Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 139 Strong Minded Woman

Vincent struggled to steady himself, using the nearby rubble as support. The remnants of the battle surrounded him, a stark reminder of the destruction he had caused in order to survived the battle.

He tried to collect his thoughts, but the pain in his head intensified, throbbing with each heartbeat. With a determined resolve, he fought against the pain and focused on regaining his composure. He closed his eyes, taking slow, deep breaths to steady his racing heart. Gradually, the pounding in his head subsided, allowing him to think more clearly.

"Where is that woman and the giant statue ?" Confusion clouded his mind as he struggled to recall what had transpired. Somehow, he couldn't seem to remember what had happened.

"Did I go crazy and killed her ?" Muttering to himself, he contemplated whether he had gone berserk . It was the only explanation that seemed to make sense in his mind.

He scanned the surroundings, his eyes landing on nothing but the scattered debris of the once moving statues. Their destruction was the only remnant left, offering no clues as to the whereabouts of the woman he fought

Then a sickening thought struck him like a bolt of lightning, causing him to sweat. 

"Did I perhaps... eat her?" A wave of unease washed over him as he instinctively touched his stomach, attempting to discern any lingering traces of what he feared he might have consumed. Yet, to his relief and confusion, there was nothing there. 

"No, I don't have to be guilty . It was a fight to the death." he shook his head trying to justify what happened. . However, despite his efforts, the weight of guilt refused to dissipate. The act of consuming an ugly criminal and potentially devouring a beautiful maiden felt worlds apart, leaving a bad taste in his mouth, and a lingering sense of remorse deep within his being.

Little did he know, the very maiden he believed he had consumed was now silently observing him from her own domain.

"You're still so laid back," Emilia giggled, her voice barely above a whisper, as she observed him from the confines of her own domain. This ability to hide within her domain was a special power granted to Rank S supernatural beings. They possessed the ability to remain concealed within their realms, impervious to detection unless forcefully entered by another possessing a domain or special type of items. 

Unfortunately for her, she found herself unable to leave this place due to the very same reason.

Domains are categorized into three ranks, with each subsequent rank being more powerful than the previous one. These ranks are known as Permanent Domain, Moveable Domain, and Personal Domain.

Emilia's domain belonged to the Permanent Domain rank, the lowest among the three . She understood that in order to evolved her domain , she needed to diligently developed her abilities. The baby statue she was nurturing was a crucial part of her plan towards improving her domain. For now, her movements were limited to the entire campus where her core was anchored. 

"Don't worry, I will do my best to grow stronger. Now that I have discovered a new path gain more power." Emilia reassured herself, uttering the words with determination. The recollection of the Entity's words, which had once possessed Vincent, resurfaced in her mind. It had revealed an alternative method to ascend without resorting to taking lives.

She discovered that she could gather energy from numerous individuals, without putting their lives at risk. At most, they would experience fatigue as a side effect. All this time, she had been augmenting her power through the most primitive of methods. The place they were currently in used to be a graveyard, which allowed her to harness the abundant reserves of negative energy without resorting to taking lives. However, all of those energies had been depleted, leaving her with no other choice but to resort to killing in order to sustain herself and grow stronger. 

"Wait for me," she whispered with a resolute tone, a gentle smile gracing her face. The anticipation of reuniting with her beloved Fenrir ignited a flame of determination within her. 





Inside the old passage. 

Vincent stood before a sleeping beautiful woman, her form peacefully at rest. Though she lay unconscious, her life was not in imminent peril. He came here right away after he had finally stabilized his thoughts .

"I'll wake her up after getting some clothes," he muttered, scratching his mask as he observed Mia's peaceful sleeping face. He didn't want to give the wrong impression and be mistaken for a pervert who enjoyed walking naked , so it was best to avoid that situation.

Moreover, he had made an intriguing discovery about his mask—it was not only capable of blending seamlessly with his werewolf form but also possessed the ability to repair itself. This newfound understanding sparked an idea in his mind. He contemplated seeking Evangeline's assistance in acquiring a similar item, but this time in the form of clothing. The inconvenience of being naked every time he transformed into his werewolf state had become quite a hassle.

