MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 93: Market Place

Chapter 93: Market Place

The sun's rays filtered through the window, casting a warm glow on the hardwood floor. The cat purred while curling up in Valora's lap, the sunrays landing on its fur like golden threads.

In the office, after Digby revealed the truth about his past with Ameryn Brothers, he asked Knoxx to explain everything that happened on the tenth floor.

After finishing up telling the story, Knoxx asked:

"So, what should we do now?" Knoxx stood with a few sweatdrops forming on his forehead. "Is this war?"

"No..." Digby said, shaking his head.

"It is unlikely that this will escalate into war," Valora added. "Aaron and Arunn will panic after knowing that they failed."

"They're going to await our next move." Digby said.

"May I ask, what're you planning to do?" Adam asked.

Digby stood up, buttoned up his jacket, and placed his glasses back inside his drawer.

"Digby..." Valora whispered, wondering what he was planning.

She had been with him for a long time, but even she couldn't tell what he was thinking about.

"I'll go threaten them." Digby said, took his coat, and headed to the door.

"Alone?" Valora gently placed the cat down and stood up. "I'll come with you."

"No," Digby said.


"Aaron and Arunn are impulsive fools." Digby opened the door, put one foot outside, and turned to them. "If they find out that their attack failed, they'll immediately assume it's going to be a war and will attack us."

"We are not ready for that attack. Our casualties will be massive.

"Instead, I'll go there and tell them myself that their ambush failed. I'll threaten them. However, I make sure that they don't think it will be a war."

"You know how much they hate you." Valora said. "They'll attack you."

"Exactly." Digby laughed and walked out of the office.

"I'll show them the reason why the war will be the end of them.

"While I am gone, Valora, you are in the lead. I'll be back before midnight."

With that, he left, his coat fluttering behind him.

"Sigh..." Valora shook her head and then said to Knoxx: "You... have something to deliver to the vault, right? Tell the guard I sent you."

"Alright." Knoxx said, nudging his chin at Adam, and they both then left.

After leaving the office, they walked silently down the hallway.

However, that silence was cut short.

"You think it'll be war?" Knoxx asked.

"The war is never taken lightly." Adam said. "You'll think they can just declare war without

any consequences? This is Dawnwatch. The consequences will be severe."

"Yeah... there's no way other guilds would just stand still." Knoxx said with a nod.

"The war interrupts their lives too." Adam said. "They could decide their conflict with the Trial of Combat rule."

"Trial of Combat?" Knoxx asked with a frown. "I've never heard of that."

"You haven't?" Adam looked slightly surprised. "It is a pretty common rule, no?"

"I don't think so..."

'Am I remembering wrong? Most conflicts were decided by that in the future. That rule should still exist in this time period.'

"Anyway, what's that rule?"

"Oh, the guilds will send their representatives to decide the fate of their guild.

"Usually it is their guild masters.

"However, our guild master is stronger than theirs, so I doubt they will use this rule.

However, they can also make their strongest Mercenarymen to fight each other if they want to decide like that.

"Rarely do they resort to such means."

"Since Digby is powerful, he shouldn't accept that, right?" Knoxx asked. "If Ameryn Brothers want to fight, they'll have to do a Trial of Combat against our guild master!"

"Yeah, Digby doesn't have to accept the challenge otherwise. If the Ameryn Brothers still don't want to send one of their guild masters, it will show weakness.

"If Guild shows weakness, they'll get eaten soon enough."

"Anyway, I'll have to deliver our rewards to the vault." Knoxx quickly bid his farewell and scurried away.

'Hmm, I guess I'll visit the market place.' Adam headed out of a different door that led towards the bustling streets.


Roadside stalls filled the market's street, with sizzling meat and rowdy vendors shouting in every direction.

The place was packed to the brim with people bustling around, eager to make a purchase. "Hello, everyone!" A top-hat wearing man took the stage in the corner of the market. He was wearing a rather colorful tailored suit with a red bow tie. It almost seemed like he was a mix of a magician and a clown. It was hard to tell what kind of show he was about to put on. With that all, a small crowd gathered around him, curious etched on their faces-most of the crowd were Originals, but there were a few players mixed in as well.

