelyn stood up. She still needs to talk to her brother tonight.

"Let's go?" Cabel asked.

He became accustomed to Evelyn wearing all black just like his shadow knights.

"You looked beautiful even if you look like an assassin"

Evelyn doesn't know what to say.

'Is it a compliment or what?' she thought.

They leave the mansion and arrive at the Duke's house where all the lights are still lit.

"In the bushes, Cabel and Evelyn were hiding.

"So, what now?" He asked.

"We should wait for my brother's bed time right?"

Cabel imagined Eveln's mischievous smiling face behind the black mask. However he also kind of liked the idea of it.

"We should wait for him in his chamber"

With their skilled work of entering the mansion without the people and the guards finding it out, they reach Allan's room.

"Who would have thought that the sole lady of the Emsworth will break in twice in their own home" Cabel whispered as he silently opened the door.

They successfully sneaked in and saw her brother's room.

"You know I can waltz in here with my head held high but that would cause the noble's society in uproar that would be a disaster when there's a lot of going on in the Duchy. They would definitely blame it on me"

Cabel understand what she was trying to say. The coincidence of her coming back and the disappearance of the people that started four years ago would definitely make buzz in the society if some noble gossipers tried to make a funny story with her being the center.

So, Cabel dropped the subject and shrugged the thought about the disgusting nobles.

"I noticed that they are busy and most of the maids are at the ground floor they must be catering to the vassals that went to protest against the Duke and your brother."

Evelyn sat down on her brother;s chair and scanned some documents that were placed on the table.

"They must have been cornering him now"

She smiled when she saw one of the documents.

"I should help my big brother, right?"


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