"Time to go, " With utmost care, he gently scooped Mia into his arms and swiftly zoomed towards the parking lot where his red Ferrari was . As it was already 1:00 am, the entire campus lay in silence, granting him the advantage of a deserted environment. Hurriedly, he retrieved his spare clothing from the car compartment and sought out a suitable place to wake Mia. The memory of a small park near the campus came to mind, prompting him to head in that direction.

Swoosh !

The speed at which he was moving allowed him to reach his destination in no time.

He gently laid Mia on a small bench in the park, carefully positioning her head in his lap, providing a cushion of support. Patiently, he waited for her to awaken, his eyes fixed on her serene sleeping face, his touch gentle and comforting. The tranquil surroundings of the park created a peaceful atmosphere, allowing him to focus his attention solely on her well-being.

Despite the trouble she had unintentionally caused him, he couldn't bring himself to blame her for anything. As he gazed at her peaceful expression, he couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt towards her.

A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he quietly remarked to himself, "My libido really kicks in after midnight." He couldn't deny the thought that crossed his mind, a desire to kiss her. He acknowledged the truth within himself: he genuinely found some women attractive and felt drawn to them. Accepting this aspect of himself, he understood that his feelings and desires were a natural part of who he was.

To divert his attention from his not so professional thoughts, he deliberately shifted his focus towards other matters while waiting for her to wake up.

After a few moments, Mia's eyes fluttered open, and she gradually stirred from her sleep. As her gaze focused, she found herself looking at the sight of the masked man . He sat there in silence, his attention directed towards the moon above rather than on her. The moonlight that illuminated his mask added an air of mystery to his presence, as if he and the moon were intricately connected, two sides of the same coin.

Then she suddenly notice something off, a flush of embarrassment colored her cheeks. The realization that she had been sleeping in his lap stirred within her, momentarily causing frustration to bubble up inside.

However, to her surprise, the words to express her anger failed to escape her lips. Instead, an inexplicable feeling of safety enveloped her, washing away any negative emotions. She couldn't quite comprehend it, but in that moment, being with him made her feel like she was the safest person in the world.

"Oh, You're awake now," Vincent remarked, turning his attention to Mia.Her blush deepened at the sound of his voice, and she had an instinctive urge to cover her face, wanting to hide her flushed cheeks. However, she realized that attempting to conceal her embarrassment would only make the situation more awkward.

Vincent chuckled softly as he noticed her flushed complexion.

"Are you not feeling well? You look quite red," he teased her, though he was well aware of the true reason behind her rosy cheek. The heightened attraction emanating from her was discernible to his senses, noticeable in the subtle scent of her sweat .

Noticing his playful teasing once again, Mia swiftly rose to her feet, her voice infused with a blend of defiance and embarrassment. 

"Don't mistake my silence for friendliness just because you saved me," she exclaimed, attempting to put up a tough facade.

"Is that how you speak to the person who has saved your life not once, but twice?" Vincent chuckled, his amusement evident in his voice. He couldn't resist teasing her, enjoying the playful banter that had become a trademark of their interactions.

Mia found herself momentarily speechless, caught between expressing her gratitude without appearing too vulnerable or easily swayed. Her mind raced, searching for the right words to convey her appreciation without compromising her independence. After a brief pause, she mustered a composed yet sincere response.

"I appreciate your help. It's not easy for me to admit it, but I am grateful for what you've done," she replied, her voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment. 

Attempting to get out of this embarrassing situation , she stood up and began to walk away.

However, before she could distance herself, Vincent's voice broke through the silence, stopping her in her tracks. His words resonated with a mixture of sincerity and reassurance.

"By the way, I added my personal number to your phone while you were asleep. If you ever find yourself in need of saving again, don't hesitate to reach out," he offered, his voice carrying a genuine concern for her well-being. 

Mia, unable to find the words to respond, simply nodded. Her face flushed with a mixture of emotions that overwhelmed her in that moment. 

"She's definitely a tsundere, " he couldn't help but shook his head at her response, finding amusement in her odd behavior.

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