Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 302: The Wrong Step (2)

Chapter 302: The Wrong Step (2)

Doyoung sat in her bedroom, conflicted over what to do. Ever since she found the bloodied doll, she could not help but think about it. It had been haunting her mind and she was going crazy thinking about what Danny was doing.

They had barely seen each other for the past few weeks and he was obsessed with the new project he had started with Hwang Minho. She had many questions but no answers. The detective she had hired was still investigating about Hyeri and she was yet to receive any word from him.

Her phone rang up and she quickly picked it up. It was her private investigator.

"Hello!" she greeted.

"I have news on Hyeri," he revealed. "She had committed suicide a few months ago."

Doyoung closed her eyes in despair. Even though she did not like any of her husband's mistresses, she never wished them dead

"She had a son," the detective revealed. "He is eight years old."

Eight yearsHyeri had also left the hospital around that time. Doyoung had suspected that she left after Danny forced her to because their affair was becoming too obvious. What if Hyeri left because she was pregnant? Did Danny know about it?

"She raised him by herself for years and had no contact with Kang Danny," the detective went on. "Until a few days before her death. She suddenly contacted him. Her phone number showed that she called his office number. After that, the connection goes cold and a few days later, she killed herself. I also got hold of her medical report. She was suffering from cancer."

"What about her son?" Doyoung asked. "Where is he?"

"No one knows," he stated. "I've asked around and to my surprise, no one knew the kid's name at the apartment. But they did mention that a few days back, a couple came looking for them."

"A couple?" Doyoung frowned.

"A lady detective and a good looking bloke came inquiring about them," the detective revealed. "One of the tenants recognized the man as the rich hotshot. Hwang Minho."

Hwang Minho? Doyoung's mind was now truly confused. Why was Hwang Minho looking for Hyeri and her son?

"What is the boy's name?" Doyoung demanded.

"Hyeri named him Kang Shinho," the detective revealed.

Doyoung was shocked to her core. K-Kang Shinho? She glanced at the ragdoll which lay right next to her. It had Shinho written on it. Was it possible that Danny had brought Shinho to their mansion? But if the boy was brought here, then where was he? 

"We need to meet," she said. "Now. I must get all the evidence you have. I have to show you something."

"Meet me at the coffee shop at the intersection," the detective said. 

Doyoung hung up the phone and grabbed her stuff. Putting the ragdoll inside her bag, she scurried off to meet the detective. If he gave her the evidence, then she could confront Danny with it and get a grounds for divorce. By law, he would be forced to pay her alimony and half of his property which would give her sufficient amount to raise Siwan on her own. All she had to do, was find a means to escape.


Jina was rushed into the hospital. Danny was already wearing scrubs, giving instructions to his staff while Gayoon was holding Jina's hand, crying.

The little girl was still unconscious and had vomited a lot of blood. Her vitals were falling and the poison in her body was going to spread further if she was not operated upon. The nurses put her on a stretcher while Danny was with his team, arranging for the surgery on a priority basis. Upon seeing Gayoon crying, he came over to talk to her.

"Detective Jeon, I know you're distraught right now," Danny said. "But we have to operate on her now and pump out her stomach."

"Will she be alright?" Gayoon tearfully demanded. "Please save her! Please"

She fell to her knees, not knowing what else to do. Danny held her shoulders and helped her to get up. 

"We're doing all we can," he said in a gentle tone. "Thankfully, she has not consumed too much of the spiked water but due to her age, the impact is severe. We'll have to pump out the poison from her body. In the worst scenario, if there are any other complications, we'll proceed to operate. We'll try to avoid the second option as much as possible."

Even though they had a lot of differences, he could not risk letting Hwang Minho's daughter die especially when it was Siwan who had poisoned her. He glanced at the culprit who had also accompanied them to the hospital.

Siwan had been quiet all throughout the journey, shocked by what he had done. It was supposed to be a harmless prank! He did not want Jina to be that hurt

"We're prepping the surgery room," Danny assured Gayoon. "Her father has been alerted. He'll be here soon. Both of you have to be strong. Alright?"

Gayoon bit her lip, glancing at her daughter. The fact that Jina's life now rested in the hands of a child killer was tormenting her. She was supposed to arrest Kang Danny but now, he was the only person who could save her daughter's life. Was this some kind of sick joke.

"I want her to be safe and sound," she said in a hard, determined tone. "My daughter must come out of that operation theater, safe and alive!"

Or else

There was an underlying threat in her tone which did not escape Danny's ears. His jaw tightened and he nodded. There was no way he could let such a precious bargaining chip die. It was too risky.

Siwan was cowering in the corner. His eyes met his dad's who gave him a warning glare before the latter walked into the operation theater. He knew very well that his fate lay upon Jina's survival.

Because if she died that day, he would have to face a very bad side of his father.

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