MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 94: Power of Holiness

Chapter 94: Power of Holiness

"No, thanks." Adam quickly refused and turned around to leave.

"Wait!" The young woman grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back to face her. "Are you sure?"

"I am." Adam tugged back his arm.

Her crystal clear eyes searched his face for something. Her gaze was intense and unwavering.

"Then, why do I feel a power of holiness in you?"

Adam frowned, unsure how to respond.

This wasn't his first time meeting with someone from the Church of God Almighty.

Each meeting had been more awkward than the previous one.

However, this was the first time someone mentioned that he was in possession of the power of holiness.

'The power of holiness. It's what those churchgoers possess. It's something they acquire after decades of praying and worshipping their god.

'They receive that power after being touched by the God Almighty; at least they think so.

'If someone has that power, they have a guaranteed spot in heaven. Thus, those with this power are usually in the highest positions in the church.

'Now, why did she say that I have that power? She must be mistaken.'

"You seem confused," she said. "You think I am mistaken."

"Yeah," Adam said. "I can't possibly be in the possession of that power."

"You seem to know what it is," she said. "Do you want to be sure whether you have that power? Follow me, and I will show you."

"Hmm..." Adam hummed. 'She doesn't seem to know who I am... I can sense her emotions; she feels excited. She really thinks that I've been touched by God.'

"Well?" She walked deeper into the alley and waved for him. "Come on~"

"What's your name?" Adam asked before moving.

If possible, he wanted to know her identity first in case this was going to be an ambush of some sort.

After all, he shouldn't be in possession of the power of holiness.

It was impossible.


'This might be ridiculous, but I regressed back to my younger self... It sounds like something only God can do. Its stupid. Sure, God can exist back in the real world, but here?'

"My name?" She turned to him and smiled. "My name's Loya."

"Loya?" Adam gulped and asked. "Loya Young?"

"Yes, you know me?" Loya tilted her head curiously.

"Ah, kind of..." Adam's back was drenched in sweat. 'What year was it... year 2150... Why did I have to meet her out of everyone...'

"Is something wrong?" Loya asked curiously.

"No." Adam shook his head and slowly followed after her. 'Loya Young, the Demoness Who Ate the Sun...'

They walked down the maze-like alleyways, and soon, the sun hid behind the tall roofs of the buildings around them.

It became dark.

"Here we are." Loya, with a smile, approached a house that was tucked away in the corner of the alley.

It was so hidden and out of sight that no one would find it unless they were looking for it.

Loya did a strange knocking tempo on the door.

It sounded like a secret message.

"Heh, we got our own secret message." Loya said smugly. "We're secretive and mysterious like that."

"Right." Adam rolled his eyes.

Click, and the door opened ajar.

A face peeked out cautiously and nodded at the sight of Loya.

"Were you followed, Loya?"

"Nope, but I have a visitor!" Loya cheerfully exclaimed.

"A visitor?"

"Yes, a very special visitor!"

The door opened wider.

"Come in~" The man smiled warmly and invited the two in.

He had a dark hoodie pulled over his head, with his black hair peeking out and framing his face. The face was quite pale-skinned, as if he had just stepped out of a freezer, and his eyes were a dull black with no visible iris or pupil.

"Thanks!" Loya entered the house, slowly followed by Adam.

Adam shot a glance at the hooded figure, didn't recognize him, and then headed deeper into

the house that currently didn't have any lights on.

"Now, why did you bring the stranger to our headquarters?" The man asked.

"Tim, I-"

"Come on, why did you reveal my name?!" Tim shouted in frustration.

"M-my bad, Tim!" Loya sheepishly scratched the back of her head.

"Sigh..." Tim pinched his nose and shook his head. "Anyway, why did you bring him?"

"Try to sense him, and you'll see!" Loya said with a smug smile.

"Sense him?" Tim turned to Adam, locked his Kiryoku in him, and his eyes widened immediately. "Whoah, power of holiness?!"

"I knew it!" Loya laughed heartily. "I knew I wasn't mistaken!"

"Wait, you weren't sure?" Tim asked with a twitching eyebrow.

"Not quite..." Loya innocently laughed.

"Wait, what would you have done to me if I didn't have this?" Adam asked in annoyance.

"Uhmm, hehe, we have Forgot Powder that we can use!"

Tim rolled his eyes and said, "We are very secretive faction. We can't just let everyone


"Yeah, very secretive." Adam sighed and said, "You guys aren't actually with the Church of

God Almighty, are you?"

"Uhh..." Tim and Loya exchanged glances.

"We... didn't actually get accepted." Loya said shyly. "Which is stupid! Our faith is second to


"So, you must be part of the church, right?" Tim asked.

Before Adam could answer, Loya raised her hand.

"I invited him here so he could see how strong our faith is! He must be a high-ranking member of the church with the amount of power of holiness he has. Let's introduce him to

everyone and show him the true power of our beliefs."

"Hmm, good idea!" Tim gave a thumbs up.

"Wait..." Adam looked exhausted. "I think there is a misun-"

"We'll introduce you to others!" Loya cut him short and opened a door to the basement.

"Others are already here!"

"Wait," Adam said, but then Loya pushed him through the door before he could finish his


In the basement, there was a circular wooden door that was waist-high with eight figures

seated around it.

There was a carpet with strange symbols all around it, and the walls were filled with paintings

of the god and goddess in various poses.

There was also a worship altar covered in candles and incense.

"Everyone, we have an important guest." Tim said.

The eight figures locked their gazes at Adam.

"Who is he?"

"Sense him, guys!" Loya said with a smug smile.

'Don't say that so casually.' Adam's eyebrow twitched. 'It's considered disrespectful to just

use Kiryoku on a person like that. If you do that to the wrong person, they might kill you for


"Power of holiness?!" The people echoed in shock.

"Yup!" Loya smiled. "He is a member of the Church of God Almighty!"


The eight figures stood up in a hurry and bowed deeply to Adam, showing their respect.

'I guess it is too late to say that they are wrong.' Adam sighed. 'I also don't want to lose my memories. It is troublesome. I might forget more of my memories than just the memories of

this place.'

"Let's show him the power of our faith!" Loya shouted.

They all took out their wooden crosses, planted a kiss on them, and held them up high.

"O', God of the Old and the New, we, your loyal servants, seek guidance at this time of


Their chants echoed throughout the basement.

Adam watched with his arms crossed.

'Nothing ever happens during these worship sessions. I'll just pretend to be impressed and

then leave...'

However, against all odds, the red fire in the candles turned gold.

It was rather damp and cold in the basement, but strangely, a wave of warmth enveloped

them all and the room began to glow with an otherworldly light.

"Oh my god!" Everyone gasped in awe and disbelief.

This was the first time this happened to them as well. "G-God is descending upon us?! Are we the chosen ones?!" 'What the hell is this?' Adam's eyes shook.

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