Indestructible God King

Chapter 145.1 A Safe House (1/2)

Chapter 145.1 A Safe House (1/2)

In the Royal Palace!

Hongyi Chain! Zhu Hongyi cried out.


The chains coiled around the dragons tail like pythons, restricting its movement.

Subdue! Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyi shouted.


Purple lightning bolts from Zi Bufans palm and the inferno fire from Zhu Hongyis palm blasted the dragons head from above.


Following a miserable cry, the dragon was pressed against the ground. Even so, it was still struggling with its life, unwilling to submit.

I wouldn't have let a beast like you run amok if I had my Lightning Whips! Zi Bufan berated the dragon in frustration.

Still, Zhu Hongyi reminded her, The Lightning Whips are not effective against it. The golden dragon manifested by the draconic ley line is spiritual; your whips will only cause it to disintegrate faster. Once the damage is more than the dragon can handle, it will end up choosing to self-explode and perish alongside its enemies!

Then what should we do? Zi Bufan asked.

Werent you well-prepared? Why ask me? said Zhu Hongyi.

I... Zhu Hongyi, are you going to tell me or not! Zi Bufan demanded angrily.

There are two ways to deal with spiritual bodies like this one here. One is suppression, and the other is seal! replied the other after taking a deep breath.

Suppression? Arent we doing that already? Zi Bufan was puzzled.

Not this kind of suppression. You will need a special artifact! For example, a Heavenly Seal! A Heavenly Seal can suppress virtue merit and any spiritual bodies. Thats the best choice! Of course, the Emperor Seals from the cultivation empires work the same! Zhu Hongyi explained.

Heavenly Seal? Emperor Seal? Arent those artifacts made from Dao Jade? Where do I get Dao Jade now? Zi Bufan raged.

Youre asking me about this? Werent you the one who wanted to capture this gold dragon? Didnt you make all the necessary preparations beforehand? Zhu Hongyi frowned.

How would I know! Okay fine. Lets not talk about the Heavenly Seal; didnt you say theres another way? Zi Bufan asked urgently, The seal? How do we seal it?

Find a vessel that the draconic ley line approves! Zhu Hongyi said.

Someone it would approve? Zi Bufan asked.

The draconic ley line would prefer objects containing its dragon Qi. Wheres the place that has the most dragon Qi? Zhu Hongyi asked.

Zi Bufan came to a realization. The emperors throne? An empires throne is usually set right above the head of the ley line. Its nurtured by the constant effusion of dragon Qi and keeps dragon Qi within

Thats right, the throne receives the constant nourishment of dragon Qi and stores it too! Lets try looking for it and see if the throne is made of special materials that can work as a vessel for the seal! Zhu Hongyi explained.

Quick, search! Search for the throne! Zi Bufan roared at his subordinates.

Throne? Everyone looked around at the ruins.

Parlor Lord, the imperial courtroom was destroyed during the battle just now. Only debris remains! Im afraid the throne was.....! A demon reported with a helpless smile.

Then look in the debris! Make sure you find it! Zi Bufan roared back.

Right away! The demonic disciples went to search.


The gold dragon roared and broke free from Zhu Hongyi and Zi Bufans suppression. The dragon head quickly moved about while flinging its tails to break free from the Hongyi Chains.

This is bad. The golden dragon is getting more agitated. Stop hitting its head and pull it by the tail! Zhu Hongyi shouted in shock.

It was too late to care about the dragon head. Zhu Hongyi rushed to the tail and concentrated fully on channeling energy to his chains to prevent the dragon from escaping. Zi Bufan released the head too and went to pin down the dragons body.

Quick, other than those searching for the throne, help me suppress the dragon! Zi Bufan commanded with a roar.

Yes, Parlor Lord! A group of demons added on to the suppressive force.

Roar! The golden dragon bellowed once again. The dragon's head was soon freed and then struggled about.


At the Empress' Residence.


After searching for some time, Zhu Yan and Tong An'an finally found the mechanism that opened the tunnels gate.

Found it! Tong An'ans eyes glowed with hope.

Wang Ke dug a tunnel here? What is he trying to do? Zhu Yan was surprised.

Why do you care so much? How long has it been since Wang Ke got down? Quick, follow me. Lets find Wang Ke and kill him. It would be better if he died in the tunnel! No one will ever know! Tong An'an said in excitement.

Lets go! Zhu Yan nodded.

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And so, the two of them entered the tunnel with Zhu Yan leading the way. The tunnel was poorly lit. The two were very extremely careful with their steps while feeling anxious; after all, Wang Ke had been there for quite some time.

Dont worry. Theres no way he could escape! Zhu Yan reassured Tong Anan.

Uhhh! Tong An'ans face froze.

This... place has different paths? Tong An'an said with a worried look. What to do? Wang Ke could move about because he had a map, but those two did not. We spent so much time finding the tunnel, and now you went and started playing using forked paths with us?

I didnt expect this either! Zhu Yan was also feeling anxious now.

Tong An'an took a deep breath and said, Lets split up and chase after him!

But Zhu Yan rejected the suggestion, No, I want to follow you!

Tong Anan stared at Zhu Yan and asked, Why? You can kill Wang Ke. But what if I cant? Ill get in big trouble! Zhu Yan answered.

Youre already a Golden Core warrior! Wang Ke is only an Innate Stage cultivator! What the hell are you so afraid of? Tong An'an glared at his companion.

Zhu Yan shook his head and said, I fell for Wang Kes trap before; I have to be more careful. Either we go together, or Ill back out!

Tong An'an: ..................!

You tricked me into coming, and now youre just going to leave?What do you expect me to do?I dont know where Wang Ke is!Are we going to play hide-and-seek with the guy?

Okay fine; lets go together. But, if you dare to deceive me Ill make sure you get it from me! Tong An'an threatened.

Why would I lie to you? Were going to deal with Wang Ke together! Our goal is the same. Move! Zhu Yan said in excitement. The two picked one of the two paths and ran. They stopped after some time passed.

Wang Ke and his men are nuts! This is a dead-end. Why dig here? Zhu Yan complained.

This doesnt look like a dead end. Theres a door? Tong An'an observed, feeling odd.

A door? The two opened it carefully.


The moment they opened the doorthe room on the other side lit up with illuminating artifacts. The two stood outside for quite a while, looking at the newfound place in silence.

This is a bedroom? Theres a toilet too? Tong Anan muttered, perplexed.

There are words on the door! Zhu Yan pointed to a plaque pinned on the door. The two walked over to read the words.

Royal Palace Tunnel, Safe House No. 8? Tong An'an read out loud.

Zhu Yan: ............................!

This is an underground safe house? For someone to live in it?

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