Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 189 The First Class - Mana Relativity

"May I come in, miss?" 

Hearing this everyone's eyes turned towards the door where Leon was standing, his breath heavy, hair disheveled, clothes dirty, looking like he just came after a brawl. 

His appearance confused Rio, as he couldn't understand where this guy got into a fight again. He had seen Zirix leaving the canteen behind him, so who did he fight? 

Some students started whispering to each other as they noticed him, curiously talking about him, while miss Freya was just staring at him coldly. 

"Why were you late?" Miss Freya asked, her tone straightforward and cold. 

Leon, appearing somewhat flustered after looking at Miss Freya's face, glanced around nervously to hide his expression. His response was hesitant, as he managed to mutter "Uh, that—I'm sorry, miss. It won't happen again."

'This guy. Is he blushing?' Rio thought as he looked at Leon. 

[He's a lost cause.] System said.

Even this AI understood the protagonist's usual routine and the fact that miss Freya asked for a reason and not an apology. 

Miss Freya just sighed and seeing he was only wasting time.

"Get in." She conceded, not interested in further questioning this guy. "But I'd hope this is the last time it happens. There'll be no excuses for being late next time." She said to Leon and then turned to look at whole class "The same is the case for all of you, if you're late in my class, there's no need to come in and disturb everyone else. You can just stay outside or sleep in your bed. Is that clear?"

A chorus of affirmations echoed through the classroom: "YES MA'AM!"

'Is it just me, or was she looking at me when she said the sleeping part.' Rio thought. 

[No, I'm sure she was looking at you.]

Rio felt wronged with system's answer.. 'Just because I was late a few times back then doesn't mean I'm always late.'

[Seeing your memories, it was way more than a few times. You even got a notice from the student council, with her sign on it, remember?]

Hearing system's remark Rio could just cough and be silent about it. That was all in the past after all. 

"Now that that's done. Let's start today's class." Miss Freya spoke getting the attention of everyone. "I need you to open your book of mana relativity. We'll start with the minor basics of that, and once we cover them, we can go for the practical training. Where you all can show me your elements and how much you've mastered them."

Mana Relativity, a book written by Myrrhilan Corvallis, head of the magic tower. It was the work of all his lifetime, which covered all his knowledge and research on mana and it's effects on any living being and the surroundings. It taught about the proper way to use the mana, easiest way to channel it in spells and converting it into different elements. It was written in 3 parts, with each semester covering one part in the academy. 

"Before starting this chapter I'll like your opinions on something basic - what do you think mana is? What is your understanding of mana and it's origin? Anyone wanna take the lead." Miss Freya had just asked, when half the class had their hands up in the air, ready to answer. She looked around at everybody and just randomly pointed at a boy -"You, tell me." 

"Mana is the core energy of Arcadia. Through which everything works. It's present in basically every _ "

"Now you?" Miss Freya interrupted him and pointed towards a girl in front row. 

"Mana is the source of magic. The energy that radiates from the core of our world. It's present everywhere and after awakening we just learn to feel its presence and channel it."

"Right but Bookish. I need your personal opinions, not the definition you read in some library." Miss Freya said and told them to sit down "You." She said and pointed towards another girl. 

"Mana is a tool. A way to achieve our goals." Katherine stood up and answered. Her tone plain and icy just as her expressions. 

"Good." Miss Freya nodded and signaled her to sit down. "Anyone else."

"Mana is the blessing of the originator. The prime God Apollo gave the world mana so the first residents of Arcadia could live freely." 

"Mana is just air. The one we breath. It's origin is nothing, as it's always been there."

"Mana is power. A way to fight and survive. And to get whatever you want."

 Following Katherine's straight answer many students started giving their own view on mana and it's origin. 

_clap_ "Okay, you all can sit and listen now." Miss Freya interrupted all students and started speaking "All of you are right. Except you." She said while pointing towards the one who praised Apollo for mana "The academy doesn't promote any propaganda for any God. You believe them, that's good for you. That's your freedom, but please refrain from announcing it next time."

"It's same for everyone, the gods you believe in, the ones you follow, that's up to you. But you should also know that others may not follow them or like them. So to avoid causing friction among yourselves, keep your religion out of the academy gates. Is that clear?"

