I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 588: Spare 2 & Kill the Rest…

Chapter 588: Spare 2 & Kill the Rest…

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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

Stormfront burst out of the tree line, blood dripping from her mouth, a manifestation of her injuries. Lightning danced around her body, a chaotic display of her electric power. With a feral growl, she charged towards Peter, fueled by a mix of grief and rage.

Two massive trees rose behind her, manipulated by her telekinesis. With a flick of her wrist, she hurled them forward, aiming to crush Peter beneath their colossal weight. The trees soared through the air, guided by Stormfront's sinister intent.

Yet, Peter, with a calm confidence, observed the incoming threat. Time seemed to slow as he effortlessly caught the first tree, muscles tensing with the minimal effort required. Swinging the captured tree, he expertly batted the second one away, redirecting the danger with a graceful motion.

Stormfront, undeterred, continued her airborne assault. As she soared toward him, Peter swung the tree once more, connecting with a satisfying impact. The electrified Stormfront was sent spinning through the air like a disoriented comet, a painful expression etched across her face.

As Stormfront flew away like a home run, Peter nonchalantly tossed the tree aside. His attention shifted to the remaining members of the Seven, Translucent, Black Noir, and Soldier Boy. The battlefield now brimmed with a tense atmosphere, each hero sizing up the other.

Peter, unscathed and eerily composed, faced the trio before him. "You know, there's actually two of you that I wouldn't mind sparing, but the rest of you are definitely going to die tonight." he remarked with a smirk, his hands casually returning to his pockets.

Soldier Boy seethed at Peter's words, seeing them as a clear disrespect to his strength. "Spare me? Are you out of your god damn mind?"

Meanwhile, Translucent and Black Noir exchanged uncertain glances, wondering which of them he was talking about…

Of course, Peter was talking about Black Noir and Soldier Boy.

First, Black Noir is perhaps the most feared member of The Seven, other than Homelander. He's often dispatched for his lethal combat skills, ruthlessness, near-indestructability and extraordinary strength.

While being completely ruthless towards his opponents, he appears to have a soft spot for innocent life, which was shown in the show. His compassion also extends to animals, which was always good to see.

But despite showing the capacity for compassion towards others, Noir has shown that he has no hesitation when it comes to using deadly force to take out targets or killing any witnesses that could pose as potential problems.

Of course, Peter didn't mind the ruthlessness toward his enemies, but innocent bystanders are a completely different story.

And of course, the Captain America knock off himself, Soldier Boy. The Soldier Boy that the world knows is a patriotic hero who represents the values of bravery, diligence, sacrifice and American exceptionalism, showing humility when congratulated for his feats in WW2.

In truth however, he is an arrogant, pompous and macho individual, but he still had some level of humility in his early days. Actually, he began as a man with noble intentions to protect and serve his country but later descended into villainy because of power.

In his childhood and youth, Soldier Boy was a troubled child. Disorganized, undisciplined and irresponsible. These were traits that severely disgusted his abusive father, who viewed him as nothing more or less than a simple disappointment and deemed him unworthy to carry the family name.

His father's treatment of him etched a profound mark on Soldier Boy's personality, haunting him throughout his life. The harshness and rejection from his own father, even after he became a world famous hero, left him bitter, shaping the man he is today.

He grew into an individual characterized by arrogance, callousness, and recklessness, projecting an air of masculine superiority.

Unluckily, things weren't looking so good for the rest of the squad. Stormfront and Translucent would die tonight since one of them is a Nazi who takes pleasure in murdering races of people that are not her own, just like how she killed an entire apartment building full of people in the show.

Meanwhile, the other is a pervert whom Peter's wife hates. 'Sorry, buddy, but you have to go too…" He was given the chance to run off and avoid Peter's attention, but sadly, he chose not to take it and came here.

'Noir and Soldier Boy technically deserve to die, but I wouldn't mind giving them another chance if they're really willing to change…' Peter thought as his spider senses suddenly started tingling.

Soldier Boy, affronted by Peter's declaration of sparing him, charged forward with his shield in hand. The rhythmic thud of his boots echoed in the tense atmosphere. With a roar, he swung his shield at Peter, aiming to strike him down with a display of brute force. However, Peter, seemingly unfazed, extended his hand, effortlessly stopping the attack in its tracks.

The sudden halt of the shield caught Soldier Boy off guard, disbelief etched across his face. Before he could process what happened, Peter swiftly disarmed him, pulling the shield from his grasp.

"Go take a seat, old man," Peter calmly suggested, his voice carrying a hint of mockery. With a swift motion, he delivered a resounding slap to Soldier Boy's face, sending him tumbling away, a mix of shock and humiliation on his features.

Turning to Black Noir, Peter raised an eyebrow. "You, too. Take a seat if you want to live," he advised, a tone of warning in his voice.

However, Black Noir, unwavering in his loyalty to Vought and his mission, ignored the command. With determination burning in his eyes, he unsheathed a sword from his back, ready to engage Peter in battle.

Peter, though respecting Noir's loyalty, found the situation more irritating than anything else. As Noir closed in, brandishing the sword, Peter couldn't help but frown. "Loyalty can be a real pain, you know?" he muttered to himself, preparing for Noir's attack.