"I'll show y'all today something very special!"

The man pulled out a wand from his top hat and waved it around. A rainbow of colors shot out from the tip, mesmerizing everyone who watched.

The colors suddenly transformed into images-there were cars roaming down the streets, planes flying across the skies, and rocket ships launching into space.


The Originals seemed amazed.

The players, however, were disappointed and slowly dispersed.

They realized the man was just another person who tried to use the mysteriousness of the

"Other World" to their advantage.

The Originals knew the players came from a place called the Other World and had heard many stories about it. Thus, the man's show was very interesting to them.

While it was completely boring in the player's eyes.

This man wasn't the only one who did such shows.

Many others had earned a small fortune doing such things. It was common practice to use the

ignorance of the Originals to find ways of earning money.

At that moment, a black-haired young man walked by the crowd.

He glanced at the show before turning away.

'Where was it...'

Adam pondered, but then he found what he was looking for and quickly pushed past the


Soon, he arrived at a stand that had a small line. A group of mercenaries were searching for

something to buy.

The merchant, with a sly smile, sold them a map that was rumored to lead to a hidden


The mercenaries eagerly handed over their coins and set off on their quest.

"Heh, easy money." The merchant pocketed the money, took out an identical-looking map

from the back, and put it back on display.

"You aren't afraid that they'll find out about your scam and come to kill you?" Adam asked

with a smirk.

"Hah, a scam?" The merchant scoffed and waved his hand. "It ain't a scam. That map is real. I just made some copies of it. If some other person manages to find the treasure first, it ain't

my fault!"

"Fair enough, I guess." Adam shook his head and asked. "I am in search of two particular



"Pull and Push." Adam scratched his nose. "Spell scrolls, common rank." "Hmm, let me check it out..." The merchant rummaged through his countless boxes, and then

he exclaimed and brought out two spell scrolls, one for Pull and one for Push.

"That's 750 Shinecoins each!"

"No, it isn't." Adam said with a scoff. "It's Common rank skills, not Uncommon."

"A price had changed, inflation, and shit!" The merchant said with an ugly laugh.

"Think twice." Adam said and revealed a sigil of Crimson Hounds. "I am not some fool from

the Tier 4 guild."

"Hmph..." The merchant clicked his tongue. 'Fuck it, it ain't worth it...'

He showed five fingers.

"500 each..."

"Wise choice."

Adam took out the required amount of coins and placed them in front of the merchant.

"Thank ya for purchase~"

Adam stored the scrolls inside his inventory and tipped his hat as a sign of farewell.

"Wait a second, young man." The merchant said and slyly asked. "Are you interested in two

very interesting healing flasks? Flask of Setting Sun and Flask of Rising Moon!"

'I would, but I am poor...' Adam shook his head and said, "I can't afford it." "Alright then, but when you do, you know where to find me. It is dangerous for mercenaries to

travel without proper healing supplies!"

'I guess he planned to sell me faulty flasks, maybe filled with just water. Tch, tch...'

Adam walked away after making his purchase.

It was an odd purchase after not having even learned Magick. In the eyes of many, it would

seem like a wasteful purchase.

As Adam was about to leave, someone grabbed him by the arm and tugged him towards the

nearest alley.

Without hesitation, Adam pulled out his sword and placed it against the person's neck.

"Ahaha, calm down~" The person was a woman, with dark short hair and dimples forming around her cheeks. She was dressed in a robe that was tattered and worn.

'She didn't plan to attack me, as I didn't sense her attacking intent. However, what the hell

does she want?'

Adam looked around, whether she was alone or with someone.

Currently, it looked like she was alone.

"Who the hell are you?" Adam lowered his gaze to her chest, as there was a necklace hanging

around her neck that caught his eye.


"Do you want to hear about God Almighty, our creator and father?!"

'Oh no, these lunatics.'

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