I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 587: Punching a Nazi

Chapter 587: Punching a Nazi

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A Vought, military style helicopter sliced through the night sky, its rhythmic thudding accompanied by the distant hum of the city below. Inside, the remnants of the Seven, Translucent, Maeve, and Black Noir, sat in uneasy silence. Stormfront and Soldier Boy, their contracted allies for this mission, added an air of tension as they made their way to the GPS location of Homelander.

Soldier Boy, unable to resist the opportunity, leaned towards Stormfront with a sly grin. "You know, we make quite the team, rushing off to save our son together. How about celebrating our victory with a little post-mission fun, just you and me? I promise it'll be a night you won't forget~"

Stormfront's eyes rolled at Soldier Boy's clumsy attempt at flirting. "Save it, Soldier. We're here for a job, not your laughable attempts at getting laid."

Undeterred, Soldier Boy pressed on, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Come on, after we rescue our son, how about we grab a drink? I know a great spot, or at least I used to know a great spot… Maybe it's still open? It's been a while after all"

Stormfront sighed, visibly annoyed. "I wasn't interested in you 70 years ago, and I'm not interested now." She says, staring him dead in the eyes. "So keep your mouth shut and focus on the task at hand. And If you don't stop, I might just throw you out of this helicopter..."

As she spoke, suddenly, the door to the helicopter beside Soldier Boy swung open on its own, punctuating Stormfronts threat.

Soldier Boy clicked his tongue in annoyance. "F•cking prude b•tch…" He muttered as he turned away, eliciting an eye roll from Stormfront as she closed the door.

The remaining members of the Seven exchanged incredulous glances, still processing the bombshell revelation that these two people were Homelanders parents. It was a freaky situation, which would no doubt get ever worse when Homelander finds out.

As the helicopter continued its journey, Stormfront couldn't help but express her frustration with the situation. "Why in the world am I stuck in this flying tin can with all of you? I can fly myself, for Christ's sake..."

Maeve, breaking her silence, responded, "If you fly ahead of us, it might tip off the people who took Homelander. We need the element of surprise. Not to mention the fact that they were able to defeat Homelander in the first place, which means we'll have to work together if we want to stay alive and complete the mission."

Of course, Maeve was just talking out of her a•s at this point. She knew they wouldn't have the element of surprise since she warned Peter of their arrival. And she also knew that they wouldn't be able to complete this mission, as their opponents were just too strong, which is why she sent that message in the first place.

Vought is a sinking ship, and she was ready to jump off onto the nearest lifeboat.

Stormfront grumbled, reluctantly acknowledging the logic behind Maeve's words. "Fine, you're right..." She muttered as her and the rest of the passengers descended into an awkward silence.

Though that silence was soon broken by Soldier Boy, who turned to Translucent, a curious look on his face. "So… you lost your d•ck and balls, huh?"

Translucent, unable to hold himself back, replied. "F*ck you!"



The Vought helicopter descended within a few miles of Homelander's supposed location. The team disembarked, the soft thud of their boots hitting the ground signaling the transition from air to earth. The decision to cover the remaining distance on foot was unanimous. Maintaining the element of surprise was crucial, even if it meant nothing since Maeve already betrayed them.

Through the dense woods, they trod cautiously, the shadows playing tricks on their senses. Stormfront, growing increasingly impatient, took out her phone, attempting to post an update on Twitter for her many followers. Frustration etched across her face as the poor connection prevented her from sharing her exploits.

The group pushed forward until they emerged into an open field bathed in moonlight. There, an unexpected sight greeted them. Peter, seated on a white, plastic lawn chair, looked up from his phone with a bored expression. Beside him, the lifeless body of Homelander lay, battered and stained with blood and dirt.

Stormfront's eyes widened at the sight of her son's corpse, a mix of fascination and disappointment crossing her features. His Aryan resemblance (Blonde hair and blue eyes) seemed to captivate her, a twisted pride hidden behind her apparent grief.

