Indestructible God King

Chapter 146.2 The Gold Dragon’s Warm Gift (2/2)

Chapter 146.2 The Gold Dragon’s Warm Gift (2/2)

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Wang Ke grumbled as he stepped out of the safe house, and right then a wind blast rushed at him.

Why would there be such a strong wind in the tunnel? Wang Ke was shocked.

He immediately readied his God King Seal like a brick in his hand. Then, he walked in the winds direction. Of course, he had to confront the potential danger only because he had no other way to go.

The tunnel junction came into sight as he walked.

At the junctionZhu Yan was knocked out on the floor, while two powerful Golden Core cultivators faced off palm-against-palm. Their energies clashing produced a powerful Qi-wind and messed up Wang Kes hair.

Wang Ke was stunned by what he saw. Whats this?A man with his head covered is fighting a hooded man?

Isnt this our Wangs secret tunnel?Why would two Golden Core cultivators be fighting here?Did I enter the wrong place? Where did I go wrong?


Loud explosions were still coming from somewhere at ground level. Wang Ke could see cracks crawling across the concrete ceiling; he knew that the place would soon collapse.

But the two masked cultivators were blocking the junction. What should I do?

I have to leave even if theres no other way out!

Wang Ke leaned against one of the tunnels walls, firmly holding the God King Seal as he moved against the Qi-wind.

Someone was closing in while Tong An'an and Zhang Li'ers were pushing against each others palms.

The two turned their heads and looked

They saw Wang Ke inching toward them, his hair swayed by their Qi-wind.

Wang Ke? the two of them cried out almost simultaneously, fuming with anger.

Wang Kes face froze. He swallowed saliva and said, Hi, Im just passing by. Pretend you didnt see me, please continue! Dont mind me! Im just passing through!

Tong An'an: ..................!

Zhang Li'er: ...................!

Their palms were still clashing against the other; none of them could back off, since a powerful shockwave would strike the one to withdraw first. Still, they were reluctant to watch how Wang Ke was inching past them.

Why! The two of them were furious.

Both seemed to realize neither of them was on Wang Kes side.

Lets withdraw our palms together! Zhang Li'er said to Tong An'an.

Sure! Tong An'an agreed.

Ehh? Why are you stopping? Im not trying to interrupt you guys. Continue your fight! Just ignore me, I will be gone in a flash! Wang Ke shouted.

He then quickened his step to leave.

One, two, three, release! Zhang Li'er cried out.

Release! Tong An'an also shouted in excitement.

Wang Ke is right in front of me! I can smack the crap out of him if both this guy and me cancel our attacks. Awesome!


Just when the two of them were about to withdraw their palmsa deafening explosion came from above.

They looked up and saw the concrete ceiling crumble. A massive dragon head crashed into the underground tunnel.

Countless rubble crashed onto Tong An'an and Zhang Li'er along with the dragons head.

The two were incapable of withstanding the impact, even considering their cultivation; the gold dragon was simply too powerful. Even Zi Bufan and Zhu Hongyi were unable to suppress the dragons head, which just showed its prowess.

Tong An'an and Zhang Li'er had not pulled back their palms fully when the dragon's head crashed upon them.

They were immediately knocked out. Half their bodies were buried under the debris, and they could not get back up again.

Only Wang Ke had been spared; he was leaning against the wall.

The massive dragon head was right in front of him; it was so massive that it blocked the tunnel in its entirety. The dragons eyes were deadlocked with Wang Kes.

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The breath coming from the dragons nose buffeted against Wang Ke, and the latter felt that he was suffocating.

My elementary school teacher was right! Its safer to lean against a wall during an earthquake! Too bad the two of you stood at the center! How lucky of me to be leaning against the wall. What a close call! Wang Ke looked at the buried masked men, still frightened by what happened.

Roar~~~~~~~~~~~~! The gold dragon roared at Wang Ke.

Ehh, this has nothing to do with me! Wang Ke shuddered and said, Why are you roaring at me? Come on, dragon Sir, did you smash through the ground just to find me? I... I dont even know you!

Roar! The gold dragon bellowed at Wang Ke in a fearsome manner. Its eyes scanned Wang Kes from head to toe.