— " YES MA'AM "

"Now let's start again. From Mana _ "

'She's extra icy. Don't you think system?' Rio said, glancing at katherine.

[Well, you did kill her brother.]

'Yeah, but she didn't even like him though.'

[That doesn't change the fact that he was her brother.] System said and continued [You know how Winston's are, in that family, Noah was probably the only 'normal' one. With his death, a lot of things would've changed.]

'You mean kid Noah. Don't forget what he did in academy arcs and worst even later on. He was far from a normal guy.' Rio said, as he remembered the plot of the now dead seer. Every time he remembered that, he was glad that he woke up before that prophecy from that guy. Solving him after that would've been a trouble. 

[You might've increased the difficulty our protagonist has to go through to conquer her now.]

Rio just smiled and replied 'Well, that doesn't matter to me. Let's monitor her for now though.' 

[Father says to focus on your class and learn, instead of looking at girls all day.]

-cough cough-

Rio read the notification from Hela and started coughing. 

'This guy, he's really something else.' Rio thought after reading that notification. Since Loki himself couldn't talk to him due to all those barriers, he's using his daughter to send his messages. 

'Is this why he let Hela choose me as her avatar. So he can hop on a free ride. He's even tricking his own daughter.'

[He is a trickster down to the very last bone.]

[You should focus on class now, your teacher's staring at you.]

Rio read the notification and hurriedly averted his eyes from Katherine and focused back on the front board. Only to see Miss Freya staring at him. Looking at her angry eyes, he could just pretend to be serious and start doodling in his notebook. 

'Next time tell me that first, you useless AI.' Rio said and took a final glance at Katherine and started focusing on the class. 

Just as he looked away, Katherine looked in his direction for some time and shook her head. 

After quite a while, when the theory lesson was done for, Miss Freya closed her books and said "Well, that was tiring. Wasn't it?"

— "No Miss" –

The boys said out in unison. After all, how can anything be boring when you get to look at the beautiful face and back of the famous Freya Morgan. 

(A/N - and seeing their enthusiasm all girls could only sigh and say 'Men will be men' ) 

Ignoring the enamoured looks of the boys, miss Freya continued "Well, since the theory part is done. I'll be taking you for some practicals. Since today is your first day, I'll only see your element and record your mastery of it."

"But miss, some of us didn't had our elemental awakening yet." One of the girls said, feeling a little down. 

Elemental awakening, is a tough thing and not many people can hold on till that point and successfully go through that process. So it's not a surprise that while all the students were awakeners, not many had awakened their own element yet. 

Miss Freya smiled and said in a gentle tone "There's no need to worry about that. For those who didn't awaken their elements yet, I want you to show me whatever element you're most familiar with. As for awakening them, that's my job, so I'll help you to do that."

Her confident words calmed the girl as she smiled and sat back down. After all, who's better to teach them about elemental awakening than the person who managed to successfully awakene 2 of them on her own in the very first try. 

"Now come on, follow me," Miss Freya instructed, a touch of sternness returning to her voice. "No sightseeing and no loud noises. Don't disturb the classes next to you."


Elemental awakening info -

<<Some people may have connection with 2 or more elements, while in most cases the one whom mastering is easy for that awakener becomes the main element. Like if one had connection with Darkness and shadow element, then they may awaken shadow. Or if it's ice and water, then they may awaken water. As turning Mana into that element is easier than the other one. 

This situation depends on which element that awakener can easily channel and master, that element becomes their main element of awakening. 

But there are also very rare cases, where someone has connection with 2 separate elements with equal mastery of both of them. So there's a tiny chance that they may awaken both of them. It is rare and risky, as chances of failure and losing control of your Mana is much higher. 

So even if someone does have 2 elements, many people choose to give up on one and focus on the one which they find best.

 But there's always some lunatics who want to try harder and break past their limits, so there's a tiny chance that they might be able to awaken both elements on their first awakening. Awakener like them are called dual elementals.

Dual elementals have high power and easier time to master their main elements compared to other awakeners,, but there's also the downside that they'd have to give twice the amount of effort if they want to learn 3rd element or 4th element.>>>>


A/N - Those who're reading this novel till now, why don't u spare a minute and post a 5* review wherever you're reading. That helps me a little you know

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