I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 150 Aftermath Of The Massacre

After we managed to take down the vampire assassin, the medical team and Military Police arrived on the scene. 

Yeah, even in a world where people could teleport or fly, the police still had trouble arriving on time!

This proves it. Even if you're living in a fantasy world or a normal one, you can never count on the police to arrive on time.

Anyway, we were eventually evacuated from the hall upon their arrival. 

The medical team quickly tended to the injured ones while the police gathered those who were unharmed.

Before being escorted to receive medical attention and join the others, the military police commissioner asked us a few questions.

Right now, I was taking a walk with bandages concealed beneath my shirt, wrapped around my abdomen. 

Yeah, turns out, I had broken a rib. But after having some painkillers and a healing potion, I could already feel better.

Just outside the banquet hall, the medical team had established an emergency camp where the sounds of people crying and muffled screams filled the air.

As I made my way through the street, I could see a crowd of people gathered just outside the barricade set up by the military police to prevent civilians from entering the area.

Among the throng were family members of the banquet attendees, curious onlookers, and news reporters covering the events that took place there.

As I walked passed them, I heard an elven reporter reciting a piece of paper in her hand to the camera.

–"In a banquet hall located in the capital city of the Central Continent, Silverserine, today on April 12th, 2723, at approximately 5:30 PM, a tragic event unfolded. 

"Two vampires entered and went on a killing spree, resulting in numerous casualties. 

"Fortunately, some first-year cadets and retired soldiers were present and were able to minimize the number of fatalities.

"Despite their efforts, the vampires were too powerful and used a mass mind control spell to turn the attendees against each other. 

"Amidst the ensuing chaos, three cadets bravely rose to the challenge, successfully defeating the vampires and preventing a potentially more catastrophic outcome."

Moving past them, I kept walking. 

The first arc of the main story – Massacre of the Silveserine City, is over.

Although there were some alterations in the flow, everything ultimately fell into place.

eαglesnᴏνel Just like in the novel, Nero and Anastasia played a major role in thwarting the vampire attack.

Also, just like in the novel, the news of the event is spreading fast. 

Nero's popularity will soon rise in the world after his name appears in this incident and the rumor about him being able to absolutely control all the elements.

However, unlike in the novel, there was also a major change in the ending of the arc.

I was the one who dealt the final blow to Magnus, not Nero.

Although no one knows this right now, after we get back to the academy, we will have to submit a detailed report of the event.

I can only assume what will happen from here on out. Haa, it will be a drag.

–"Why didn't you use your gift?! Why didn't you save her?!" 

As I was gathering my thoughts, a loud, enraged voice pierced my ears.

Turning my head towards the source of the commotion, I saw a tall, somewhat overweight individual gripping Nero by the collar. 

Nero had bandages wrapped around his head and hand. 

Even as the chubby boy continued to bellow at him, Nero remained silent and motionless.

I didn't bother to pay much attention to the content of his rant, but I did catch the gist of it. 

Apparently, this chubby guy's girlfriend had been killed earlier by Magnus, and he was now yelling at Nero and holding him accountable for her death.

Why was he blaming him, one may ask? 

Well, given that this guy was in our class, he was sure to have participated in the Mock War alongside us. 

As a result, he would have witnessed Nero's extraordinary ability to fully manipulate a fundamental element.

If Nero wanted, he could've summoned one of his Heavenly Swords to quickly eliminate both vampires and save everyone.

However, he chose not to exercise that option. This was precisely why he was now being subjected to the angry outburst.

And it wasn't only the chubby boy who was pointing fingers at him; other cadets were doing it as well.

Numerous cadets had their faces twisted with fury and were glaring at Nero, forming a ring around him.

Just as what happened in the aftermath of the first arc in the novel, everyone was blaming Nero.

They were accusing him of being heartless and a monster for not utilizing his Gift to save everyone who had died.

In a sense, their outburst was justified. 

The death toll from the incident was staggering.

Forty people lost their lives, including six of our fellow classmates and comrades-in-arms. 

Additionally, sixty-three individuals had sustained injuries, and three remained unaccounted for.

Nero was the only person among us who had the power to prevent this tragedy, but he chose not to use that power.

However, what they failed to comprehend was the reason behind Nero's reluctance to use his Gift.

There were two reasons.

Firstly, there were already rumors flying about his godlike Gift. Although there was no solid proof yet, he wanted to avoid solidifying that rumor.

Secondly, unlike in the virtual world, if he were to use his Gift in the real world, there would be consequences. 

He would have to sacrifice a small portion of his life energy to summon the Heavenly Swords.

And while he himself didn't care about sacrificing his life in return for saving others', his master did.

After the Mock War, Liz had absolutely restricted Nero from using his Gift unless his own life was in danger.

Disobeying her instructions would result in Liz relinquishing her role as his master, a consequence that Nero did not want to face.

"Well, that doesn't have anything to do with me," I sighed and resumed walking.

While I felt sorry for Nero, I wasn't about to jump in and defend him.

This experience was essential for his character development. Being ostracized by his peers would only strengthen his resolve to become more powerful.

Moreover, he had allies willing to stand up for him.

Anastasia stepped forward and shielded Nero from the angry gazes of the furious crowd while pushing aside the chubby guy. 

"Back off, all of you!" she commanded.

Amelia quickly chimed in, "Don't you know that Gifts as strong as Nero's always have consequences? It's evident that he didn't use his Gift because there was bound to be a drawback."

Elijah also quickly stepped up and stood in front of the crowd of angry cadets to add, "Yes, imagine if that consequence was significant enough to put his own life at risk? You don't expect him to sacrifice his life to save yours, do you?"

–"So what if we do? We're going to be soldiers one day! It's our duty to use our strength to protect the weak!" someone from the crowd exclaimed.

Chase, who appeared behind Elijah, supported him since he still had his wounded back. 

"No, a soldier's job is to fight," he countered. "Nero fought when everyone else fell. I believe he did his job."

Anastasia nodded in agreement. "Chase is right. Nero did his part in the battle. He fought with us and saved as many lives as he could."

The main characters continued their argument, and gradually, the crowd of angry cadets fell silent. 

It wasn't that their anger had vanished; rather, they had run out of valid points to make.

It was a natural outcome. As mere extras and side characters, they had no right to argue with the central figures of the story.

"Damn, these guys know how to argue, right?" 


Just as I was walking, I bumped into someone. It was Hugh. He looked at me and pointed back at the main characters.

"The charisma they carry," he remarked. "It's almost as if they are the brightest people in the world. Like everything revolves around them, and we are nothing but side characters in their story."

"...Yeah," I nodded after a brief moment of hesitation. "So, what about you? Do you blame Nero for not using his Gift too?"

"Nah," Hugh shook his head. "I don't have any friends who died or got injured during the whole thing, so I don't really care. Actually, I don't have a friend to begin with, haha!"

Wow, that's sad.

"Really, not even one?" I asked. "You are pretty talkative in class. I thought an outgoing person like you is bound to have at least a friend or two."

He's the first to raise his hand at a question and the first to arrive in the class. He also actively participates in all of the class activities.

However, according to Elijah, he doesn't talk much in private. Hugh Jass… he's one weird guy.

"No," Hugh shook his head. "I don't really get along with most people since I like to keep to myself."

"Hmm, I see," I nodded my head slightly before shrugging and walking away. "Okay, see you back at the academy."

Hugh Jass… just you wait. I will uncover who you are one day. But before then, I have

other problems to deal with.

For starters, the second arc will start once we get back to the academy – the King's Tournament arc.

Haa, I seriously need a long nap.

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