My Last Hunt

Chapter 287: Silver Class 28

Chapter 287: Silver Class 28

Silver Class 28

At the water source

They were here and had to return back for extra pair of clothing. They all had better fleeces suitable for hunting and just a single tap of water could wash away the mud. "My extra pair of clothing is sort to be planned for today." Kaili murmured. She always kept with her extra pair of clothing. Lama Lu looked from the side of shoulder. "I will keep it for the time being." She was not planning to go back for the sake of it. She was also fine that the girl has extra pair of clothing else she must have insisted for going back. 

Kala saw the waterfall. It was where the huntress came before. It was a natural shower at the side; this helped the hunters standing under the big flow of the water directly. They separated and the huntresses went at the hidden side of the waterfall. It was the favor of the nature for the homeless hunters to have natural sources else they might be wandering with the present state. Qiao needed shower badly. Every hunt takes much effort and strength; taking shower soothe his nerves and always felt refreshed after the shower. 

He took off the upper fleece and placed his university leather bag under the rock side. The bag contained his assets of stone and one last assignment which he could not submit because the professor was at day off. Qiao did not pile up anything in it to keep it unnoticeable for others. He kept it under the fleece and thus no one can tell that he has anything unusual in his possession. Qiao held the fleece and let the water wash away the mud. The expensive fleece did not disappoint the paid price. The mud did not leave smudge or tainted blots. It was fairly cleaned. 

Fortunately there was no one around the waterfall because all of the hunting teams were gone for hunt. This team was fighting from the evry opening of the day and got their job done late morning. Now it was middle of the day. The cold water soothed his nerves and he was quite relaxed; Qiao was thinking about this idea during shower. He did not need mutual hunt for providing the stones. Whenever he ran out of stones he could hunt on his own and keep the spoil for his needs. In fact those who thinks about the same concerns; they were considered ambitious and dangerous. 

Ambitious hunters do not care about the wealth. They look for the right solution necessary for level up as well as personal purposes. Observing the cleaned fleece; Qiao thought that probably when he would reach the level seven then he can buy a fleece of same level though it would cost much but it worth it. Other hunters do not take these concerns seriously and end up naked after the brutal attack of the monster in a sudden situation. The stronger monsters can easily rip apart insubstantial and flimsy clothing. 

Being ambitious hunter he needed to carefully decide about such initial needs. Clothing was necessary part of his personal possessions. And he cannot keep along a suitcase full of clothing during hunt. For this he would accumulate enough of stones for two reasons; first for the hunting, second for the maintaining his appearance and the needs; accommodation also include in it. Level seven would be tough so he needs to practice his skills at another level matching with the demands of the level; stone hunting was part of it. It was third day of his stay in the island and he was already half way up in the level six experience points. 

If this went on then he will reach the peak of level six in another two days. He was satisfied with the advancement rate. The island was bustling with the howling of the monsters attacking the hunter defending. The hunters also shout out loud when they attack. It was unavoidable in a tense battle. Lama Lu hurried and squeezed her fleece; no more water and it was again wearable. She let her hair get dry. Both huntresses came after fixing their appearance. "It seemed my sword has lost the sharpness." She observed her sword. 

"I am sure it is always sharp as your temper." Kaili chuckled. "I have learned to mind my temper. It is no sharper and you have witnessed it already; don't you?" Lama Lu constricted her brows. She was the type of huntress aspiring for level up and fighting all the challenges without the help of her family. She was gaining reputation of hot temper huntress. She intentionally earned this reputation so that the hunters keep a safe distance away from her. However she did not mind this label. After all it was earned. 

Everyone left the waterfall soon. They were wondering why the roaring of some monsters was not dying down. Even if the hunters have triggered more than one monster then they should not be doing this instead getting over the hunters for attack. Though they were not going toward where the roaring was coming instead they were walking opposite. Ending up in front of the angry monsters was least choice. There in the west part of the island; a monster escaped from the hunting team it was a rare monster and reached the monsters of its race. The monster was injured and not in good condition. 

The monsters were roaring over the dying monster. They have nothing to heal the monster. The team followed behind. They could not show up in front seeing the mob of angry monsters. They were visibly agitated. Perhaps seeing its race' monster dying in front of them was not bearable especially since they were helpless in healing. The might have tried healing but the monster got a fatal injury; it was deep and might take the stone of same race but a level stronger. The roaring prolonged till the monster breathed last. The team slowly retreated and went back but the monsters went on rampage right after Qiao and his team decided to travel the opposite side. 

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