My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 217 217

A mage at the Junior Rank is considered a real mage because they do not need to rely on Resonance Gems and Magic circles to perform magic

They can freely control the elements and even perform non-elemental feats. They can conjure both fire and water at will and the speed was almost instantaneous

However, magic like those is limited in power and cannot fully showcase the might of Junior Mages

The strongest firepower that they could offer is still dependent on their magic circles

However, the magic circles of an apprentice mage and a Junior Mage are worlds apart. They are different in many ways and a magic spell at the Junior Rank is much harder to learn or create

As such, there are many Junior Mages that can only rely on their mana manipulation to create a supernatural phenomenon. Many Junior Mages don't know a proper magic spell

Out of all the Junior Mages in the tribe, only the Chief is known to have grasped a magic spell. That was also the reason why she became the Chief

While her power might not be overwhelmingly different compared to the other Junior Mages, it was her ability to cast a formal magic spell if given enough time and preparation is what set her apart from the others

But now, it seems like another Junior Mage that could cast a formal magic spell has appeared in the tribe

Soon, Stone Head was able to successfully form his magic circle despite the bloody cut wounds on his body

He tightly gritted teeth causing his gums to bleed as he finished casting his spell

"[Guardian's Fury!]" he shouted before the magic circle covered his body with a set of armor created from water

This type of magic is not uncommon. In fact, even Rezen casts spells that covered his body with armor just like the [Water God's Armor] and that spell improved his physical abilities

However, while the appearance was the same, the power that Rezen possessed when he casts his spell far paled in comparison compared to Stone Head's spell


Like a barbarian, Stone Head screamed loudly as if he wants everyone in the forest to hear him

A formal magic spell instantly showed its might and the difference between it and a normal magic

The next thing that the tribesmen saw was Stone Head appearing in mid-air. His hands were clenched tightly as he threw a powerful punch


Due to Stone Head's punch, the head of a harpy exploded like a watermelon that was hit by a baseball ball. Not only that but the rest of the harpy's body was sent flying and collided with another harpy

Whether it be the tribesmen or the harpies, none of them was unable to react before Stone Head committed another murder

The only unfortunate thing was that Stone Head still does not have the ability to fly and he started falling down once more

If he could fly then it would enable him to kill more harpies faster than he could right now

The harpies although unreasonable and playful are not dumb and they flew higher in the air as they resorted in long-range attacks

With the distance between the harpies and the tribesmen, it was hard for humans to kill the harpies while it was easy for the harpies to kill the humans


On another part of the tribe, Rezen hurriedly jumped out before a harpy could shred him to pieces

Since the harpies have the ability to fly, they could attack both from the front and rear

Even if the Chief and Stone Head were at the front, the harpies could still kill someone like Rezen that was surrounded by the other tribesmen

"Damn it!" Rezen cursed as he looked behind him. Although he successfully dodged the harpy, it was not without consequence

Just like the other tribesmen, he was also only wearing beast skin on his waist but now, his buttocks were fully exposed since the harpy ripped the back part of his clothes. That causes his buttocks to be exposed and it even has three cut marks

"Pfft, Rezen! Tough luck!" A tribesman commented and Rezen could only blush in shame before popping something in his mouth

With a few bites, Rezen sensed power coursing through his body. What he just ate was the Ogrehorn Nut that he harvested from the forest

The nut has the ability to temporarily boost the consumer's physical attributes. With Rezen's current physical attributes, it was no problem for him to defeat twenty adult men if they don't use any magic

Since he still cannot use magic, Rezen has to rely on external items to survive

The kind of enemies that he hates to encounter right now would be these enemies that could fly since it was harder for him to rely on the protection of the tribesmen

Unfortunately, life doesn't always go the way you want and Rezen could only do his best to survive

"Jenna, please crush a piece of ground" Rezen said to Jenna that was coincidentally close to him right now

"Alright!" Jenna replied. She doesn't know why Rezen asked her to do that but she trusts him

Jenna formed a magic circle on her fists and they were instantly covered with water

"[Water Gauntlet!]"

After casting her spell, Jenna immediately punched down to crack the ground as Rezen told him

While Jenna was doing that, Rezen grabbed some more items from his hut including a small and slender wooden cup containing some sort of liquid inside

"Eagle eye potion!"

Rezen placed the slender wooden cup above him as he dripped some of its content on both his eyes

The potion has the ability to temporarily make his eyes better than normal though the side effects were quite harsh

After the potion's effects wore offs, Rezen's vision would be blurry for at least half a day but this is a life-or-death situation and he couldn't be stingy

As soon as Rezen used the 'eye drops', his eyes instantly reddened and the veins around his eyes became more prominent as his vision improved

Since Rezen is not a proper alchemist yet as the potions an alchemist could create require the use of magic, his options are limited and many of them have severe side effects like the Eagle-eye Potion

Rezen consumed the Ogrehorn Nut and Eagle-eye Potion to ensure his survival. He doesn't believe that he could kill all the harpies but that was not what he needs to do

What he has to do is survive and hope that the tribe could kill or at least chase the harpies away

No matter what Rezen does, he doesn't have the ability to kill all these harpies and the only thing he could do was try to survive

Rezen grabbed the small pieces of ground that Jenna smashed and with the help of his current excellent vision, he threw them in the air

Since Rezen was not using magic, he don't plan on trying to kill the harpies. What he instead did was utilize his sharp vision to target the harpies' wings which resulted in mostly two things

The first one is that the harpies' wings were injured, making it harder for them to fly. Some even directly lose the ability to fly. The other outcome was that the harpies flew higher or dodge the rocks

Either way, Rezen succeeded in prolonging his life and not giving the harpies the chance to attack

In fact, some tribesmen even took that chance to take down some of the harpies

"Rezen, you're smart!" Jenna praised. If it was her, what she would do was attack the harpies the closest to her but it doesn't guarantee that she could kill or at least injure them considering the evasive ability of the harpies

What Rezen was doing is the smarter move that benefits everyone in the tribe

"How are you even this strong? Is this the effect of the things you used earlier? As expected, a healer is different!" Jenna was full of praise but she didn't stop punching the ground to give Rezen more 'ammunitions'

With Rezen's help, the sky above him was relatively safer than other areas and some tribesmen moved closer to him

However, what Rezen was doing is merely a temporary solution. They are just lucky that no Junior Rank harpy is attacking them

If that happens then Rezen's little trick would be ineffective

At the end of the day, survival or death still depends on the Junior Rank individuals

While Stone Head successfully killed several harpies, he still sustained heavy injuries. The harpies' ability to fly proved to be a headache and if this goes on, the tribe would be forced into extinction

It was to the point that the Chief was considering abandoning the tribe's home and run

In that way, while many tribesmen would die, at the very least, some of them would be able to survive and continue the tribe's legacy

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