Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 138 Remember Me

"An opening! " The momentary gap caused by Emilia's sudden action proved to be just the opportunity he needed. With a lightning-fast reaction, he propelled himself forward like a cannonball, launching from his previous position towards her with astonishing speed and precision.

"AWOOOOOOOOO!" Emilia's senses snapped back to reality as Vincent drew dangerously close, his intent to end her life visible from his berserk eyes. It was either him or her at this point.

But Despite possessing ample amount of powers and the capability to defend against his attack , Emilia found herself inexplicably frozen in place, devoid of any will to resist.

Yet, to his surprise, there was no trace of fear or panic in her eyes. Instead, a genuine and radiant happiness emanated from her face, as if she had been anticipating this moment all along.

And then she suddenly did something unexpected yet again.

With a mix of longing and vulnerability, she extended her arms, as if inviting the very creature who was ready to take her life into an embrace. It was a gesture that defied logic and reason, as if it was a profound display of acceptance in the face of imminent death.

"Fenrir, my beloved," she uttered softly, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy. The words escaped her lips, carrying a complex blend of sorrow and longing.

In this critical moment, Emilia made a daring decision to gamble her owb life, driven by an unshakeable conviction that the creature relentlessly attacking her was none other than her beloved Fenrir. The man who had once saved her, bringing immense happiness and love into her life. Though the circumstances seemed dire, Emilia's faith in their connection and the depth of her love for Fenrir propelled her to risk everything in the hopes of him remembering her.

Vincent, witnessing Emilia's raised arms, couldn't help but wonder about her intentions. Was she planning to cast a spell or make a desperate last stand? Regardless of her motives, he remained resolute, channeling all his energy into one decisive strike. His focus was unwavering, and he had no intention of stopping. 

However, Emilia's next words pierced through the air, striking him to the very core of his being. They reverberated within him, as if a dormant force suddenly surged to life, overpowering his senses.

"I miss you. It's me, Emilia. Please remember!" she uttered, her voice carrying a deep yearning and a haunting familiarity.

"Emilia?" In that pivotal moment, a profound shift occurred within Vincent's core. A surge of conflicting emotions overwhelmed him, he felt that he would forever regret the irreversible act of taking Emilia's life.

"I need to stop " With lightning reflexes, he made a split-second decision, desperately attempting to alter the trajectory of his attack.


His claws grazed her face, barely leaving a mark, as the sheer force behind his strike sent shockwaves rippling through the air.


The impact of his redirected attack reverberated throughout the surroundings, echoing with a powerful intensity. A seismic tremor shook the very foundation of Emilia's domain, crackling with pure power. There was no doubt that Emilia would have died if he had not changed his mind midway

As the dust settled and the tremors subsided, an eerie calm enveloped the shattered landscape. 

Vincent stood motionless, a mixture of surprise and vulnerability washing over him as Emilia enveloped his werewolf form in an embrace. The touch of her arms around him stirred something deep within, and he instinctively responded by turning back to his human form.

Their eyes locked in an intimate connection, an unspoken understanding passing between them. Emotions surged within his chest as he instinctively pulled Emilia closer, their bodies melding together in a tight embrace. 

"Who are you, why do I feel like I know you," he murmured, his voice a gentle whisper in the air.

Emilia smiled back at him .The affectionate familiarity that resonated within his question only strengthened her belief that their connection ran far deeper than he could currently comprehend. 

She gazed into his eyes and couldn't help but feel emotional.

In his face, she saw traces of the man she had once known and love. He was like a younger version of Fenrir, filled with passion and vitality. It stirred a tender ache in her heart, a yearning for the lost time she could never reclaim. Yet, within the depths of that ache, a newfound hope blossomed, for their paths had converged once more, and the flame of her love still burned brightly.

The moment felt like a miracle, a reunion she had never dared to hope for, and it filled her heart with an indescribable sense of completeness.

"I..." Her heart raced, her desire to reveal the truth trembling on the tip of her tongue. She yearned to confess that she had been his lover in their shared past, eager to bridge the gap of lost memories. However, before she could utter a single word, a sudden change overcame Vincent.

