My Last Hunt

Chapter 288: Silver Class 29

Chapter 288: Silver Class 29

Silver Class 29

Rampage in the half of island

After the death of the monster; the rest of them started wandering and roaring. They separated in groups and chase every team they spotted in their way. It brought calamity for the rest of teams. They could not understand the reason behind this behavior of the monsters. Team leaders with some understanding of the situation hurriedly hide somewhere. This mood of the monsters was dangerous and the teams should not be careless against it. Few teams ignored the ongoing strange actions of eventually ended up in front of the angry groups of the monsters. 

They got damage because an angry monster can prove more fatal and dangerous for a team to cover up. Almost half of the island echoed with the wailing of the monsters. It affected the overall scenario and the situation in the island. It was no safer until the monsters were fully controlled or they chose not to kill the hunting teams. The air in the island went tenser with the death of few hunters. Someone had to report this incident in the Hightown. If it was a single monster wandering and roaring then it was fine but a whole bunch of race with the giant bodies trampling whatever coming to their way. 

Qiao and his team were at the other end of the island. It was because that Qiao sensed something off about the situation. He urged them to hurry and leave. They flee like they never did before. Kaili was the first to lead in escaping. She loved her life and would not wish to get trampled by the monsters for no reason. Near the evening perhaps a stronger hunter reached back the Hightown and explained the situation. The elders asked level eight retired hunter who was here in the Hightown for recruitment. For all fresh recruitments the candidate must pass the test; this being the urgent mission he was selected for it. 

Qiao and his team members were at the safe place. They also witnessed another crater during their escape. This part of the island was silent and grim. The near evening also added some mystery to it. It was rumored territory of the Golden Feather Monsters. Despite the fact that they were assumed as the bright race; no one ever claimed it to be after facing any among them. This race was known for its stronger feathers which they were supposed to temper with the time. 

These feathers added to the defense and the attack similarly. Moreover a Golden Feather monster was considered hidden threat. When this race or any of the monsters from this race reached level eight; they joined the beasts. There were several reasons behind this behavior; the first and the foremost was to join in case the beasts decide war against human rule then they would hoard around the beasts and fight against hunters. The beasts .accept them among their territory because they knew very well that alone beasts race cannot win in a war between hunters and beasts. 

The hunting teams usually avoid this part of the island so the Hightown send special mission every after some time. It keeps the balance of the power in this island. The Golden Feather monsters rarely let anyone wander in this part. They liked to live secluded and everyone why. Qiao and his team members halted their advancement. "Such a quiet place; I wonder if there is any monster for hunting?" Kala voiced. Usually a place with monster should not be quiet. The monsters keep telling that they were present in the surrounding. Here it was different. 

Even if a monster walked to their heads; it would not make a single sound. "In my hometown there is a saying 'if there is silence; it meant that the storm is in its way. So be cautious about your surroundings." Qiao uttered with utmost care. Whenever he wanted to relate anything from his advanced world; he coated it with the pet words 'in my hometown' it did not bring any suspicious anyone listening. They knew that all hunters belonged to the various parts of the seven continents and they have their unique traits and tradition which they follow. Qiao took advantage of this fact. 

Kala was agape to hear this. The saying was quite unique and it tells the intellectual level of the speaker. "Though I never heard about it but I will choose to believe the words as their no reason to go against the wise words of the ancients." He sat behind the thick trunk of the tree sharpening his weapon. They could not find a strong or secure cave and moving forward was also dangerous so they decided sitting around the tree looking at the open sides. There was only weakness of this race that they cannot see in the darkness unlike other monsters. 

This was also the reason that they were hiding in their dens. "Team leader I have a question running in my head." Lama Lu voiced. She noticed the changes in the team leader after he slaughtered many monsters in one go. His experience points took leap and now he was nearing toward the peak. One or perhaps two more hunts will definitely push him at the peak of level six. She wanted to know his attentions after reaching peak of level six. "Go ahead; what is it?" Qiao spoke very calm and tranquil. 

"Are you planning on leaving after reaching the peak of level six or stay in the island for accumulating some sources?" she asked not hesitating yet minding her limitations. Lama Lu clearly observed that the team leader was in hurry. He seemed much obsessed with what was in his thoughts or the set aim. No matter what it was however it would directly influence their further progress. They have yet to reach halfway through much less the peak. Normally an ambitious team take six months for reaching the peak however this team leader select a peak level monster for the hunting and it greatly increase the gains in the experience points. The team leader usually select a lower level or primary level monster for hunting purpose which reduce the gains. 

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