Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 163 Shadows Don't Get Breaks

–Wake up–

The sound of someone's shouts woke up Rio, as his thoughts of the past stopped. He opened his eyes, as he looked at the sky. 

Seeing the normal sky and sun, calmed his mind.

'Fucking dungeon'

 He cursed that damn dungeon that refused to leave his mind. 

"Brother, wake up already. Didn't mother warn you not to do this? Why're you even sleeping here?" Amelia's voice broke through the silence, her presence casting a shadow over him. He couldn't help but smile at her familiar face.

"Morning Ames." Rio said, as he smiled and sat up. 

"Seriously, even after all these years, you're still the laziest guy I know." Amelia said, as she sat beside him, when he signaled her. 

"Come on. I'm not that lazy. Right?" 

"Yeah yeah." Amelia rolled her eyes playfully.

"So, where were you yesterday? Mother said, you went out." Rio asked, changing the topic. 

"Yeah, Becca came with Bernhardt and others. They wanted to meet you, but since mother refused everyone's entry, we just met at the restaurant and talked." Amelia replied. 

"How are they?" Rio asked, curious about what's happening with all these old acquaintances of his. 

From the news articles he read -after that incident back then, even the Royal Family were partially blamed for the breach in security and loss of lives. 

Though it all led to nothing, as what's done was done, and people forgot all about it after some time. King did some charity and killed some scapegoats in a dramatic way and that's all it took him to change everything back to normal. 

But who knows what's been going on in the Royal Palace now, since it's been 2 years since then. He was actually curious about the situation in Haven, since the plot was about to begin. 

"Everyone's fine. They gave some gifts and messages for you, wanna hear them." Amelia said, as she prepared to bring them out through her storage ring, but Rio refused her. 

"Nah, not in the mood." He said.

He didn't want to read Bernhardt's message in front of anyone. After all, unlike others, Bernhardt wouldn't talk or write about formalities for him. If he is still the same as when he last met him, that is. So he decided to check them, when he's alone. "Just send them to my room, I'll read them later."

Amelia nodded her head. She looked at Esme standing a little far and said -"She's really acting like a shadow now, isn't she?"

"Yeah. She's been following me three steps back ever since I woke up. You didn't bully her, did you."

"If anything, I was an even better master than you." Amelia smirked, with a little proud expression. "She was a bad shadow though. Did you know she took holidays on her own wish? And I had to drive my own cars around." She continued with a smile, her words making Esme flinch, but she stayed silent. After all, it was true. 

"She did what now?" Rio looked back at Amelia, his amused tone from earlier turned to surprise. 

"What?" Amelia's smile stiffened when she heard him speak. 

Ignoring his sister, Rio turned back at his shadow and asked "Esme, is that true?"

"Master, that _ "

"I don't need your excuses, Esme. Did you leave her alone or not?" He asked seriously, as his calm demeanor now gone, replaced by a stern expression. 

"I did, master." Esme replied, her words barely above a whisper. 

Her words only fueled his anger, as he clenched his fists. His nails, digging into the garden grass. But he ignored it, as he said angrily "Did you forget what a shadow's job is? Or are you taking things too lightly now?"

" _ " Esme had no words as she hung her head low. Amelia, seeing this scene, tried to intervene by saying "Brother, I was just joking." 

"Not now, Amy." Rio said, stopping her from speaking further. He looked back at Esme and said "Answer me."

"I apologize, master." Esme said Apologetically, as she went on her knees. 

 "What did I always tell you? Did you forget that too." Rio said, glaring at Esme. 

"I remember, master." Esme said, her eyes still fixed on the ground. She remembered what he always used to say, even the last time when he met her, before that incident. He ordered her to keep Amelia safe. And yet when he was gone and she was given that job, she neglected it. The disappointment and anger she could hear in his voice was only making her more guilty now. 

"Then you ignored them, because I was dead. Is that it?" Rio said. 

"Master _ " Esme looked up at the mention of his death again. Her eyes were scared, but when she met his gaze, the one which used to be filled with care and gentleness, was changed with only anger now. "I _ I'm sorry master."

Ignoring her apology, Rio kept glaring at her as he shouted in a cold tone "If you can't do your job, you can leave. There are many others who _"

"Brother. Enough." Amelia said, as she shook his shoulder. "You can leave us alone Esme. Just wait outside."

She said, turning towards Esme, who was barely holding back her tears. 

Esme stood up, bowed and left. Her head still hung low, as she was now too scared to now meet his gaze again. The disappointment in his eyes cut deep, and even though he didn't finish his sentence, she understood what he was going to say. And that hurt, a lot. 

"What was that?" Once Esme left, Amelia turned towards Rio, whose eyes were still fixed on the entrance where Esme left. She could see he was angry, too angry over a little thing. She could guess why he might be worried for his safety, but she was still in Damascus. And no one would hurt her here. 

"Nothing." Rio said as he tried to calm himself.

The second he heard she was out alone, all the plotlines of every scenario started playing in his head.

 He had changed stuff, a lot of it, when it came to her safety, but that also meant that there were now chances where fate could pull some pranks and he wouldn't even know. 

If she was alone and at that time, she met protagonist or worse those bastards from the cult _

He wasn't nearly on the level to solve those issues. If somehow that plotline went haywire, all he did, all he suffered and sacrificed for, would just turn out to be a waste. 

 "I need you to tell me if Erza ever does that. Shadows don't get leaves. Remember that." Rio said, as he turned to her. 

His stern words and serious expression made Amelia bury her questions that she wanted to ask, as she just nodded her head and stayed silent. 

They both just stayed still for a few minutes, lost in their thoughts. 

"I'm sorry" Finally Rio broke the silence as he spoke.

"So wanna tell me what happened?" Amelia asked, seeing he was now back to his usual behavior. 

"Maybe later."

"Hmm" Amelia nodded her head. She hesitated for a moment, but then she said "Can I ask you a question?" 

"When did you need permission from me? Ask away."

"Are you angry at me?" She asked slowly, while gathering her courage. 

"Of course not," He replied immediately. 

"But you were angry at me. Back then. You know what I'm talking about right?" Amelia said, hesitantly. 

Hearing her words made Rio silent for a second. He closed his eyes as he remembered what she was talking about. The scenes of that time played instantly in his eyes in that one blink that lasted a moment. But pushing his thoughts aside, when he remembered the plotlines that were coming, he replied

"I can never be angry at you Ames, so don't ever think that. I was just upset that day, nothing else. Promise." 

"I'm sorry. That, because of me _ " She was saying as he held her shoulders and turned her face to his side and said - "What happened back then, was not your fault Amy. Don't ever think like that."

"But it was _ " Amelia said, as some tears formed in her eyes. The genuine care she saw in his eyes, only made her feel more guilty now. 

"Hey, didn't you hear what I said? And besides, I'm back now. So stop blaming yourself for nothing. It's all in the past now, so just forget it." He said, as he held her hand. 

Amelia cried some more, as she hugged him "I missed you brother. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." He said, as he patted her back and joked- "Now stop crying. You're making me all emotional with those tears of yours. Father would kill me if he saw you crying."

"Stupid" Amelia said, with a weak smile. As she wiped her eyes. 

"Ohh calling me stupid huh. Now can I ask you something?" Rio said. 

"And when did you need permission from me?" Amelia said, his own words back. 

"Why're you joining the sunshine academy?" Rio said, finally talking about the topic that really mattered now. The progress of plot. 


A/N - one more chapter, before academy arc starts. 

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