Peter, nonchalant, put away his phone and complained about their tardiness. "Took you all long enough. I was starting to think you'd never make it." His casual demeanor sent shivers down the spines of the approaching team, a realization sinking in that their enemy might have anticipated their arrival.

Stormfront, torn between grief and a morbid fascination with her fallen son, couldn't tear her eyes away from Homelander's lifeless form.

As the team processed the eerie scene before them, Peter rose from his seat, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. "You guys really kept me waiting. I had to resort to swiping through TikTok to stave off the boredom. You know, I found this guy named Beavo, who just swallows all of his food without chewing. The guy is constantly on the verge of choking to death…"

(A/N: Beavo is a real guy on TikTok that I found by the way.)

Soldier Boy, sighing in annoyance upon seeing his deceased son, threw his hands up in frustration. "He's dead already? What a disappointment…"

Peter chuckled, a dark glint in his eyes. "Aww, don't be so hard on him. He tried his best but sadly, he was just just too weak. Kind of like his father, I presume. After all, the Apple can't fall to far from the tree." His words hung in the air, a macabre revelation that twisted the knife of grief for Stormfront.

Stormfront, finally breaking her silence, stepped forward, her voice a chilling mix of sorrow and fervor. "My son… my perfect Aryan boy. What have you done to him?!"

As Stormfront's fervent exclamation hung in the air, the revelation of her twisted ideologies stunned the group, including Peter, who skillfully pretended that he didn't already know. "Oh, Vought also hires Nazi's? What a diverse company you all work for. You must be proud." Peter taunts, a scandalous look on his face. "Well, if they're already hiring criminally insane heroes, then I guess Nazi's aren't that far off, are they?"

Everyone's eyes turned towards Stormfront, but it was Black Noir, the only non-white member of the team, even though nobody could see it, who took a discreet step away from Stormfront. Her inadvertent confession raised uncomfortable questions about her character.

Soldier Boy, visibly disturbed by her slip, turned to Stormfront with a scowl, his voice stern. "Are you really a Nazi?" The disdain in his eyes reflected the hatred he harbored for those who embraced such ideologies during World War II.

Ignoring the question, Stormfront rose from the ground, crackling with electricity, her gaze fixated on Peter with a deathly glare. If looks could kill, then he would be dead a million times over.

The tension in the air escalated as the electricity, which danced along her body, began to converge in her hands, preparing to attack.

Holding up his hand, Peter intervened before the situation could escalate. "Hold on a minute, time out, time out Let's not get too carried away just yet." He then turned to Maeve, offering her a nod. "Thanks for the intel, Maeve. You can go meet with MJ and Starlight while I handle this."

Without warning, Peter waved his hand, opening a swirling portal beneath Maeve's feet. She disappeared through it, sent to a safely away by Peter's gratitude for the timely warning she had provided. Though her warning didn't save his life or anything, it certainly gave him an opportunity to kill more corrupt heroes.

Without her timely message, Homelander and his tracking chip would be incinerated by now, and the team before him would have never arrived here.

As Maeve disappeared and the portal snapped shut behind her, the group began to realize the reason why Peter seemed to be expecting their arrival. Maeve, a trusted member of the Seven, had betrayed them.

Instantly, a chorus of curses erupted from Translucent's mouth, "I can't believe that b•tch actually sold us out!" Maeve's act of treachery cast a shadow of mistrust among the already uneasy team.

Turning back to the group, Peter's smile widened. "Now, let's get down to business, shall we?" With that, he vanished in a blur of speed, reappearing beside Stormfront in mid-air.

Stormfronts eyes widened in shock as his fist collided with her stomach, sending her hurtling into the tree line. Trees splintered and crashed as she disappeared from view.

The remaining members of the Seven, Soldier Boy, Translucent, and Black Noir, watched in awe, disbelief, anxiety fear. Although they were briefed on Peter's abilities, and even shown video of him fighting, seeing it up close was an entirely different experience.

"What's the matter?" Peter asked as he landed a few meters in front of the group, his hands casually in his pockets. "I thought you guys came here to fight? What are you waiting for?"

A/N: 1563 words :)



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