Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 303: The Wrong Step (3)

Chapter 303: The Wrong Step (3)

Minho ran towards the operation theater at full speed. Jongin helplessly followed him but the CEO was unhinged as if possessed by a maniac. The phone call which had interrupted an investors' meeting had completely turned the CEO's mood and he looked as if he had lost everything in one go. If it was any other news, Jongin would have complained but the matter was so serious that Minho had run out of a meeting which could have earned him over a billion dollars.

Spotting Gayoon ahead, Minho rushed towards her. All color was gone from her face and her eyes were completely red as if she had been crying for hours. He quickly knelt before her, holding her hand. She was as still as a statue, unsure of what to do.

"Gayoon," he called her name, attempting to calm himself. "How is she?"

The detective was silent, unable to comprehend anything around her. Minho did not push her but kept on holding her hand. The light over the theater was still red which meant that Jina's surgery had not ended. 

Jongin stood beside the couple, silently watching them. They were distraught and pained by the state of their only daughter. It took all their willpower to pull themselves together but their hearts were breaking apart. Seeing them like that made Jongin sad. 

No matter how much they complained about their CEO, everyone loved and respected him. Moreover, Jina was not only his daughter but also provided the much needed warmth in the lives of the office staff as well. They had seen her grow in front of their own eyes and the news had shocked everyone. Almost all the employees wanted to come but Jongin ordered them not to do so since it would distract the doctors. He promised to keep them posted on her health status.

"It'll be alright" Minho said in a heavy voice. "She'll...she'll be safe"

He was trying to console Gayoon but in reality, those words were more for him. Gayoon did not respond but clasped his hand as if to reaffirm their faith. 

They heard the clanking of heels approaching them. Mina also arrived followed by Kanji, both looking worried. 

"How long has she been in there?" Mina demanded. 

"It's been two hours," Jongin informed her. "It'll take a few more hours"

Mina was on the verge of tears. Kanji wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she did not push him away. She was too worried about Jina and nothing else mattered at that moment. 

"How did this happen?" Kanji asked. "Who mixed glue in Jina's drink?"

"It was Kang Danny's son," Gayoon revealed, finally getting the strength to speak. Everyone stared at her in shock.

"Why would he do something like that?" Minho demanded. 

"The last time he was at our house for dinner," Gayoon began. "He hurt Jina's arm. His mother saw it and promised me that he would be disciplined. But I didn't know that he had gotten admission in Jina's school and was bullying her. She didn't inform any of us. When I went to her school today, I saw her on the ground, unconscious while the boy stood near her. By his expression, it was apparent that he had fed her the glue"

Minho stood up in anger. "Like father like son!" he spat. "I'm not gonna spare that kid-"

"We can't do anything right now!" Gayoon warned him. "Kang Danny is operating on our daughter right now and if we act against his son, he might take out his anger on Jina! At this moment, he's worried that we would take action against him so he'll be desperate to save Jina and protect his son! If we act with haste, Danny might harm Jina!"

Minho clenched his jaw. Anger seethed in him, wanting to drag that kid and throw him in juvenile prison for his act. But Gayoon was right. Jina's life was in Kang Danny's hands so they were helpless. Acting rashly would only be detrimental to Jina.

"Also" Gayoon stepped closer so that only Minho could hear him.

"I have asked the ghosts to keep an eye on Siwan," she whispered. "They will keep us informed."

A look of understanding passed between them. 

"Let's just try not to panic too much," Mina suggested. "It's not healthy nor will it help. Even if it's Kang Danny operating on Jina, don't forget that he's the best pediatrician in this country who has a ninety nine percent success rate. He will save Jina."

The couple nodded and waited outside. Minutes turned into hours and they sat there, not moving from their spots. They were still holding hands, trying to console each other. Jongin had gone to buy some snacks for everyone while Mina stood at a corner, not speaking. Kanji hesitated before walking up to her.

"How're you holding up?" he asked in a cautious tone. It was the first time they were talking after that night and he was not sure how she was going to react towards him.

"Not good," Mina admitted. "Just trying not to lose control and barge into the Kang mansion to beat down that kid to a pulp."

"I'm sorry," he said. "For a lot of things."

Mina sensed the deeper meaning into his words. He sounded guilty of hurting her and seemed genuinely apologetic. But he was still hiding many secrets from her, holding back his true feelings which only widened the gap between them.

"Kanji," she began. "Being sorry is not enough. You"

She wanted to tell him many things, demand what he really felt for her. The words of Gayoon's ahjusshi floated in her mind and even though she wanted to demand the truth from him, her heart dwelled on Jina's condition. It was not their moment to talk about themselves.

"Forget it," she said, shaking her head. "It's not the right time to talk about us. I just want to focus on my niece now."

Kanji nodded. He stood beside her, his silent presence comforting her troubled heart. After a few more hours, the door to the operation theater opened and Danny emerged from it.

Minho and Gayoon were instantly by his side, hounding him.

"How is she now?" both of them demanded together. Danny let out a deep sigh.

"The procedure has been successful," he revealed. "She'll be fine in a few days."

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