My Cell Prison

Chapter 189: Competition over a dwelling

Chapter 189: Competition over a dwelling

Miniature towns are just incidental to large estates, after all.

There aren't too many buildings, and with two hard and fast rules, a portion of the squad will definitely be sleeping out in the wilderness.

Generally speaking, training would last for a week or more, and sleep was a must, the risks of sleeping out in the wilderness were self-evident.

The Behemoth Knights wanted this effect.

To expose these new Knights to a variety of random and mutable situations in advance.

By the time the team assignments were completed and the training was officially opened, a 'battle for residence' was inevitable.

"The following four points are the prohibitive restrictions in the training set.

1. It is forbidden to leave the Stewart Manor during training.

2. It is forbidden to seriously injure or kill a companion.

3. It is forbidden to ignore the arrangements of the squad and act independently.

4. No 'small faction' behavior between squads, each squad must be united.

Once you violate these four prohibitions, you will be directly disqualified. Severe penalties will be meted out for serious violations!

All of you are the elite selected by Captain Kemun, I won't go into some of the details, do what you should do, complete the training in earnest, and don't engage in any private actions."

"Now you are given ten minutes to freely form a team.

Among them, the six selected [freshmen] will form their own squads, so you don't have to participate in the free formation.

Once all the squads are completed and confirmed by me, this training is considered to have officially opened."

It was during the time when the senior trainee knights were making their free formation.

The six new students were gathered together by Kenny the Vulture.

"Your requirements are the same as those of the senior class, you will not receive any other special attention except that I will be observing you in secret, but you are warned of one thing in advance.

In the early stages, you must go to the corresponding areas as required by the mission, and do not think of delving into some unknown and hidden areas.

As long as the trouble is caused by the mistakes you yourselves have made, I won't take action to deal with it."

"Got it! Please rest assured, Chief Kenney."

"Also, the 'housing problem' you guys should try to secure a town building as much as possible, this will help a lot with the subsequent training.

This training set is going to be more difficult than all the previous ones, you must try to get the points you can reach the passing line on a 'stable' basis.

Head Kemun has already said that as long as you guys can reach the passing line, you'll all at least get a good rating.

As for the highest difficulty [Core Mission], which involves the secrets of the Great Lords of Stuart, the difficulty will be untouchable by you guys, let the best juniors complete it, you guys just do your own part."

"Hmm, "

Although Abel was verbally promising, his heart was reluctant.

If he could touch the origin of the [Stuart's Great Manor], he would definitely go deeper.

At least in Abel's observation, the intensity of the squad of six was good! Better than he expected.

A passing grade would do?

No, what Abel needs is a direct "excellent" rating through his own strength.


The ten-minute detachment ended.

Deputy Head Hydra's voice echoed in the ears of each student.

"[Stuart's Grand Manor - Elite Training] is officially open, show your courage and explore the deep truths buried in the manor in endless fear and darkness."

With these words, all the members set off and fought for shelter.

"I'll go find a residence; you guys just follow me!"

Seeing a flash of white shadow, Abel directly a dive and an upward jump, quickly climbed to the roof of the town's buildings, and quickly migrated between the rooftops, ready to find a building closer to the castle and settle down.

In terms of speed, Abel was in no way inferior to a sophomore or junior in college.

"Let's go!"

Han Dong led the other members of the squad to move quickly.

Their group of newcomers to the team was easily targeted.

The injunction only prohibited seriously injuring and killing companions, it did not completely prohibit internal fighting, once there was a dispute over the residence, a conflict was certain to break out.

After all, the choice of dwelling would affect the outcome of the next training session to some extent.

Searching for Abel's scent, he arrived at a two-story building with a reasonably intact appearance.

The doors and windows were all broken, and there were many cracks in the walls, so subsequent repairs were necessary.

"There are others, four."

The first time Han Dong stepped into the building; he observed the footprints left on the ground.

When he ascended to the second floor, he did find a four-man squad that was encircling Abel.

"First come, first served, You seniors, you should know this very well, right?"

Abel didn't have the slightest 'respect' in his words, as this group of people already had the intention of trying to take over the dwelling.

The other party was led by a crusader wearing thick brass armor, nearly two meters tall, with a tiger back, carrying a giant shield and a double-bladed axe, and an overall stronger aura.

It seemed to be students of [junior] age.

Completely ignoring this group of newcomers who had just joined the school.

In his opinion, this building with a perfect appearance and close to the castle was an excellent place, and this group of freshmen did not deserve such a nice dwelling.

Moreover, they had already spent a little time here, and it would be a little too late for them to find another residence.

"Get out of here, this is not the place for you freshmen to be, if you don't leave, we'll have to forcefully dare you out.

My name is Johnny Stephen, has reached the 'seed-breaking stage', and I hope you know what you're doing."

Abel didn't mind at all, "The broken seed stage, that means only five fate points have been allocated, as long as the seed hasn't sprouted yet, seniors are still in the primary stage just like us.

I think it's better for you guys to leave."

"A kid who hasn't been in school long doesn't know the meaning of the word!"

Johnny was a flesh shield type of warrior, and such a huge body also gave him great strength.

A direct axe was aimed at Abel's shoulder, intending to cut off one of the arrogant newcomer's arms, and then the team's physician would just connect it for him.


The axe that struck down was only a shadow.

"What a way to escape, "

Sensing Abel's breath around behind him.

Johnny didn't make any closing moves at all, bringing up his axe to rotate horizontally directly and sweep behind him.

All that could be heard was, a clang!

A picture emerged that shocked everyone.

Abel was dodging the attack, and as the axe turned to swing, he had jumped early and secured himself on top of the house by embedding his animal claws into the ceiling.

Only, this Johnny's attack was blocked by another person.

"Senior, since it was our captain who got there first, you're going a bit too far!!!"

Blacksmith Wendy looked exasperated.

She grabbed the swinging axe head-on with one of her right hands, rigidly stopping the senior's attack.

The strength level actually slightly suppressed the opponent.

Not only were the other juniors dumbfounded by this scene, Han Dong's newcomers were also completely shocked.

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