Lunar Supremacy: The Original Alpha

Chapter 172 Fruits Of Hidden Effort

The power of Ice and Darkness collided with explosive force, sending shockwaves rippling through the surroundings. The very foundation of the place quivered under the weight of their fierce clash, as if the earth itself trembled in response to their battle for supremacy.

After the intense clash, both Erika and Zen landed gracefully on their feet, their bodies undamaged. The impact had been fierce, but their formidable powers had shielded them from harm.

"Let's put an end to this senseless battle. I know I can't persuade you to forget about that guy, no matter how forcefully I try." Zen's voice rang out, filled with frustration.

"Zen, we need your help. If we unite, we can win this war," Erika pleaded, her voice carrying a sense of urgency .

Zen's gaze flickered as he considered his sister's impassioned plea. The memories of the devastating war that had nearly wiped out their entire race resurfaced, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. The scars of that conflict ran deep, serving as a haunting reminder of the losses they had endured.

"I will never join you," he declared firmly, his voice tinged with defiance . "You're all consumed by this reckless desire to wage war against those beings again. Haven't you learned from your past mistakes?"

Erika's expression faltered, a hint of disappointment crossing her features. She had hoped that his younger brother would understand and help them .

"I understand your frustration, but we cannot simply turn a blind eye to the threats we face. Our existence is at stake. We must stand up and fight." Erika responded.

"Don't tell me you actually believe in Evangeline's prophecy nonsense?" he retorted

"Even if it were true, we've lived long enough to even care about it .I respect your strength, Erika, but I can't fathom how you've allowed yourself to be blinded by such foolishness. It's as if your love for that naive  fool has also corroded your mind!"

His words cut through the air like a blade, carrying the weight of his disappointment and disbelief. He had always harbored disdain for Fenrir, the man who had ensnared his sisters with his sweet words. In his eyes, Fenrir was nothing more than a cursed individual, a seducer who had blinded his sisters, rendering them irrational and illogical.

Erika's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing with annoyance. "You may mock the idea of the prophecy,  but don't talk to Fenrir like that." 

"Fenrir again? We could have save more of our kind if all the Originals had stood united. But you chose to believe in his idea of peace, and left brother Vladimir to fight alone." he scoffed, his frustration evident. 

"Zen!.... You know very well that Brother Vladimir's reason for the war had become twisted. Don't blame us for his death. He chose his own path, and we did what we had to do to protect our people!" 

"Protect? Protect who? Big words coming from you traitors !" he sneered in contempt .

The wounds of their past resurfaced, a painful reminder of the division that had torn their family apart. The weight of blame and regret hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their present conflict.

The siblings stood there, their conflicting emotions and painful memories mingling in the space between them. 

"I will leave now. If you ever decide to leave this hiding place, then come find us in California. Evangeline and I will be waiting," Erika broke the silence as she turned around and leave. 

"That will never happen " he gritted his teeth in frustration.

Zen watched as his sister walked away, her figure disappearing into the distance. 

"Big sister Erika..." His voice trailed off, a tinge of sadness coloring his words. As he watched his beloved sister depart, a wave of emotions washed over him, revealing a hidden layer beneath his tough façade. Pride and anger had clouded his judgment, masking the genuine happiness he felt upon seeing her once more.

"Brother Xavier, what should I do?" Zen whispered in the air, his voice carrying uncertainty and longing. He turned his gaze upward, staring at the vast expanse of the night sky, as if seeking guidance from the stars that adorned it. Memories of his reliable brother flooded his mind.






Back in California - Inside Evangeline Chamber.

"Are you ready?" Evangeline's smile held a hint of excitement as she locked eyes with the enchanting woman before her. With her flowing brown hair and eyes that mirrored the rich earth, the woman exuded an air of confidence that captivated those around her.

As if in response to Evangeline's words, the surroundings began to shift and transform. The very fabric of the place responded to the woman's power, as she activated her formidable Domain. The once static and normal chamber become a land filled with statues ready to kill anyone who dare to enter this place.

Evangeline's smile widened with satisfaction, for she recognized the magnitude of the woman's achievement. The activation of her Movable Domain marked a significant milestone, a testament to her growth and strength. The realms of possibility expanded before them, ready to be explored and harnessed.

"You have become stronger, Emilia" Evangeline acknowledged her improvement . Now, Emilia stood before her as a force to be reckoned with, ready to contribute to their cause.

"I can finally aid my beloved Fenrir," Emilia replied, her voice filled with happiness. The depth of her commitment to Fenrir made her improve in an unprecedented rate. She longed to contribute and help him. 

"Don't worry Emilia ,we will get our revenge this time. They will pay for their sins." Evangeline's voice dripped with resolved. Her once warm demeanor had turned cold, fueled by a burning desire for justice. Every gear she had meticulously prepared was set in motion, the culmination of her hidden efforts.

The force she had quietly amassed for countless years, the allies she had garnered, were now aligned and ready to take the first step. Her plans, crafted with meticulous precision, were finally reaching fruition. The wheels of destiny churned, drawing them closer to the long-awaited moment of retribution.

"The sins committed by those who believed themselves untouchable shall no longer go unpunished. Wait for us, for we shall undoubtedly repay this grievance,"






Los Angeles 

"Lucifer!" Haze rushed down, her breath quickened and her voice laced with urgency as she delivered the news. 

"Lucifer, I just got a call from Evangeline , she is finally making her move!" Haze exclaimed, her voice trembling with a hint of anticipation. She relayed every detail, leaving no stone unturned, as she shared the unfolding events that would shape the future of this world.

"Well, it's about time," Lucifer chuckled, a hint of amusement in his voice. The loss of lives in human's attempt to kill Diablo had not gone unnoticed by him. He had anticipated Evangeline to take immediate action, but her cunning strategy of utilizing the other organization to confront that problematic demon and buy time had surprised him.

"I thought I was the devil, but this group of women truly puts me to shame," Lucifer remarked, a hint of sarcasm lacing his words. Despite his self-proclaimed title, he couldn't help but be impressed by the cunning, strength, and determination displayed by Evangeline and her other sisters.

He had built a reputation as a formidable force, a being feared by many. But now, in the face of Evangeline's calculated maneuvers, he found himself humbled. 

"I suppose I have underestimated the depths of their capabilities," he admitted, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Perhaps there's more to this game than meets the eye."

"Are you planning to help her?" Haze inquired.

Lucifer turned his gaze towards her, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glint.

"Help her? Oh no, my dear Haze, I have my own plans in motion. But who knows, our paths may intertwine in this coming war," he replied, a mysterious smile playing on his lips.

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