My Cell Prison

Chapter 188: Rules of Training

Chapter 188: Rules of Training

Going back a week.

[Stuart Manor]

Commander Kemun Rayne, and Deputy Leader Sonam with her Hydra, arrived here together with the three troop leaders within the Order, and a full billet of a "Clock Worker".

To conduct a full-scale "investigation" of the manor.

That's right.

The elite training is for the outstanding juniors of the academy, who are the future pillars of the Holy City.

The purpose of the training was to allow them to familiarize themselves with the environment outside the city, hone their skills and learn how to fight against beings outside the city and how to walk in the dark with a lantern.

It was important to avoid any 'unexpected dangers' in the process.

It wasn't just a matter of taking the selected trainee knights to an area outside of the city and letting them live at will for a period of time, the elite training had been planned and designed in considerable detail.

As there were too many unknown variables outside the city, the trainee knights were not enough to deal with them.

The Knights in charge of the training needed to conduct a detailed investigation of the "camp" in advance.

All higher existences in the area were eradicated, and by planning, laying out, and even repairing and building some important facilities, the "camp" was made suitable for trainee knight training.

At the same time, some of the Knights will take on the role of [NPCs] who will provide basic tasks during the training.

Students will be given quests related to the area, and when they complete them, they will be able to submit them and earn points.

The quality and quantity of quests completed will determine the final grade of the training, and at least a "pass" is required to receive the training completion certificate.

The Holy City has been developed for over a hundred years.

In the eyes of the council, the church, the royal family, and the great figures in the Order, it was necessary to conduct elite training in advance.

Thus, a kind of systematic training process had already been developed.

[Camp Planning], [Mission Formulation], [Nightwatchman Arrangement], [Points Ranking System], and [Deep Exploration].

As long as a squad touched and completed the deepest [Core Mission] of the area, the training would come to an end and the entire group would return to the Holy City, where the head of the Knights would report to the council on the completion status of the training.

Recognition would be given on the student teams that had received different evaluations, and the teams that had performed particularly well would also receive special awards as well as the attention of the higher-ups.

Deputy Head on Hydra stared at this bizarre large manor and asked.

"The Grand Stuart Manor has found signs of 'foreign devil' activity many times, but including the last Black Rose Knights' investigation of the area, traces of foreign devils were also found in the castle.

However, the foreign demons themselves could not be found.

Wouldn't it be a little too difficult to choose the 'camp' this time?

In the unlikely event that we encounter a foreign demon during the set, there will be a large number of casualties."

Captain Kemun sat on the ground, one hand jerking the fangs at his chin, very sure of what he was saying.

"Then reduce the number of students selected from the lower grades, and I will personally apply to the council and change the way the preliminaries are selected.

Increase the number of [Personal] during the training period.

You several people in charge will use Scouting or Servant Control to strengthen the monitoring and protection of each student squad.

Once you detect the scent of a foreign demon, intervene immediately."


Hydra didn't dare to say much about the Head's opinion.

"What do you have to say about it, Clocker?"

The Clockmaker's full body symbolizes the [Council Censorship], and it came to see if the selection of the "camp" meets the criteria for training.

The clockmaker wearing a vortex mask was still observing the "camp" and waited for three minutes before answering Kemun's question.

"If this place is to be chosen as a camp, it is necessary to keep the number of [Freshman] down to less than eight, and only the top freshmen will be able to train in this environment.

In addition, your security must be good.

If there are any serious casualties, it will directly affect your Knights' future resource supply as well as the next overall index rating."

"Ha-ha! That's fine, I also have another suggestion.

I would like to treat the small number of [First Year] Trainee Knights selected this time differently from the main army and provide them with a special training opportunity."

"Your eldest grandson is also among the newcomers, right?" The Clock worker pointed out the key with one word.

Head Kemun didn't hold back: "Ha-ha! And yes, Abel is indeed in this new group.

This is kind of his first training out of town and I wanted to give him a different test.

Also, I've heard that there are a lot of talented guys in this group of freshmen, so it's pretty good to take this opportunity to get them to work together a little early.

Abel is bound to be the light of hope for Holy City in the future, and I think it's necessary to do so."

"Do you have a detailed plan? I need to review it."

Lieutenant Hydra handed over a copy of the Special Squad Plan.

"Oh! Just take them apart individually? It's also okay, Indeed, as you said, there's a good seedling in this freshman class."

"It must be my Abel, right?"

"I haven't formally met Captain Kemun's eldest grandson, so I'm not in a position to comment."

"And the good seedling you speak of is?"

The Clockwork didn't answer the question, while handing the plan back to Kemun, meaning he acknowledged the Special Squad Plan.


The timeline returns to the present.

The wagon carrying the trainee riders stops at the beginning of the farm stone road.

Although there were only six freshmen selected for the first year.

However, there were still a number of trainee knights from the second and third year who had passed the assessment of Head Kemun.

A total of 74 trainee knights participated in the elite training, and the professionals placed the horses properly and all of them entered the miniature town area within the manor on foot.

With the exception of Deputy Head Hydra and Second Trooper Kenny.

The rest of the Knights all went to the various areas of the manor according to the set 'role arrangements', acting as corresponding [NPCs] and performing detailed inspections and scenario layouts for the areas they were responsible for.

"Next, it will be me who will announce the rules for this elite training.

Like previous training sessions, the [Mission Point System] will be adopted.

Before the start of training, you will be required to form a 'free team', the number of team members should not be more than 5, and then submit the team list to me.

We, the Knights of Behemoth, will be scattered in various areas of the "camp" and take on different roles.

You will be given basic quests that are directly related to your basic role, and some public quests will be posted on the bulletin board.

Intermediate, advanced and special quests can only be taken or triggered if you meet certain conditions, such as obtaining a special item in the manor, or killing a sufficient number of low-level monsters.

The most important [Core Quests] will not be explicitly marked.

When you've performed enough quests to reach the relevant requirements in points, and then through the clues you've harvested, you'll come into contact with the nature of the Stuart Manor through your own reasoning.

The [Nightwatchman] will naturally come to you and provide clues about the core mission.

The training will end when one of the teams has solved the final event in the manor.

The final evaluation results will be given based on the points your squad has earned.

The 'dwelling' during the training period suggests that you occupy an abandoned building in a small town and set up the relevant seals and traps so that you do not get invaded by foreign objects while you are resting.

There are two things you should be aware of when occupying a dwelling.

First, only one squad is allowed to live in a building, no mixing is allowed.

Second, you are not allowed to occupy the building where the NPCs are located.

There may not be enough buildings for the number of extra squads, so please be prepared to camp out among the fields."

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