I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 151 Disturbance

After receiving medical treatment and being questioned by the Military Police commissioner, we were permitted to leave.

The walk back to the hotel was quiet as we realized that we were now less in number than we were when we came to this city.

Interestingly, unlike in the novel, where around twenty cadets were killed out of eighty-nine during the massacre, in this reality, only six died.

Surprisingly, despite the fact that two vampires attacked us instead of one, and even though it wasn't my intention, my active participation in the story's plot resulted in us saving more lives than the main characters did in the novel.

Although I think I was the one who caused two vampires to attack us instead of one to begin with.

But let's not point fingers, yeah?

Besides, I got a lot of Edit Points out of this whole ordeal, so I am happy.


Edit Points: 3,578


After arriving at the hotel, we took a short rest before being accompanied by five senior instructors from the academy. 

Even though we were going to use the teleportation gate to go back, they still came since they had to inspect the banquet hall and handle some police affairs.

And the dead bodies of the cadets who died will also be retrieved by them. The academy will hand out those dead bodies to their families themselves. 

Currently, we were on the rooftop of the skyscraper where the teleportation gate was located.

As I looked up at the night sky, which was adorned with a twinkling stream of stars, I found myself unable to contain a deep sigh, "Haaa."

We were about to get back to the academy. This means the King's Tournament arc was about to start.

You see, the Cadet Council president at Global Military Academy is not elected through voting but rather through a sports tournament. 

It's quite clear where I am going with all this, isn't it?

In just a few weeks, our semester exams will begin. 

Upon their completion, the first and second-year cadets will participate in the anticipated sports tournament – the King's Tournament.

The winner of that sports tournament will be crowned as the new president of the academy. 

When the academic year comes to an end and the third-year cadets, along with the current Cadet Council president, will graduate, the crowned president will officially take over as the new head of the Council.

It's a highly prestigious position that comes with immense responsibility, and the King's Tournament is the ultimate test to determine who is worthy of holding that title.

Now, I personally am not particularly fond of titles or power. I much rather prefer to operate from the shadows and manipulate events from behind the scenes.

However, I have made a promise to Quinn that I will take care of Kai Wiseman by the time of the tournament.

In hindsight, I'm beginning to realize that promising Quinn to that wasn't the wisest decision.

Why is that, one may ask? 

Well, in the heat of the moment when I made him that promise, I forgot that a vampire attack was set to occur during the King's Tournament at the academy. 

This time, the vampires won't be mere assassins or spies; rather, they'll be highly skilled soldiers.

Their objective will be to eliminate Nero Dekrauf.

He would've gained worldwide popularity by that time due to the rumors about his supposed Gift to possess absolute control over an element spreading.

My point is it would be difficult for me to deal with both Kai Wiseman and the vampire assault side by side.

At first, I thought that I would leave the task of handling the impending vampire assault to Nero. 

However, recent events have made it painfully clear that I can no longer rely on the novel's predetermined plotline.

The mere fact of my presence in this reality creates a continuous ripple effect, constantly altering events and outcomes. 

Thus, I cannot even consider the novel's events as a reliable reference point anymore.

That means I have to actively participate in the vampire assault during the King's Tournament. 

I can't make the mistake of relying on the main characters like I did earlier today since it almost got me killed.

I have to be prepared for the unexpected dangers that lie ahead. 

I can't wait for threats to come to me; I have to take the fight to them.

I can't be defensive and react to events as they happen. 

Instead, I need to predict and plan for every possibility, think strategically, and, most importantly, grow stronger.

Haa, I can already see that it's going to be a drag.

Fine, I have decided. First, I'll deal with Kai Wiseman and then craft strategies to deal with the vampire assault during the tournament.

I will take one problem at a time, solve them, and make it through the second arc of the main story just like I survived the first one.



I heard a voice exclaim, interrupting my thoughts. A hand slammed against my shoulder and wrapped around me.

I knew who it was. It was Kent.