His once vibrant eyes transformed into an eerie shade of pure white, devoid of all color and life. Emilia's breath caught in her throat as she witnessed this unforeseen transformation, a sense of foreboding settling deep within her.

In a voice that no longer held the familiar tone of Vincent's, words spilled forth from his lips, carrying an otherworldly quality of a woman's voice.

"Emilia, it is not yet time for him to know the truth," the voice spoke, interwoven with a disconcerting blend of both male and female tones.

A shiver coursed down Emilia's spine as a chilling realization took hold. Something beyond her understanding had taken hold of Fenrir, as if a dormant presence had awakened within him, manifesting itself through his very being.

"Who are you, and what are you doing inside Fenrir's body?" Emilia's voice quivered slightly, betraying her inner turmoil. Her instincts screamed at her, warning her of the entity's formidable power that surpassed her own.

With a controlled leap backward, she distanced herself, her senses sharpened in anticipation of the entity's response.

The air around her crackled with an unleashed aura, an overwhelming surge of power that surpassed anything she had displayed before. It became evident that she had been holding back significantly during her battle with Vincent, concealing her true strength.

The entity within Vincent' regarded her with eyes that shimmered with an otherworldly glow. Its presence exuded an aura of pure power, commanding attention and respect. A faint smile curved its lips, a mixture of mystery and amusement dancing within its gaze.

"I, too, sought to avenge my beloved Fenrir," the entity spoke, its voice carrying a genuine tone of concern. "But my presence, my true existence, cannot yet be revealed. There are entities far more formidable than you can imagine, forces that seek to obliterate him. He is not yet prepared to confront the truth of his own being."

Emilia's brows furrowed as she heard the Entity's words. She knew that Fenrir was killed in the war by very powerful individuals. The realization that unveiling her beloved true self could tip the delicate scales of his fate filled her fear.

Then the entity whispered something important to her . As it whispered its message, the words reverberated within her mind, bypassing her ears and delivering the information directly to her consciousness. The shocking truth that unfolded before her sent tremors of disbelief and realization through her entire being. Her eyes widened, reflecting the profound impact of the revelation. 

"I understand the danger that surrounds him," Emilia replied, her voice steady despite the turbulent emotions swirling within her. "If cooperating with you is the path to saving him, then I will willingly lend my full cooperation." Her commitment to Fenrir's well-being superseded any doubts or fears that may have arisen. 

The entity nodded, its gaze filled with a mixture of admiration and sympathy.

"Your devotion is commendable, Emilia. The path we have chosen is one of sacrifice, but it is necessary. However, remember that the truth has a way of unveiling itself in its own time. Be prepared, because you need to be even stronger for the day when the forces aligned against him grow too powerful to stop"

With a resolute gaze, Emilia nodded, accepting the challenge that lay ahead.

"I will be prepared," she affirmed, her voice filled with unwavering determination.

"Very well," the entity responded solemnly, sensing the limitations of its presence. "I have little time remaining here, but I implore you to remember my words." Its tone held a weight of urgency, knowing that the opportunity for guidance was fleeting.

"I will never forget," Emilia replied, her voice resolute yet tinged with a touch of sadness.

As the entity's presence retreated into Vincent, his eyes reverted to their normal state, and he succumbed to unconsciousness.

Emilia swiftly moved to catch him in her embrace, her arms wrapping around him protectively. A bittersweet smile adorned her face as she gently ran her fingers through his hair.

"How ironic , this time, I am the one catching you," she murmured with a hint of affection in her voice. The entity's words had shed light on the truth: she was not originally part of the group of women who sealed their identity within Fenrir's heart. So Her very existence had triggered something within him, awakening some of his memories about her.

Her fingers continued to comb through his hair as she spoke softly, "Unfortunately, we cannot be together just yet." The knowledge imparted by the entity had brought with it a sense of longing and frustration. There were still obstacles to overcome, challenges to face, before she could fully embrace her beloved.

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