Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 190 The first class - Mana spells

Chapter 190 The first class - Mana spells

"Those who haven't awakened their elements yet, I want you to stand on my right side. Others come to my left."

After coming to the training grounds Miss Freya stood in front as she started dividing students in 2 groups. Around more than half of the class didn't have their elemental awakening yet. Others who had awakened their element were asked to stay in lanes as she started calling them in groups of 5 to perform one of their elemental spells which showed their finest control and mastery.

Since keeping a check on the process of 300 students would be tough while teaching them, some assistant professor came to help and guide the students, while Miss Freya was busy. Every professor responsible for teaching first year students would be given 2 assistant professors, to aid in their tasks and training students. Assistant professors were basically professors-in-training, who were selected from outside the World Association. These guys will stay on that post for a year and the academy will see their performance & results. If they passed they'd be promoted to one star professor. Otherwise they'd either have to expand their training period again or join some other academy.

Those who hadn't been called to the stage were given time to practice on their own or observe their classmates.

Since it was the first day everyone was excited to show their progress to others, and learn everything, so following the guidance of assistant professors they divided in groups and started performing their spells one by one. There is a saying that to know how potent one's control over their element is, to let them form a spell and have them keep it study, instead of releasing it. There are certain steps to every spell, how much mana it could hold, how much time it can be controlled after getting casted, how much it would be affected by surrounding mana or surrounding elements.

Now in a place where around a 100 students are performing their spells of different kinds and different elements simultaneously , the longer the students could keep hold of their element before losing focus of their spell, the better control they'd have of their element.

There's also other things like can one turn the direction of a spell already casted, can one play around with that said spell and make it more amplified. Can one double cast or control some other spell or element while maintaining the first spell. How much mana the spell needed, how much you used and lost - These are all things which show how much mastery of that element and mana you have.

Every student was standing in front of some stone statues, and everytime anyone thought they had reached their limits, they were to release that spell on the targets. As students cast their spells simultaneously, the training grounds became a dynamic and colorful spectacle.

The dummy statues were made of specialized ores, and are inscribed with various different runes, to make them withstand the impact of spells. Some of them were even inscribed with null magic runes, which can nullify the effects of spells.

After every hit the stone statues would emit different colors of light, reflecting the intensity of that attack and level of danger. Starting from white which meant no threat, then yellow for defendable, amber which meant minor injuries, and red for serious injuries. The concept of death is something these stone statues aren't familiar with so no reaction.

"Aren't you going to show your spells?" Amelia asked, as she saw Rio just standing still looking at others practicing their spells.

"Nah, I'm more interested in watching everyone. Come, let me show you something." Rio said, as he told Amelia to sit near him. They were currently sitting below the stage where Miss Freya was calling everyone who had awakened their elements, to perform one of their spells in front of her. She would then use her own magic to either dispel Or disperse their spell. She did this so she could get a clear understanding of the mistakes anyone made in their conjecture and creation.

"Which element will she be using?" Rio asked, as he looked at a girl going up on stage.

"Probably ice or maybe fog." Amelia replied, as she felt sudden coldness in the area.

"You learned that, after she started casting her spell." Rio said and pointed towards professor Freya "Now look at Miss Freya."

They watched as the girl created three sharp icicles and sent them hurtling towards Miss Freya on stage. In response, miss Freya just waved her hand and the ice projectiles dissipated in thin air.

"What did you see?" Rio queried.

Amelia pondered for a moment before answering, "She created a heatwave that vaporized the ice."

Rio nodded in agreement but probed further, "Yes, but what else?"

As the students took turns demonstrating their spells, Amelia observed Miss Freya more closely. At one point, a student's spell spontaneously dissipated without any action from the professor.

Seeing that she didn't reply, Rio continued "She absorbed the mana her opponent used in her spell, after dispersing the ice. This way, she can practically fight with her opponent forever and never run out of mana."

Amelia was astounded. "Is that even possible?"

"It is, if you have enough control over mana," Rio confirmed. "Before releasing any spell, the caster cuts off the supply of mana in their spell, which makes it one concentrated chunk of elemental mana. Now if someone has enough control over their own element and mana, they can just disperse that condensed mana and absorb it."

"Won't that mean no spell can hurt you if you have enough mastery over mana." Amelia asked another question.

"Yupp. That's why dragons are always superior, since they have more control over mana than any of the other races." Rio nodded his head and replied.

"Same is the case with elements. This is why fighting elves with nature magic, vampires with blood magic or fairies with air magic is useless. Because they have inherent control over those elements. So unless you're more proficient in that element compared to them, or it's a special spell attuned with some other effects, it's hard to fight against them using the same methods."

"But I've seen fights where even those who had more control over their element lost or got hurt." Amelia asked.

"If they were hurt by their own element, then they weren't strong enough or simply lacked mana." Rio said and stood up "Or they were just nobodies. What I told you, is the thing geniuses do. So be careful if you ever fight against them."

Leaving Amelia stupefied at what he meant, Rio started walking towards a corner.

What he said, was a method only known by people in high circles and that too, by those of other races. Humans had no inherent connection with any element, thus they couldn't do this, unless they were a genius themselves and had mastered that element perfectly.

With Amelia's talent and Goddess Gauri's guidance, it won't be hard for her to learn to do this. And the sooner she learns to do this, the sooner she can start her training in controlling the element of chaos.

'That way she'd be safer once those guys start to act.' Rio thought, remembering about the cultists blinded by the belief of chaos and Kali.

After telling Amelia about Freya's method, Rio ignored her and came towards the practice dummies. Now that the effects of EMMSY had been solved and his mana was back to the amount he had, it was time to increase his resilience and then level up to B rank.

'The first big event of the protagonist would come soon according to the novel. I don't know what would change due to all my altercations, but that attack would soon happen nonetheless.'

'Around 200 students died in the novel due to that. Let's kill some of the prince's minions in that incident.'

Remembering Alfred and what that bastard did in that dungeon 2 years ago, anger surged in Rio's heart. The thoughts of killing that guy came to his head, but he couldn't kill him yet. His role was too important to be finished this early, and if he tried to kill him the changes could spiral out of control like back then. So he just decided to settle with killing his minions in the first year.

'You want the throne that bad right, let's see how you compete without any support.'

"Now that that's done, I should start training myself. But who should I choose as a partner?" Rio thought and looked around to find someone to fight against.

"Becca, do you wanna spar?" Rio called out to Rebecca, who was practicing nearby.

"Is that allowed?" Rebecca asked, glancing around at the other students, all of whom were either practicing alone or receiving guidance from the assistant professors.

Rio reassured her, saying, "We'll just use basic spells. It's the same thing."

Still hesitant, Rebecca looked towards the stage "Let me ask Miss Freya!"

Seeing her walking towards the stage, Rio smiled and said "Come on. Don't be scared, I won't be using my element of darkness."

His words reminded Rebecca of the last time they sparred, where she ended up losing and having a nightmare for a few days. Who creates a demon-like shadow to sneak up behind their opponent to scare her. "Who's scared, I'll beat you even with that."

Seeing her agreeing for a spar, he smiled and said "We'll see."


A/N - Those who're reading this novel till now, why don't u spare a minute and post a 5* review wherever you're reading. That helps me a little you know

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