"When will you stop jumping on me?" I asked, recognizing his voice and turning my head to look at him.

"When did I ever do something like that? Hehe," Kent replied with a shameless grin plastered on his face.

I sighed and stroked my eyebrows before remembering something. "How are your injuries?" I asked.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ "Oh, yeah, I'm good now," Kent nodded, checking his body with a short glance before turning to me. "Thank you for asking and giving me that healing potion."

"Don't mention it," I waved my hand dismissively.

"Yeah, though I still feel bad that I wasn't able to help you guys fight against that vampire," Kent said before letting out a dejected sigh and dropping his head.

"Kent, you were injured," I reminded him and patted his back. "It's not your fault that you couldn't fight. Don't beat yourself up about it. Besides, this wasn't the last fight we had to face. There are many more battles ahead of us. You'll get your chance to shine and help then."

"True," Kent nodded, letting out another sigh. But then, as if he remembered something, he quickly turned his head towards me.

"By the way, I heard it was you who dealt the last blow to that vampire," he said.

I frowned. "Where did you hear that from?"

This news shouldn't have spread this fast. 

I mean, almost everyone knew that Anastasia, Nero and I fought against Magnus, but they should assume it was Nero who dealt the last blow, not me.

Until we submit our detailed reports to the academy, no one should know that it was me.

"Ah, well, I actually overheard Anastasia and Nero talking about it while I was in the infirmary," Kent explained, scratching the back of his head.

"I see," I muttered understandingly. "It's true. But I need you to keep this news to yourself. I don't want any unnecessary attention right now."

"Got it," Kent nodded in agreement. "But hey, you're really something else. Taking down a vampire like that, I mean. It's pretty amazing, Lucas."

I chuckled softly, seeing the stars in his eyes. "Thanks, but it was a team effort. I couldn't have done it without Anastasia and Nero."

I wasn't lying. 

I may have dealt the last blow, but I alone couldn't have done it without Nero and Anastasia keeping him occupied.

In terms of strength and skills, they both were on par with Magnus. One can even argue that I just stole their kill.

"Okay, everyone! Listen to me here! Form a neat line and enter the Gate one by one in an orderly manner. We are going back to the Global City."

Before Kent and I could continue our conversation, one of the senior instructors who came to escort us back yelled to gain our attention.

The elven woman managing the Teleportation Gate pressed a button on her desk and a glowing violet rapture in the fabric of space appeared in front of us.

One by one, the cadets started to walk through the Teleportation Gate, disappearing into thin air, happy to return to the safe sanctuary that is the Global Academy.

As I returned to my apartment after saying goodbye to Kent and collapsed onto my bed, a deep sense of contentment washed over me. 

Over the past few months, this place has truly become my home. 

It's true what they say; there's no place like home. Actually, I'd like to improve on that saying: There's no bed like your own.


With a contented yawn, I realized I had earned a good night's rest. 

I was going to sleep soundly tonight and enjoy every minute of it. 

I wasn't going to let anything disturb me tonight. Yeah, no one can disturb me tonight—

Ding, Dong—!!


Just as I was about to fall into my sweet slumber, I heard my doorbell ringing.


Rolling my eyes and grunting in frustration, I yelled, "Coming!"


Walking over to the door, I clicked it open and looked for the person who dared to disturb my rest.

[Good evening, cadet ranked 116969, Lucas Morningstar.]

Only turns out it wasn't a person but a robot who came to disturb me. A worker robot, to be specific – the droids who clean the streets and help with all kinds of stuff in the city.

"What is it? Someone sent me a parcel, maybe?" I frowned. But even as I asked him that, I saw no parcel in the robot's hands.

Then why was a worker robot at my door?

[Negative. No one has sent you a parcel. Instead, you have been summoned by someone.]

"Hmm? Someone has called for me?" The frown on my face deepened upon hearing the robot's mechanical voice. "Who?" I asked.

[Your weapon arts instructor, Leo Kurogami.] 

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