Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 162 Glimpse Of The Dungeon

The next morning instead of just sitting still in his room, waiting for Artemis or Amelia to come to him. Rio decided to take a walk.

All this sitting and sleeping had been fine and fun, but after doing it too much for the past 2 weeks, his body was now getting stiff. 

'Never thought I'd be happy to leave my bed on my own wish huh.'

Rio thought as he started walking towards the garden. Esme started following him as soon as he took the first step out of his room. 

Looking at her face, which had that bright smile on her face as she maintained her pace with his. He couldn't help but smile too. 

She's been like that ever since she returned to her place as his shadow a few days ago. 

Same was the case for Aina too, who's probably working hard on his breakfast or other things by now. 

After his supposed death, Esme and Aina were told to follow Amelia. Aina's transfer was natural, as she's the next head of housing staff, and Amelia was the sole successor of the duchy after his death. But Esme being told to be Amelia's shadow, was a surprise for Rio. 

He really couldn't grasp how Artemis even ordered such a thing, or how this silly vamp even agreed to it. 

He still remembered when she asked his permission to be his shadow again a few days ago, her expressions at that time were priceless. Had he teased her a little bit, about why or told her no, there was no doubt in his mind that she would have started crying right there. 

After all, she still blamed herself for not protecting him 2 years ago, even though everyone said not too. 

Esme probably didn't have to convince Artemis and Amelia much, as they both could guess her decision and complied with her wish. And besides now that Erza was all grown up and finished her training, she could take her place to be Amelia's shadow rightfully.

 It was decided years ago that Erza would be her shadow, as both girls had become quite close due to their similar age and tastes.

Though Rio had his doubts about Her personality and capabilities, since she was dead in the novel. but surprisingly after drinking that pura corpus potion and some other pills, which Rio just made her eat on a whim - her awakening went successfully. 

Her talents and skills weren't as surprising or outrageous as Esme, but she was loyal to Amelia and wouldn't hesitate to die for her, Rio let it slide. 

After all, the one, who was Amelia's shadow in the novel, was someone Rio already dealt with years ago. 

There was no need for him to keep pests around, who keep forgetting their place and think they're the master, just cause there's no leash around their neck. 

Her advices and suggestions weren't really suited for the version of Amelia, Rio was hoping for her to become. If he wanted Amy to survive her future troubles, he needed to prepare her beforehand. And that girl would've simply been a hurdle in that process. 

'I also need to take care of that bastard, once and for all. If not for him, that incident from the dungeon never would've happened.'

Rio thought, as a face of some annoying bug came to his mind, who ruined all his plans for the plotlines and had him go through that hell in the dungeon.

Rio was lost in his thoughts when Esme patted his shoulder from behind, bringing him back to the real world. 

"We're here, master."

Looking around, he noticed how he was already at the boundary of the garden.

"Stay here." Rio said, and walked forward. 

He just kept sitting there, enjoying the scenery and beautiful scent of flowers. Lying down on the grass, looking up at the flowers and trees covering the blue sky. 

The orange hue of the sunlight that started rising from the east was giving a warm touch to the environment.

It felt so peaceful that for a moment he even forgot what he was doing, as he closed his eyes to enjoy the ambience. 

And that was a mistake. 

Cuz when he opened his eyes he found himself in the dungeon where everything started getting haywire - Draugr Depths dungeon. 

The dungeon which had a simple meaning just as its name suggested - Death Valley or the revenant's realm.

The morning sun which was peacefully surrounded by orange hue till now, was now blood red, as it spread a heat that made one itch their skin in annoyance, as if every ray touching you were a needle hurting your skin. 

The whole area around him was silent, empty streets and a ruined city were creating an atmosphere that he always only saw in movies back on earth. 

The rotten corpses of every creature roaming, was creating a foul smell, that just made one cover their nose in annoyance. The roads were blocked with crashed vehicles and crumbled buildings, as not even a single sign of life was present anywhere. 