Noir swung the sword with precision, but Peter, with a casual snap of his fingers, invoked a hint of magic. The steel of the sword transformed into a whimsical balloon animal sword, an absurd creation that any budget clown could fashion in seconds. The balloon sword, devoid of any threat, collided harmlessly with Peter, who stood there unscathed.

Peter looked at the bewildered Black Noir and sighed. "You're making this harder than it needs to be." He gestured for Noir to wait with Soldier Boy, who was slowly picking himself up from the ground after the earlier attack.

Reluctantly, Black Noir walked off, joining Soldier Boy on the sidelines. Though Soldier Boy didn't look like he would be standing still for long, his entire being seething in rage as his chest began to glow in a bright yellow light.

"Oh, that's not good…" Peter muttered, though his demeanor didn't change much, seemingly unworried.

During his captivity, Russian scientists performed an experiment on Soldier Boy that included inserting radioactive material into his body. This caused him to emit high levels of radiation from that point on. Now, whenever he's overwhelmed, this new radioactive power goes haywire, releasing a deadly explosion of radiation.

Seeing that an explosion was imminent, Peter calmly prepared to contain the potential catastrophe. However, before he could act, Translucent, realizing he wasn't among those Peter planned to spare, seized the opportunity.

Turning invisible and discarding his clothes, Translucent circled around to Peter's back, attempting to gain the upper hand. With a swift, nearly silent movement, he reached out to twist Peter's neck. However, just before his unseen fingers could make contact, a groan of annoyance echoed in the air.

Peter, without even turning around, reached back, piercing his hand through Translucent's chest. The invisible hero's eyes widened in surprise, his attempt thwarted by Peter's acute senses and reflexes.

"I'm a bit busy right now," Peter remarked casually, his tone dismissive. With a quick motion, he tossed Translucent aside, ripping his heart out in the process. The invisible hero's form lay discarded, slowly dying as his powers deactivated, turning visible once again just as the life left his eyes.

With Translucent out of the picture, Peter focused on Soldier Boy, who was on the verge of unleashing a deadly explosion of radiation. Understanding the urgency of the situation, Peter swiftly formed a golden Eldritch energy bubble-like shield around Soldier Boy. The shield contained the imminent explosion as it erupted, preventing the deadly radiation from spreading.

The field around them shimmered with golden energy as the shield held firm. Peter maintained his composure, his expression unchanged, despite the perilous circumstances. The explosion's force rattled the shield, but it stood strong against the destructive power within.

Black Noir, who stood fairly close to Soldier Boy, watch the shield appear and save his life. He couldn't help but turn to Peter, a thankful expression hidden under his mask.

As the explosion subsided, the golden shield dissipated, revealing Soldier Boy, who had passed out cold after unleashing all of his built up energy, falling to the ground with a light thud.

"Looks like you're not dying tonight at least," Peter remarked, his tone indifferent. He turned away from Soldier Boy, his attention shifting to the spark covered figure that was currently shooting across the sky, headed in his direction.

Stormfront, fueled by a maelstrom of electricity, charged at Peter with frenzied determination. Bolts of lightning crackled around her, forming a dazzling yet deadly display of power. However, Peter effortlessly evaded her strikes, like a leaf in the wind.

Their confrontation played out in a symphony of sparks and instantaneous movements, but Stormfront found herself unable to land a single hit on Peter. He weaved through her attacks with swift finesse, turning her own onslaught against her, as she began to grow exhausted.

"Stand still, Coward!" She exclaimed, tired and angry.

Growing bored with the fruitless battle, Peter disappeared in a burst of speed, leaving Stormfront momentarily bewildered. Before she could react, Peter reappeared behind her in a blink, a blur of motion. "Enjoy hell, Nazi trash." In one swift motion, he extended his hand, a blade of pure energy forming with a celestial glow. With a decisive swipe, Stormfront's head parted from her body.

The electrified villain fell to the ground alongside her severed head, a puddle of crimson staining the once green grass beneath them. The noise and commotion of battle now reduced to an eerie stillness.

With Stormfront defeated, Peter conjured a phoenix flame in his hand. The ethereal fire danced with vibrant hues as he moved toward the fallen bodies. In a sweeping motion, he let the phoenix flame consume the remains, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.

Translucent, Homelander, and Stormfront all disappeared as if they never existed in the first place.

Turning to Black Noir, who stood nearby, Peter's expression remained composed. "Pick up Soldier Boy. We're leaving," he ordered, his tone brooking no argument.

Black Noir, silently acknowledging the command, approached the unconscious Soldier Boy. With a strength that matched his imposing figure, he lifted Soldier Boy's inert form, cradling him in his arms.

Peter, leading the way, waved his hand, creating a swirling portal of cosmic energy. The edges of reality seemed to warp around the portal as it opened, revealing a passage to another place.

Without a word, Peter gestured for Black Noir to follow. They stepped into the portal, disappearing from the moonlit battlefield. The passage closed behind them, leaving only the echoes of the clash and the scent of burnt remnants in the night air.

A/N: 1911 words :) Long boy today…



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