Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 304: The Wrong Step (4)

Chapter 304: The Wrong Step (4)


I really want to take this moment to thank every one of you for the love and support you've showered on this book! I can't express my feelings enough. 

I started this book with the least amount of expectations. Little did I know that not only will it become my most popular book but also reach 1000 power stones every week! I was so shocked when I saw the dedication my readers had. Moreover, I was so please to see that you guys genuinely stuck around for the story and not simply for the romance. 

As I reflect on this crazy months,  realized that this book evolved from a typical romance to a wholesome tale containing love, family, money (*wink*) and sweet bonds. At this point, these characters are like my own family as if I've lived their lives through this book. And the way all of you supported me makes me so emotional.

Okay enough long talk. I'll keep writing this one regularly for you all [3 Thanks for giving this small author a chance! Love you all [3


Gayoon stared through the glass, her heart breaking over the condition of her child. Jina was in the ICU under observation. Wires were plugged to her veins and a monitor was showing her heart rate. Jina looked so weak and frail in the condition that Gayoon could not help but cry. Her tears would not stop flowing and no matter how much she tried to be strong, her resolve kept on failing.

Minho, who stood next to her, hugged her. Gayoon cried in his arms, grateful to be able to hide her face. The surgery had been successful but Jina was still not out of danger. Mina and Kanji were waiting outside while Danny was with the couple, putting on a grim face. It had taken hours to completely remove the poison from Jina's stomach and detox the blood. Fortunately, her blood group was common so blood transfusion was not a problem. 

"There are no major complications," Danny said in an assuring tone. "She'll be under observation for tonight and if everything goes right, we can unplug the wires and shift her to the VIP ward tomorrow morning. She won't be able to eat anything for a few days and will be put on a liquid diet."

"How long will her recovery take?" Gayoon finally managed to ask.

"A few days," Danny said. "But she'll be fine. Anyways, I have to go home and talk to my son. I know he did this and I will make sure he's disciplined."

Gayoon held back her retort that it was a little too late for that boy. She had never felt such a deep dislike towards a child. Minho grasped her hand, as if trying to reassure her but he, too, shared the same feeling. Kang Danny's eldest son would turn into a replica of him as long as he stayed under his father's influence.

Minho glanced at Danny and nodded. The latter turned around and left. 

They were conflicted by the situation. On one hand, they wanted to file a complaint against Siwan with the school authority but Kang Danny had saved Jina which made the issue more complicated. Danny might have had his ulterior motives but they could not look away from facts either. But that still did not mean they had given up on Shinho.

Speaking of Shinho

The little boy was inside the ICU, sitting next to Jina's bed. As soon as they heard the servants overhearing that Jina had been hurt, the ghosts came rushing to the hospital but Gayoon instructed them to go to Danny's house and keep an eye on Siwan. She was afraid that Danny might try to save his son by sending him elsewhere. But Shinho could not bear to see Jina all alone so he left Yumi and Casper there and came back on his own.

He sat there, gazing at his friend who was still unconscious. If he was alive, he would have probably cried but he still felt a great deal of pain upon seeing her in that condition. She was so small and fragile in her weakened state. For some reason, it was strange to see her like that. He had always seen her as cheeky and confident with a smile brighter than the sun. But now

"Get well soon," he whispered. "If you can hear me, then you better heal soon! I won't talk to you if you don't get well. You still have to live. I couldn't live but you can. So get well soon."

He gently kissed her cheek and patted her head. She did not stir but was lost in her own world, unaware of how stressed everyone was.


Junho was about to take a bite off his ramen when Shujin came bustling into his house.

"What's the big idea you old hag?" he asked in irritation. "Why do you keep bursting into my"

He was puzzled by her worried expression. Shujin huffed as if she had ran all the way upstairs.

"I...have some grim news," she panted. "Jina...Jina has been admitted to the hospital!"


Doyoung was sitting with the detective she had hired for sleuthing on her husband. They were at a cafe where he handed her the documents detailing Danny's timeline of the affair with Hyeri. She did not even pretend to be surprised.

What did surprise her was the fact that Hyeri had hid her pregnancy from Danny. 

"Why did she hide this?" Doyoung wondered.

"Many reasons," the detective sighed. "Maybe Danny wanted her out of the picture so that you don't find out. After all, if you two are divorced due to infidelity, he'll have to give you a huge chunk of his wealth and also the house."

"That bastard!" she muttered in disgust. "So he punished that innocent child and his mother"

She did not feel any sort of hatred towards the child. He was an innocent victim in all this and after finding his bloodied ragdoll, she could not help but wonder if Danny had really harmed him in some way. Would Danny really go to such lengths to hide his secret? He could have simply left him at an orphanage or given him up for adoption.

Was his image really that much important to him? Was it all worth it?

"Can you also have this examined?" she asked, taking out the ragdoll from her purse and handing it to the detective. She also handed him a sealed plastic bag which had Danny's hair in it which she picked from his hairbrush.

"Run some tests on it and see whose blood it is," she demanded. "Also, do a DNA test on the blood from the doll against Danny's DNA. I want to see if this is true. If Danny is the father and had taken the child away from Hyeri, then where is he?"

"I will," the detective said. He took a short pause before adding, "You should try to get out of that house as soon as possible with your son. I personally don't think you should stay there anymore even if the DNA test turned out to be negative."

"What do you mean?" Doyoung frowned.


The detective hesitated for a moment. He had been tailing Danny for weeks and even looked up at his client list. It had greatly disturbed him but there was little evidence to prove the theory he had.

"Kang Danny has quite a large client base which includes organ transplant for their children," he stated. "If you have access to his office computer, then I'd suggest you look up on the list and find the pattern."

WIth that, he got up and left, leaving her bewildered.

Doyoung frowned, not understanding what the detective meant but if he gave her such a vital clue, then it must be important. She quickly grabbed her bag and made her way to the hospital. As far as she knew, it was Danny's day off and he had picked up Siwan from school. Surely, he was at home. Besides, she had gone to Danny's office before so she knew where his patient's list was. As his wife, she might be able to grab a hold of that list.

Her heart was in a dilemma. She knew what she wanted to do but what would be the consequences? The future ahead was uncertain but if she wanted to give Siwan a good future, she must break off Danny's influence over him.

How many secrets are you hiding, Danny? She thought in disgust.

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