Indestructible God King

Chapter 144.2 I’m Innocent (2/2)

Chapter 144.2 I’m Innocent (2/2)

While everyone was puzzled about what was happening on the outside


Zhang Li'er finally released the cultivation seal inside her body, but flames burst out from her body because she went about it too forcefully. She was able to rein them in after a fashion, but her clothes were still burnt; she concealed her exposed bits before anyone noticed with the partitions around her.

Eldest apprentice-sister, did you manage to break the seal? a junior sister asked hopefully.

I did. Give me a minute! Zhang Li'er said in excitement.

But, senior sister, why did you hide behind the partitions? the same sister asked curiously.

Zhang Li'er looked annoyed while covering behind the partitions. Do I need to explain that Im changing clothes? She ignored that junior and quickly took out a fresh change of clothes. She took off her burnt clothes, placed them on a stone table beside her, and started putting on the new set.

Right thenthe tabletop rotated and split open into two pieces, revealing a big hole. Zhang Li'ers clothes fell into the hole. What happened? Zhang Li'er was caught off guard. Theres a hole on the table?

Next, someones head came out from the hole with her clothes covering it.

It was none other than Wang Ke. He didn't expect that some pieces of clothing and undergarments would fall down right when he activated the tunnels entrance. I was caught off guard!

Still oblivious to the situation, Wang Ke pulled off the pieces of clothing and looked up.


The scream gave all the junior brothers and sisters a shock. What happened?Eldest apprentice-sister knows how to change her voice pitch?Why is there a man screaming behind the partition?

Why... The... F*** are you the one shouting! It should be me! What are you shouting about? Huh? Zhang Li'er roared at the top of her lungs. She hurriedly buttoned her clothing and dragged Wang Ke out of the hole. Damn it. Wang Ke took advantage of me again.I was halfway getting dressed; how did you appear out of nowhere?You didnt get to see much, but, why are you holding on to my undergarment?

Ouuuuuchh! Its painful! Dont be so harsh on me! Wang Ke cried out. Even though they were tied up, a group of junior sisters wriggled their bodies toward the partitions and looked inside. The sight gave them a shock.

Eldest apprentice-sister changed her clothes?And she's strangling Wang Ke? How did he get here?Most importantly, why is Wang Ke holding an undergarment in his left hand?And hes holding Eldest apprentice-sisters torn clothes on his right?

That undergarment? The few junior sisters had seen their eldest senior wear it before when they bathed together.

This scene?What did I see?

Eldest apprentice-sister, you guys are so quick! And lightning fast to get dressed! a junior sister was in awe.

Ahh, Eldest apprentice-sister, we saw nothing! another junior sister said.

Ahh, I didnt see any smoldering acts between you and Wang Ke! the last junior sister cried out.

All the junior sisters wriggled their tied-up bodies and immediately wormed away from the partition.

Zhang Li'er: .............................!

Hey! Why are you girls scurrying away? Wang Ke saw nothing! Zhang Li'er called out to them anxiously.

Damn. My junior sisters are nuts! Wang Ke saw nothing!

She angrily snatched her undergarments and clothes from Wang Kes hands and stored them in her ring, to then flip open the partition.

I said it already. Wang Ke saw nothing! Im properly covered this time, unlike the previous time! Zhang Li'er explained anxiously.

The previous time? All the juniors were stunned.

Zhang Li'er put on a frustrated look upon realizing her words sounded off. Cr*p, what did I just admit?

She turned to Wang Ke with furious eyes. Wang Ke, you bastard! How dare you come before me again?

Please, stop strangling me. Ouch, let go of me! Im here to rescue you all! Why would you bite a saving hand! Wang Ke urged in pain.

Eldest apprentice-sister, youre hurting him!

Yeah, Eldest apprentice-sister. I know youre embarrassed, but we already know everything; theres no need to pretend like there is nothing between you two. This isnt right; hes here to save us!

Eldest apprentice-sister, just giving him a little pinch will too! Wang Ke has gone through so much hardship for you! Im sure your heart aches when you hurt him!

Yeah, Eldest apprentice-sister, please stop torturing your own heart. We dont mind!


The juniors begged her to stop. But Zhang Li'ers face was black as charcoal, You... All of you are nuts! Why would my heart ache when I hurt him? Nonsense! I really want him dead now!

Eldest apprentice-sister! Its all our fault. We shouldnt have peeked and disturbed your intimate moment... Uhh, we saw what we shouldnt have. Please calm down! Let Wang Ke go first! said a junior sister, feeling guilty.

Zhang Li'er was still scowling. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with all of you!

Wang Ke urged, Quick, we cant stay for much longer. Follow me! Theyre fighting a dragon outside so they have no time to check on you all! Quick, follow me. There wont be another chance to escape if they find out!

Eldest apprentice-sister, did you hear that? Quick, untie us. Our lives are on the line; we havent a moment to lose! a junior brother pleaded.

Yeah, Senior apprentice-brother Shenxu is on the verge of dying. We need to rush back to our sect so we can heal him. Set aside your love matters with Wang Ke first! yet another junior brother urged.

But Zhang Li'er cursed, Freaking hell! You are the one who has an affair with him! Despite feeling annoyed, she understood the urgency of the situation; she reluctantly let go of Wang Ke before cutting up her juniors ropes. Even so, some juniors had sustained injuries that made it difficult for them to move.

The demons are roaming all over the place; we cant leave by the main gate. Follow me into the tunnels. Quick! Wang Ke instructed them. After that, he leaped into the tunnel; the rest carried the still unconscious Zhang Shenxu and also went in.

Zhang Li'er was their Eldest apprentice-sister, after all. Despite her hatred toward Wang Ke, she still chose to take on the responsibility of guarding their rear and ensuring her juniors escape. As for her personal grudge against Wang Ke, she decided to settle the score with him after her juniors were out of the woods.

Soon, they reached the deeper parts of the tunnel.

A junior sister gave some friendly advice to Wang Ke after they entered the tunnel, Wang Ke, you have my approval! Eldest apprentice-sister has a soft heart despite her sharp tongue. Some extra sweet talking will do!

But Wang Ke was astonished by the suggestion. What do you mean? Now I have to sacrifice my entire person because I saved you all?

Uhh? That junior sister was confused. What do you mean?

Miss, I think theres some misunderstanding. I, Wang Ke, already have a girlfriend; please do not slander my innocence! How am I related to Zhang Li'er? Shes the one having the hots for me! Im innocent! Wang Ke explained himself in frustration.

That junior sister gazed at Wang Ke, and the tunnel was silent for a moment.

Pssshhhh! She was suddenly unable to stifle her laughter. Wang Ke, you are so funny! Haha! She laughed and said, If you have no feelings for my senior sister, why do all those things for her? Haha! Dont worry. We wont spread rumors about your relationship with her. This will be our secret!

This novel is available on Hosted Novel.

Wang Ke, with a frozen face: ...............................!

Wang Ke, all of us think that you and Eldest apprentice-sister are a match made in heaven! a few junior brothers and sisters chimed in to voice their support.

Wang Ke was taken aback. What the hell are you guys doing?Ive only heard about couples forced to separate. This is my first time seeing two people being forced into a relationship!Is this some feudal society? Are you going to force us into marriage too?

Quick, lead the way! Zhang Li'er shot a stare at Wang Ke after she entered the tunnel.

Wang Ke: ......................!

Why am I such a busybody?I came to rescue you all! None of you thanked me, and thats all right! But whats with the forceful coupling and ordering me around like a slave?What did I do wrong?

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