Indestructible God King

Chapter 147.1 His Nickname Is “Effortless” (1/2)

Chapter 147.1 His Nickname Is “Effortless” (1/2)

Inside the wrecked Royal Palace!

Zhu Hongyi pulled the gold dragons tail with his Hongyi Chains, while Zi Bufan and the other demons suppressed the dragons body.


The gold dragon roared, but it could not escape.

Have you found the throne? Zi Bufan shouted toward one of the piles of debris.

Not yet! the demon reported anxiously.

Zhu Hongyi shouted, The throne was right above the dragons head and was nurtured by dragon Qi over the years. It can pacify the dragons heart and become a vessel to seal the dragon within. Theres no way to seal it if you dont find it; get more men to search!

Understood! Another group of demons started searching through the rubble again.

Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyi didnt want to press the dragons head. They were worried that the dragon might detonate itself in despair and catch everyone in the blast.

The gold dragon struggled hard but couldn't escape their grasp; it seemed that it was sensing something anxiously, and then suddenly began bashing against the ground with its head.

Baaaaam! Baaaaam! Baaaaam!

The gold dragon smashed its head against the ground, which shocked both Parlor Lords.

Zhu Hongyi, whats the dragon doing? Is it mutilating itself? Zi Bufan asked in puzzlement.

I I have no idea! Zhu Hongyi was also confused. Maybe it wants to escape by going underground?

Back to the earth?

You must be joking! Ive spent too much effort to pull you up from down there, and now you want to go back?

Quick! Find the throne! Zi Bufan roared.

At the same timeboth demon leaders were suppressing the dragons tail and body to immobilize it.

Since half the dragons body was being constrained, it wasnt able to exert much force with its head; that was the reason Wang Ke heard all those loud noises coming from above.

And so, they remained at a stalemate for quite a long time.

I found it! a demon was pleasantly surprised to report.


Suddenlythe dragons head cracked a huge hole in the ground and crammed its head inside.

Meanwhile, Zhu Hongyi and Zi Bufan looked at the subordinate who found the throne.

They saw their subordinate holding one of the thrones armrests. Just an armrest.Nothing else?

The other demons searched in the vicinity and quickly found a leg and the base of the throne.

The destructive power had previously broken the massive throne to pieces.

Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyis faces froze.

Parlor Lord, can this throne still be used? The first demon who found a throne piece was thinking about asking for a reward.

Use your head! Zhu Hongyi cursed.

Oh no, the throne is broken! The dragon cant be sealed then? Zi Bufan said in frustration.

Find other objects nurtured by dragon Qi! Zhu Hongyi sighed.

The throne is gone?What has been next to the throne all these years? Everyone was in deep thought.

All of a suddenthey felt that the gold dragon was trembling in fury.

Zhu Hongyi and Zi Bufan turned around and looked in that direction.

Only then did they realize the gold dragons head was completely below ground!

Thinking about going back into the ground? Zi Bufan said.

Pull the dragon's head back up! Humph, dont even think about escaping! Zhu Hongyi cried out.

Everyone mustered their full strength at that moment to drag the gold dragon back to the surface.

After some rumbling, the dragons head was finally pulled out from the giant hole in the ground.


The gold dragon made use of the pulling inertia and broke free from their suppression.

Quick, the dragon is going to escape! Follow me to press this beast down! Zhu Hongyi ordered.


Another fierce battle ensued.

Hold on. Theres someone in the dragons mouth? Zi Bufan was surprised.

Zhu Yan? Zhu Hongyi was stunned.

Where did Zhu Yan come from?How did he end up in the dragons mouth?Didnt I tell him to hide far, far away?

Parlor Lord, I think thats Zhu Yan. The dragon dug him up! a demonic sect disciple explained.

Bullsh*t! Are you telling me Zhu Yan was buried alive? The dragon unearthed him? Is something wrong with your eyes? Zhu Hongyi shot daggers at his subordinate.

Really, I saw it with my own eyes! Parlor Lord! The dragon was pulled up with Zhu Yan in its maw! the demon underling insisted anxiously.

Zhu Hongyi: ..............................!

Zhu Hongyi, what is the gold dragon trying to do? Why does it have Zhu Yan in its mouth? Zi Bufan asked curiously.

Only then did Zhu Hongyi realize it was indeed Zhu Yan stuck between the dragons teeth.

Zhu Yan was unconscious, but the dragon neither killed him nor ate him. It only kept the man in its mouth and didnt let go, even when hit by powerful blows.

Could it be......! Zhu Hongyi realized something.

Dragon Qi? I got it! Its the dragon Qi! The throne was not the only thing nurtured by dragon Qi during the past decades! Zhu Yan spent much of his time on the throne and was also nurtured by dragon Qi; thats why the gold dragon had its eyes on Zhu Yan! Right? Zi Bufan looked toward Zhu Hongyi in excitement.

His face twitched, but he had to agree.

Since we already have the thingI mean, a person with dragon Qilets start the sealing process! Zi Bufan urged, Zhu Hongyi, quick! Seal the dragon!

But Zhu Hongyi looked worried. Sealing the dragon inside Zhu Yan?

Quick! Zi Bufan insisted.

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At the bottom of the hole from which the dragons head was pulled out

Wang Ke looked at the red sphere he pulled out from the dragons mouth and sensed an immense amount of energy. He then craned his head to see the big hole above him in great astonishment.

This gold dragon Did it really come down just to hand me this gift? Wang Ke pocketed the red sphere with a doubtful look.

Wang Ke looked down and saw the two half-buried masked fighters. Wang Ke felt at odds.

What are these two unlucky guys doing here? Wang Ke muttered to himself.

The sounds of explosions above were heard again; Wang Ke instinctively sensed danger and wanted to leave. Before he did so, though, he uncovered the two cultivators faces.

Wang Kes jaw dropped when he found out their identities.

Zhang Li'er? Tong An'an? How come its the two of you? Wang Ke was shocked.

After a moment of silenceWang Ke pulled them out of the rubble and dragged them toward the only remaining tunnel connected to the junction. He rushed toward the Great General's Residence along the tunnel, which was the same route taken by the Golden Crow Sect disciples earlier.

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