Wang Ke looked down and saw Zhu Yan under his feet.

Zhu Yan was knocked out, falling unconscious by the side of the wall. Wang Ke had leaned against the wall as he tried to walk past the two masked men, coincidentally stepping on Zhu Yan in the end.

Dragon Sir, youre not looking for me, right? Youre looking for Zhu Yan? Wang Ke was astonished.

Roar! The gold dragon roared at Wang Ke again, as though driving him away.

Ohh, you really are looking for him. Go ahead then! Im not that familiar with him; Ill make a move and get out of your way! Wang Ke jumped away from Zhu Yan.

He immediately wanted to flee.

Unfortunately, the gold dragon was in a bad mood; it changed its mind and glared at Wang Ke.

What are you doing? Dear dragon Sir, werent you going to let me off? Wang Ke shouted.

He could see hatred in the creatures eyes. Wang Ke immediately understood that such animosity was against all humans. Zhu Hongyi and Zi Bufan attacked it mercilessly the moment it broke out of the seal. Of course, the dragon would hate humans for it.

The dragon sensed that Wang Ke was weak, so it chose him as a target to vent its anger. And so, it snapped its jaws at him.

Come on! Dragon Sir! Did I even offend you? Wang Ke was so frightened that he wanted to disappear.

Unfortunately, the tunnel behind him had already collapsed. The situation was so critical that the only thing he could think of was to bash the dragons head with the brick... Uhh, the God King Seal in his hand.


The God King Seal landed heavily on the dragons nose.

Howl! Tears streamed from the dragons eyes as it howled in pain.

The God King Seal was made from Dao Jade, which could suppress all spiritual bodies. The physical attack was still weak due to the lack of virtue merit, but it was still super effective against spiritual bodies like the ley line dragon.

The creature was in so much pain that tears sprayed from its eyes. Its whiskers wiggled about and its head shook. Saliva flowed from its drooping jaw.

The massive maw and sharp fangs were exposed right before Wang Ke, who fearfully leaned against the wall.

He could not back away any further.


A certain red colored and sphere-like item rolled out to the end of the gold dragons tongue as it wailed in pain, and stopped in front of Wang Ke.

He held onto the God King Seal and took the red ball in the other hand.

What is this? You had a tumor in your mouth? Hmm? It doesnt look like a tumor Wang Ke was surprised by what he saw.

Wang Ke tried pulling the red ball. The dragon sensed the tug and became wary; it rolled back its tongue, wanting to pull the red ball back onto itself.

Too bad Wang Ke was not someone who would give up on any treasure that landed in his hands.

Using the other hand, he smacked the dragons tongue with the God King Seal.

AHhhhhHhh! the gold dragon wailed in misery.

The beast never expected to go through such an ordeal because of the ordinary man it wanted to vent its anger on. Not only did the man inflict such pain, he was also trying to snatch its dragon ball. Thats where its essence was concentrated.

The gold dragon tried pounding Wang Ke with full force.

Zhu Hongyi then roared from somewhere above ground, Pull the dragon head up from underground! Humph, are you trying to escape by going down there? Dream on!


The dragons head was forcefully and gradually pulled out from the tunnel. Wang Ke, and the dragon ball in his hands, became further and further apart.

The gold dragon was reluctant to accept its fate. Damn it, why!

Just when the gold dragons head was about to be completely pulled out, the dragon made a last ditch effort as he didnt want to admit defeat; it fastened its teeth onto Zhu Yan.


The dragon head held onto Zhu Yan as it was pulled out from the ground.

Quick, the gold dragon is escaping! Everyone, help me suppress this beast! Zhu Hongyi commanded.


A fierce battle ensued in the sky again, and no one noticed the situation in the hole on the ground.

Wang Ke looked at the red ball in his hand and sensed the immense energy contained within. He felt greatly surprised; he looked at the hole above him with a confused look.

The gold dragon just came bearing a warm gift for me? Wang Ke muttered as he stored the red ball in his pocket.

He then looked down and saw the two masked men half-buried in the rubble. He felt perplexed.

What were these two unlucky guys doing here? Wang Ke wondered.

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