My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 148: Evolution

Chapter 148: Evolution

Within the cocoon, Kace could feel the changes occurring to his body. His bones were snapping over and over again. It was agony, but somehow he felt his body becoming sturdier. His eyes and skin felt like they were on fire. The blood running through his veins and arteries felt like it was acid. A strange stinging pain was coming from his ears.

Kace had no idea how long this went on for, his perspective of time was completely distorted. He could sense that he was not in any danger. Instead, he felt himself becoming stronger. Time passed slowly, but eventually, the pain began to subside. His body felt refreshed and brimming with new power. His eyes slowly opened, and he discovered that his sight seemed to have sharpened.

Not just his sight, but all of his senses seemed to have improved. He could hear the shouting going on beyond the bloody wall of the cocoon. Clenching his fist, he let out his strongest punch. It was faster and felt like it had more weight behind it than he had ever felt before. When it connected with the wall before him, a sound like breaking glass erupted as deep cracks formed on its surface.

The tribe heard the noise and jumped back in shock. When the cracks appeared, an unrestrained aura washed over them. In its presence, every one of them felt like prey. Their only purpose in life, to be devoured. A second bang sounded against the cracked surface from inside. This time, the entire structure collapsed underneath the force from the blow.

Before their eyes, sat upon the throne, was what they assumed to be Kace. Actually, it must be Kace. Since the armour was still the same. The shape of his face matched the same person in their mind as well. The only other thing that remained the same was his body shape and the golden colour of the iris in his eyes. However, the rest of him that they could see looked far more sinister than before. 

His black pupils had changed from being circular like a human's to being slits. His corneas had turned a crimson red, like that of fresh blood. His brown, messy hair was now swept backwards. It had changed its colour, now it was white with a single black streak through it. His ears had grown slightly longer, with pointy endings.

Two short, black horns protruded from his forehead. Curving upwards to end in line with the peak of his swept-back hair. His skin had turned into a purple-grey colour. Cracks ran across it that pulsated with a soft glow reminiscent of flowing lava.

Kace stretched his arms up over his head, as though he had just woken up from a long slumber. As he yawned, he revealed a pair of wolf-like fangs hidden within his mouth. The entire tribe took a step back as one, they were getting the vibes of being in the presence of something perilous.

Kace paid them no mind. Instead, his mind was now fixated on the newest system notifications that had appeared. He smiled when he read them, unaware that this innocent smile sent chills down the spines of the entire tribe watching him.

[Your Rank evolution was successful.]

[Congratulations! Your rank has been set to: Lord]

[Your stats will now receive a 10% increase.]

[Digestion Activated: +500 experience gained.]

[Assimilation Activated: +100 AP gained]

[You have gained +20 DNA points.]

[New Goblin DNA injected. Increase mastery to unlock.]

Kace was quite pleased with these results. He quickly opened his DNA tab that had been left alone for so long. It seemed like the stronger he got, the less likely he was to trigger the benefits of Digestion and Assimilation. Scrolling down to the Goblin chain he looked at the lone ability that he had not bothered with.

[Family] Cost: 15 DNA

Increases all stats by 10% when 10 or more goblins are within 100 ft.

Obtain greater mastery to unlock more options.

He did not hesitate to sink fifteen of his new points into unlocking this skill. Luckily, it was a new passive that would be beneficial to him at all times. Up to this point, Kace had saved a further ten DNA points, including his remaining five from the twenty he just gained, he still had fifteen left.

His eyes shone in anticipation for what would come next. 'Hopefully, it unlocks some more useful abilities. Even if I can only afford one of them!' The look in his eyes would have sent children running for the safety of their parents. The tribe, on the other hand, was completely enraptured by the feeling of power and authority that he was giving off.

[Congratulations! Goblin Mastery has increased! Generating new skill selections]

Meanwhile, in the vampire city

Lorget was busy lurking around the street corners. He was on an intelligence-gathering mission under Shadow's orders. The whole city had erupted in an uproar just a few hours ago. At the time he discovered it was due to the disappearance of the soon to be king. Then, to his surprise, a second uproar occurred soon after. 

Lorget pulled the brim of his hat down over his face as he crept closer to the whispering vampires. He really hated to admit it, but this dress had come in handy far more than he originally thought. However, he would never be caught wearing it again! He had found a good spot just within the confines of the city to hide it.

"Did you hear!" One of them exclaimed excitedly to his friend.

"Of course not! Not everyone has family working in the castle! What's happened now?" Another replied, eager to hear the latest gossip.

"Apparently, someone almost killed the princess!" The original speaker almost yelled.

The other vampires around him began chattering like a bunch of housewives. This was definitely big news! All they wanted to know now was who was responsible. All of their eyes turned back to the informant.

"All I can tell you is" He paused for dramatic effect, eager to receive all of their attention for just a bit longer. "That one of the assailant's comrades has been captured! He's going to be executed!"

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