Trees had dried up, their branches withered and leaves dried, the silent hissing of air was carrying the sound of the dead roaming all around them. The noise of their screeches and crashing and bones rattling was the only thing audible to them. 

"Rio, let's go. We should hurry, at this pace we'll be the last one in this race." 

His thoughts were broken when he heard the sound of a girl calling his name. She had black hair, tied in a single braid. She was wearing the silver armor the academy gave to everyone before they entered the dungeon. 

"When will you start to take things seriously? You know we can't lose this, right?" She said, as swung her spear, creating a projectile attack that sliced an overgrown dog in 2 pieces. 

Rio watched the pieces hit the ground, as instead of what he imagined, green blood started leaking out of the creature. Increasing the foul smell in the area by another degree.

"Why're you even worrying about them? Even if by luck, anyone beat us in this challenge, do you think they can defeat both of us in the finals? You should just relax instead." He said, as he pulled out a black mask from his storage ring and put it on. 

"Seriously, I don't know if the real challenge is to survive the monster hordes or this bad smell."

The girl said, as she covered her nose. Even though the dog was more than 10 feet away, it was enough to nauseate people who weren't used to it. 

"Ukhhh it's killing me." She said, while being a little surprised that he didn't complain about it before her. But She got her answer when she turned to look at him and saw him wearing a mask that covered half of his face.

"Then you should've brought the things I told you to." He said with a smile, as he started walking ahead, leaving her behind. 

The girl ran behind him, as she threw her arm over his shoulder, "Come on, I know you got something for me too. So why don't you just give it to me now."

"How about a no." He said amusingly, while running a little ahead, when she tried to pull his mask off. 

"Come on. We'll only face more hordes of them moving forward, you really didn't get me anything." She asked, as she disappeared from her place and reappeared in front of him. 

"Nope. Missy should've checked my messages and bought em herself." He said, as he waved his hand, creating a blade made out of darkness, that pierced another creature coming their way. 

"You really didn't bring any. Come on, I'll pay you back." She said, as she pulled her handkerchief and used it to cover her face, only for it to fail to do anything. Though her perfume on it, made the smell go away for a second, as she took a deep breath, finally enjoying the flowery scent. 

Rio didn't say anything as he smiled behind his mask, and waved his hand, an air projectile went forward slashing the 3 zombies who were crawling towards them from the side.

He then increased his pace, knowing the curses that were coming his way. And soon they came - "You_ you did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"What?" He said. 

"Don't act innocent. I can still see your smile behind your mask. You just killed them to spread that foul smell everywhere." The girl said, as she pulled her handkerchief off. 

The perfume from before did give a momentary support, but soon it became filled with that putrid smell of rot. Now it was even leaving that weird sour taste in her mouth, that was just annoying. 

"I just killed them for points. You're the one who wanted me to take this seriously." Rio said, as he tried to control his laughter, looking at her furrowed brows and expressions. 

"Come on. Are you really doing this? Just give me the mask, I know you got extras." She said, as she stopped moving, noticing at least a dozen zombies in the front. 

"Fine, but you better buy me a lunch at Dorsia. here take it." Rio said, as he brought out a pink mask from his ring and passed it to her. 

"Pink. Seriously. You know I hate this color, right." She said, in a little annoyed manner as she put it on. 

"Yupp, that's why I bought it." He said with a smile. 

"Now let's start the hunt shall we?" He added. 

Seeing him unsheathing his swords, she took her stance with the spear too, as she added the bet -

"Losers does the presentation of the elections." 

"Better start cooking up excuses to miss your classes, missy . Cause I ain't losing." Rio said, and disappeared from his place. 

"Says the loser, who lost last time." She said, as she disappeared from her place too, leaving behind an after image and cracks on the ground. 

"Bro _ther"

"Wake up, brother."



A/N - Who do u think this new girl is? Is she a heroine, villainess, side character or someone from earth. And what happened in that dungeon? 

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