I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



The meeting room with a splendid decoration in the ceiling and has the view of the main garden situated in the ground floor of the Duke's mansion has been buzzing since the early morning.

The long table has been occupied by the vassals of the Emsworth family and has been making uproars because of the issue that has been circulating around the Duchy.

The yapping and babbling of the vassals has been ringing in Allan's ear. He was silently listening with the ridiculous exchange of talks within the room.

His aide was also silently listening to the only contribution of the vassals, the noise pollution that the people in the room are making.

"Young Master, there's a rumor going on around the whole Duchy and the townspeople are concerned about what is happening they're worried about their families safety."

Count Berbos has just inherited his title from his father and wants to show the other nobles his integrity as one of the new nobles who will lead the other territories in Emsworth.

Allan looked at Count Berdos talk about his concern and the rumor going around, spreading among their people.

"How long will His Grace be gone, Young Master Allan? His Grace needs to be here the people will be in chaos without the monarch."

Another vassal voiced his concern to Allan.

Allan just leaned in his chair while the other vassals were sitting in the long table talking and voicing their panic. Nine vassals were complaining about the rumors, their safety, the enemies, the Duke not coming back, and the stress that they are experiencing.

"This is getting ridiculous" Allan just said.

"What? Young MasterAllan, what are you saying? This is no time to say such things!" Count Berdos told Allan.

Allan's gaze became sharp as he scanned the faces of the vassals. The nobles subconsciously gulped their own anxiety as the gaze of the next heir sent shiver to their backs.

"You're barking proudly because the Duke isn't here I can see that the count has some guts because the owner isn't here."

"What? Young Master, how can you twist my words of sincerity and the people's worries?" Count Berbos remark.

"Is it really the worries of the people you're talking about or are you just worried about yourself and your families disposition because of the pressure the other nobles are giving you?"

"Wh-what are you talking about, young Master? We are genuinely worried about the Duchy! The Duke has established the name of Emsworth and the honor that he brought are something that we, the vassals, are proud of!"

Allan smirked and leaned closer. An icy aura envelopes the noisy room. Everyone became wary of who it was coming from.

"Then why the hell are you not helping with the "safety of the people" and you're just here flapping your mouth with the ridiculous talk about your sincerity."

"W-what?!" Count Berbos was flustered at the blunt words of a nineteen year old heir of Emsworth.

He just knew that the Young Master was a silent man. A young man who only knew about the privilege of the Duke's only son and the apparent heir. A man who silently listens to his father's words.

That's why he was certain that he could make the heir apparent listen to his words as he was older than him by a few years.

However he was wrong, Allan only met the old vassals that have now retired and since four years ago, he was stuck with political affairs at the Palace as a representative of the Emsworth Duchy because his father, Duke Keene, has refused any audience with the King.

"It was really amusing that you have the guts to summon a meeting when no one of you seems to be aware of what was happening in your land!"

"Young Master, if you would excuse me but the report has only arrived this day and besides the missing people don't have connection to each other and the time span of them being missing are long apart." A Baron explained.

"Isn't it because you don't have enough concern for your people that you decided to ignore the reports of the knights? I'm not idot, Baron. I know what was happening in our territory and we are doing everything we can to solve it. However, I'm certain that none of you has been conducting your own research about the kidnappings"

Allan almost snapped at them as his aura was pressuring them. When the vassals no longer have the guts to complain, Allan decided to use them as in-charge of the Emsworth Duchy until his father gained his health back.

Allan stood up as he thought that there was no point in staying. He also made the vassals known who have the upper hand and have the authority in the room to order them around.

The vassals certainly receive his superiority as the Duke's son and the next in line to become a Duke.

They become fully aware not to mess again with Allan.


Evelyn has been waiting for his brother with Cabel seating in the table while he softly brushes her hair with his long fingertips.

"Stop touching my hair"

"It's fine there's nothing to do here. Of course, I'll stop if you want to do more things~"

Evelyn ignores his words. She knew that Cabel was clingy since they were a child. 

It was something that Evelyn thought was a hobby of Cabel and something that he picked up when he was busy diverting the noble's impression of him when he was making the Night's Guild.

Though truthfully, Cabel only was clingy because it was Evelyn.

Cabel chuckles as he sees Evelyn getting irritated.

In a moment, they heard footsteps from a far and Cabel stopped pestering her and walked behind her. 

"He's here, are you ready?"

"Why wouldn't I be? It's just that idiot Allan." 

Cabel smirked and Evelyn leisurely waited for her brother to open the door.

A click was heard and the door opened. 

Allan stopped walking inside when he saw the people inside his room. His aide was also shocked to a degree and his eyes went wide.

"It's been a while"

The door closed with a bang as Evelyn greeted her brother. 

Allan's lips opened and closed however no words came out from his mouth. His sunset eyes that mirrored Evelyn's reflection were shaking uncontrollably.

He can't even see Cabel standing behind Evelyn. His whole attention was solely at the lady sitting on his chair with the familiar black hair and silver-blue tips.

A hair that was unique to his sister along with the sunset pair of orbs and the cat-like shaped eyes.

He doesn't know what to do, he doesn't even know if it was the fatigue that influenced his vision to see his sister or does he just missed her too much that his own senses are fooling him.

"Young Master isn't that?'

His aide gasped as he saw the lady who was wearing all balck clothes and was sitting there leisurely.

Allan heard his aide and thought that it wasn't just him who was stressed because of the continuous events that were happening in the Duchy.

Furthermore, his sister was smiling at him. Something that Allan would find ridiculous in this situation because he knows and was sure that his sister hated him to her core. 

"Who are you?" Allan asked with all his might.

Allan subconsciously gulps his saliva waiting for the woman in front of him to answer his question.

He was expecting her to make his wishes come true, that she answered his prayer but at the same time he was afraid that if she was really his sister, the scars that he made would surely make her deny their relationship.

Evelyn raised both her brows because she was amused at how her brother can be an idiot sometimes and how socially awkward can he be.

"Did you forget your own blood related sister?" she asked.

The words that Allan expected came out from her mouth he stood there frozen and stiff, unable to utter words as his overwhelming emotions overcame him.

His eyes become clouded and he steps back. Evelyn stood up and walked to face her brother.

"It's nice to see that stone face with a different kind of expression... "

"You're really?"

Allan felt that there was a lump in his throat that he can't even say the name of his sister. 

Evelyn became more amused, she never expected such a reaction from her brother. She only thought that he would be surprised for a moment and will come back to give her a sarcasm. 

"You should calm down and sit we have important things to discuss."

Evelyn looked at the aide and beckoned him to bring some tea that would calm Allan's nerves.

His ade looked at Allan and he nodded. Unsure if it was the correct decision to leave the Young Master alone with them, he quickly left for him to come back faster.

Evelyn and Allan sat across each other, that was the only time that he noticed another presence in the room and saw Cabel leaning against Evelyn and against the sofa.

He knitted his brows.

"What are you doing here? Is she really my sister?"

Cabel tilt his head.

"Don't tell me that you can't even distinguish your own sister?" Cabel answered him in annoyance and sarcasm.

'I don't have the energy to argue with you, just answer my question, Cabel Sigrid!"

Cabel shaked his head while Evelyn was just staring at her brother's funny reaction.

"She's not?" Allan asked.

"She is! I'm shaking my head because I don't know that you are this idiot."

Allan ignored him, he only wanted to know and confirmed that she is his sister who is said to have died four years ago.

Evelyn smiled.

"How are you, Young Master?"

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