My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 150: The Dead Sea

Chapter 150: The Dead Sea

"Oh, come on Joshua, let's just go back", Raven complained. He did not want to find out what was the source of the strange howl.

Joshua did not even bother to respond. He was too fixated on following the howls. There was not much to see in this world, everything just looked desolate. It was as though a great war had been fought in this world. Joshua was even beginning to wonder if other things were existing here. After all, the howls could just be a trick of the wind.

However, it was like something was nagging at him. Telling him, there was more to discover here. Just like when he first heard the howl, he could feel multiple new connections. This confused and troubled him. He still had no idea about what he had actually become. So, he did not know if he should be excited or wary of these new feelings.

Raven continued to drag his feet as he followed behind his old officer. He was no fool, he knew he could not order this man around anymore. The one saving grace was that Joshua still seemed to hold him in high regard. Why else would he have gone to these lengths to take him away from the castle?

'The question is, will he go back for the others?' Raven fell into a deep contemplation over this question. With their escape, there was no telling how long his crew would be allowed to live. They were literally running out of time while they took it easy in this wasteland.

"Joshua, I have something to ask you" Raven began but was cut off before he could get the question out.

"You want to know if I'm going to save the others, right?" Joshua replied calmly while he focused on the road ahead of them.

"Yeah, right." Raven was confused as to how Joshua knew what he was thinking.

"Of course, I am. I know you, captain. You would never abandon your men if there was something you could do for them." Joshua replied matter of factly.

The two men suddenly stopped in their tracks. A sound that was familiar to both of them entered their ears. They looked at each other to confirm whether or not they were hearing things. Seeing the look on the other's face only confirmed their own thoughts.

'The sea!' Both men thought simultaneously. Neither of them could hold their back their excitement and began to rush up the barren rocky hill before them. No matter what, they would always feel the calling of the sea. Their entire lives had practically been spent on the open waters. It provided a true feeling of being free and in charge of their own destinies.

As they reached the top and looked out towards the horizon, both men were equally surprised. It really was a sea. Except the waves crashing onto the land and the body of water had a green glow to it. It only served to reinforce the fact that they were in a different world to the one they knew.

What surprised them even more, was the fact that they were staring at a graveyard. Countless shipwrecks dotted the shallower waters. The waves roared and crashed into them. Almost as if they were attempting to break them down even further.

"If there are shipwrecks then" Raven began as he swallowed a lump of saliva.

"Yes, there must have been crews. Maybe we're not alone here." Joshua finished Raven's outspoken thought.

The two men slowly made their way down to the blackened beachfront. They found that instead of sand, beneath their feet were countless, tiny shards of glass. It was highly unusual, but then again, everything in this world had been beyond their expectations.

Raven looked out at all of the destroyed ships, and his heart sank even further. He had a great love for any vessel that set sail and to see so many that were abandoned and in ruins made him feel like a hand was crushing his heart. Something in the distance caught his eye. Making him focus on a particular shipwreck.

With his keen eyesight, he was able to read the nameplate of the ship, which made his jaw drop in disbelief. 'It can't be!' Raven took a couple of steps towards the edge of the water. It was taking everything he had not to rush into the sea and start swimming.

"It's My Freedom!" Raven suddenly shouted out as he could no longer deny what his eyes were telling him. It was indeed the ruins of his old ship, but then, why was it here? It should be resting on the bottom of the sea just off of Ulafor Island. Beyond that, where it should be was a completely different world to the one that they had come from!

Hearing Raven's outburst, Joshua looked across to where the Captain was staring. His brows creased in confusion. There was something wrong with this. He looked around at the other nearby shipwrecks to discover that many of them were in styles that he did not recognise. Most of their nameplates were completely destroyed but only a few that were not, happened to be in a language that he recognised.

As he puzzled over the significance of this discovery, a wave crashed through his body. Without him realising it, his body had turned ethereal, stopping anything physical from being able to touch him. At the moment when the wave went through him, he saw something that made him panic.

"Raven! Stop! Don't get any closer to the water!" Joshua rushed towards Raven, who was close to the water's edge. Raven paused when he heard the tone of Joshua's voice. It was enough to clear his head a bit. 

A wave came crashing towards the half-vampire, too fast for him to react. Joshua, seeing the situation develop, slid to a halt. He felt some kind of power stirring within himself as he threw up his hands in front of him. An unseen rapidly rushed from his palms and surrounded Raven, bringing the wave to a halt before him. Raven gasped at the horror that was now laid bare before his eyes.

"The Dead Sea!" Raven gasped as he looked into the eyes of the tortured souls swirling around in the wave suspended in front of him

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