My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 149: Division and Unity

Chapter 149: Division and Unity

"I told you already! We are not going to execute him!" Sonja replied with a frosty tone. "We need to find a way to make amends."

Sonja was feeling extremely regretful of her most recent actions. The only thing that she felt partially justified about was the imprisonment of Grugda. This was solely because he was in possession of a weapon of mass destruction for her race. Something that should have been destroyed long ago.

Naturally, as a ruler, she was afraid of how it might be used. Not only that, but she had no idea how much of it still existed elsewhere. She was hoping that Grugda would be able to give her the answers she needed. Once she had the information, she would release him. After all, she was not stupid. She knew that Grugda was essential to Kace's mission, which would only benefit all of them if he succeeded.

The real problem still came from the noble faction. They did not believe in old prophecies and deals made with gods. They only believed in their own strength. Many of them wanted to stop the garrison of this world and return to their home on Ulafor Island. Yul was not much of a threat when all of them were gathered in one place. They would just imprison him forcefully like they had done plenty of times before.

'Now that the relationship has soured between the queen and her disciple, we might have our way to bring him over to our side.' Marquis Perez thought as he listened to the continuing argument. 'The wedding was supposed to be in two days. So, if the heroes acted on my letter, they should be arriving tomorrow at the latest.'

"My queen! The people are still expecting a wedding. You gave them hope with the announcement but who here would follow such a traitor now? I urge you to consider replacing him!" The vampire noble known as Carl suddenly interrupted the proceedings. 

Marquis Perez's eyes narrowed on Carl, struggling to keep his cool as his own thoughts were voiced out by another. 'Seems like I have some ambitious competitors'

Carl's statement brought silence to the chamber, the subject was considered taboo right now. Especially since everyone present knew the queen's temper. Carl realised his mistake too late. Sure he had been thinking it, but he had not really meant to voice it out loud. Before he could utter a word of apology, Sonja had already traversed the distance between them. Her mace shone in the light from the magical lamps. 

It was too fast for Carl to react, within seconds of his outburst, his head was nothing but a mess scattered across the floor. The other vampires only sighed in response to the mess. As far as they were concerned, Carl had brought this fate down on himself.

"Does anyone else have anything to say about this subject?" Sonja asked the members of the council with a deceptively calm voice.

Meanwhile, in a jagged mountain range only a few hours away from the city

"Guild Master, the city will come into view soon. We should prepare to run into border scouts soon." Cameron solemnly declared.

"I know. I've already dispatched a team ahead of us to hunt them down. We can't afford for a word of our army to reach the city too soon." Lauren replied, her eyes were focused on the horizon. She knew that what she was doing would break the peace on this world, and her easy days would be over. 

However, if the vampire queen was finally taking a King, then that meant there could be a shift in policy on their end. If she did not act now, then they could have been the ones to receive a surprise attack. 'Who sent the letter?' This was the only question on Lauren's mind. 

The only thing that she could think of was a traitor in the vampires' court. Perhaps it was someone that wanted to maintain the peace between their two factions. That would only make sense if the soon to be king wanted to go to war. Lauren felt extremely grateful to the informant no matter who they were.

Glancing over her shoulder, she took a long look at the twenty-odd thousand strong army. As far as she could remember, there had never been such an army mobilised in recent times. That just proved how dangerous the vampire threat really was. She had set off with only her own eight thousand. However, the other nearby bases had received word from headquarters about what she was doing. They were ordered to support her. Unfortunately, there was not enough time for the headquarters to send additional forces.

However, they had stated that they would send a reinforcing army within a few days. 'I hope I can keep plenty of them alive until then.' Lauren turned her eyes back to the path before them. The sound of a galloping horse could suddenly be heard coming from around the bend. Her hand automatically went to the handle of her sword.

She rallied as soon as she could see that it was one of her scouts. He seemed to be spurring the horse on as fast as it was able to carry him. 'Something must be wrong.' Her mind began to conjure images of an escaped vampire scout and meeting a fully prepared army when they reached the city.

"Give me your report!" Lauren's voice wavered as she prepared herself to receive word of the worst-case scenario.

"We met a group of ten vampires, about an hour from this location," the man began as he leapt from the horse. "It was as you predicted. They definitely have scouts patrolling these mountains."

"And? What happened? Did you engage them?" Lauren was becoming anxious due to the man's apparent lack of concern. 'I hope he's not taking this too lightly.'

"Oh, no worries about that. They were all exterminated."

"All of them?" Lauren heaved a sigh of relief. It had gone better than she had dreamed. "You all did well. You will definitely be rewarded!"

"Oh, um, actually. It was Charlie who took care of them alone"

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