My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 218 218

Since Rezen is completely aware of how dire the situation is, he went to observe his surroundings along with the position of the harpies

If things turn for the worst, he might need to abandon the Waterside Tribe even if that is not something he wants to happen. Life would be harder if he lose the protection of people that could cast magic

What Rezen didn't expect was that he would suddenly gain an idea on how to slightly increase the chance of the tribe's survival thanks to his observation

"Jenna, can you cast a spell that will make me move faster?" Rezen asks since what he planned on doing is a bit risky

"I don't have that kind of spell. I only know the spells that the tribe has"

Unlike on earth where if a person has access to money gaining a chance to learn a spell is easy, things are different here

The apprentice mage tribesmen could only learn the few spells that the tribe has access of

It could be said that those spells are also the lifeline of the tribe aside from the Junior Mages

Apprentice mages require the aid of magic circles to perform magic. How could they reach the Junior Rank if they can't even cast magic?

As such, as much as Jenna wanted to help Rezen, she sadly don't have the ability to increase his movement speed

"I understand" Rezen replied before gritting his teeth as he took out another Ogrehorn Nut

The Ogrehorn Nut could be consumed more than once at a time but the positive effects would diminish while the side effects would worsen

Too bad that Rezen doesn't have a choice but to risk it if he wants to slightly increase the tribe's survival

With the physical boost that the Ogrehorn Nuts provided, Rezen's feet moved quickly to the point that even the tribesmen were shocked by his speed

"Ah! Healer!"

"Where are you going?"

"Stay back!"

"Wait, are those horns on his forehead?"

While Rezen was running, the side effect of the Ogrehorn Nut showed itself by causing him to grow a pair of horns

Since Rezen only consumed two nuts, the horns were still small but if he continue consuming them then no doubt that they'll grow bigger to the point that they could threaten his life

"Chief! Can you listen to me? I want us to help Stone Head!" Rezen said as soon as he went near enough to the Chief

The Chief and Stone Head were in the most dangerous area of the tribe as they are fighting the strongest Harpies

However, for Rezen's plan to work, the Chief needs to hear him which would be hard if he is too far from her

"What are you doing here? Stay back! Do you want to die?" The Chief said before waving her wand to send a barrier orb to block a harpy

While she is suspicious of Rezen, she also acknowledges Rezen's importance to the tribe especially now

Even if the tribe survives this predicament, many of them would be injured and those injured might become disabled

If they lose a healer that could prevent that from happening then that is definitely a big loss to the tribe

"Chief, don't worry about me! I consumed medicines that will help me. Please listen to what I have to say! If we cooperate, we might be able to kill or send all the harpies away!" Rezen said before running to the side as a harpy attack him using the winds

If he was not quick enough, the winds would have shredded him to death

The Chief contemplated for a moment but in the end, she cannot help but decide to rely on Rezen

In her eyes, Rezen came from a big tribe that has access to the information she and the tribesmen don't have. If Rezen says that he has an idea then he might really have an idea

"Speak! What do you plan on doing?"

"Please use your magic according to my instructions!"

For Rezen's plan to work, it needs three people and their specialties. The first one is naturally Stone Head, the mage that has the strongest firepower. The second component is the Chief's barrier orb magic, and lastly is Rezen's improved eyesight thanks to the potion

None of the three could be missing for the plan to work

After Rezen explained further, only then did the Chief agree. After all, the Chief's magic is crucial for the tribe's survival, she can't just use it on a whim

If Rezen doesn't give her enough details, she definitely wouldn't listen to him

"To the left about five meters high!" Rezen shouted and the Chief nimbly moved her hand

The tip of the Chief's magic wand glowed again for a moment before she sent out a translucent barrier orb to where Rezen instructed her

"Hmm?" Stone Head was ready to once again heavily smash the ground with his feet but he didn't expect that he would land on a completely different thing

Instead of landing on the ground, he actually landed on the Chief's barrier which is larger than usual to accommodate his feet

"Stone Head, don't worry about anything else, and just focus on fighting the harpies! We will take care of your footing!" Rezen shouted with sweat on his forehead

Although he said that Stone Head could rely on him and the Chief, his situation is still dangerous

The harpies in this area seldom get close to the ground for fear that their heads would explode like watermelons. However, they still have their innate ability to manipulate the winds and they can attack from afar

As of right now, Rezen is merely relying on his own to dodge thanks to the effects of his potion and Spirit Plant

He couldn't even rely on the Chief as she has to focus on conjuring her barrier to support Stone Head

Rezen feared that he would die without resurrecting his parents and avenging the person that causes their deaths

He doesn't want to die but for his future survival to become easier, he has to take risks!

"Understood!" Stone Head replied. He doesn't understand what was happening but if the Chief agreed then he would believe on them

The fight continued but the difference is that Stone Head was able to kill the harpies much easier this time

Every time he killed one harpy, he has to wait to land on the ground before he could leap high again. Not only was that inefficient, it was also dangerous as the harpies attacks him before he could land on the ground

However, with the aid of the Chief's magic along with Rezen's instructions, Stone Head always received proper footing on time so that he could maneuver himself in the air even if he doesn't have the ability to fly

"Haaa!!!" Stone Head like usual shouted loudly as he bashed the skull of yet another harpy

Now that he doesn't have the worry about his footing in the air, he became more confident than before

Just like that, the harpies' heads exploded one by one all thanks to the cooperation of the tribesmen

"So the harpies have better physiques than humans but because of the existence of magic, it wasn't that helpful. Their innate ability to manipulate the wind is strong when it comes to raw firepower but they seem to be lacking in the skill department, might be because since all of them were born with the talent to manipulate the winds, they don't bother training their innate talents. And lastly, it was only their ability to fly that put the tribe at their mercy initially but now that we have a 'human killing machine' that could move in the air, the situation is being reversed"

Rezen doesn't know why but even though his situation is dangerous as he has to constantly dodge the wind attacks of the harpies while analyzing the battlefield to guide the Chief, his mind still has room for observation

This has become a habit of his whenever he enters a dangerous situation especially now that he is at risk

Fortunately, while he was not the smartest, his intelligence is also not shitty

"Aaahhh!!! Hateful lowly humans, what did you do?! Why are we losing? Chirp!!!"

"Chirp! What sorcery are the worms using?"

"Chirp chirp! Not fun! Not fun! This is not fun! They are killing many of us!"

The harpies once more demonstrated how unreasonable they are. They were the ones that attacked the tribe first but they were angry that the tribesmen are killing too many of them. They were clearly in the wrong but they are blaming the humans

​ "Retreat! Chirp! Retreat!"

"I don't like it here chirp! Chirp!"

"Chirp! I want to kill, not be killed!"

Thanks to the 'human killing machine' in the personification of Stone Head, the harpies decided to retreat after seeing their disadvantage

They are playful and unreasonable creatures but that doesn't mean that they cannot recognize it when they are on the brink of total annihilation!

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