My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 153: Gone, But Not Forgotten!

Chapter 153: Gone, But Not Forgotten!

"Fire those fucking cannons! I want this city yesterday!" Vaskra screamed at the commanders by her side.

At this point, a large boulder hurled from one of the catapults behind the city walls came hurtling towards her. One of the newest commanders started to panic while the others tried their best not to laugh at him. 'Panic? What for? We're as safe as can be right here!' This was what the rest of them currently thought as the shadow on the ground grew larger.

"What are you waiting for! I said fire damn it!" Without even seeming to pay much attention to it, Vaskra raised a hand, and the boulder stopped mid-air. After a brief pause, it was sent hurtling back over the city's walls. A loud chorus of fresh screams rose with a dust cloud from where it had landed.

The orc who had come close to pissing himself suddenly bolted off to carry out her commands. A few minutes later and cannon fire split apart the air like a great war drum. Their ammunition whistled through the air, providing Vaskra with her new favourite symphony.

As the shells hit the walls, they exploded with ear-piercing bangs. Each one of them was filled with a highly corrosive substance capable of melting even stone. Vaskra cheered up a bit as she thought about the heroes that would have been caught up in the splash.

'Just how I like them.' Vaskra thought when she heard the familiar screams of heroes who's skin and bones were currently being dissolved. She had to hand it to Gyn. He had left behind an amazing legacy for them. When his room was searched, they had found all sorts of sketches for war weapons. Needless to say, many goblins from all over now made pilgrimages to his grave.

She thought about the latest weapon that they had developed thanks to Gyn's legacy. She could not wait to unleash it on the unsuspecting heroes. Unfortunately, now was not the time. A mass of fire suddenly lit up her eyes as a spell was launched at her army's left flank.

'Not this idiot again!' Vaskra cursed as she recognised the spell. There was no need to worry about it. Moments after its launch, a large earthen wall rose to meet it. Turning it into a useless endeavour. 'Good to see the Eljeins are paying attention!'

She made sure to make a mental note of this so that they would be properly rewarded later. 'Now, if only we could kill him once and for all!' She was, of course, referring to Phillip. She could see the tiny dot that was his figure standing on top of the city walls. At this point, he was more of a nuisance than anything.

'Let's see how long you'll stick around this time.' Vaskra sneered as she watched the Eljeins in her ranks, moving to the front. The walls where the cannonballs had shattered were currently letting off a black smoke as the stone gradually melted away. 

Before long there was a gaping hole in the city's defences for the monster's army to take advantage of. The Eljeins moved as one as if the whole thing was rehearsed to perfection. They cast multiple layers of earthen walls to form tunnels leading directly from their army to the breach they had created.

As the vanguard began to rush through the safety of the tunnel, another massive fireball was making its way towards Vaskra's group. 'Child's play.' There was a time when she would have put up an Air Wall to block this spell, but now she simply snuffed it out by removing the air around it.

Fire magic was no longer anything for her to fear, but there was something else she was worried about. She reflexively rubbed the scarred skin where her left eye used to be. At the same time, a phantom pain appeared where her legs used to be. She leaned back in the wheelchair that had specifically been created for her.

Yet again, it seemed as if Gyn were watching over them from beyond. It was, after all, another thing based on his drawings. It seemed like it was originally meant for some kind of air travel. It had foldout wings in its sides that Vaskra could fill with air magic to glide around the place. 

Her new level of mastery with air magic and her ability to essentially turn herself into a fighter plane earned her a special title amongst the heroes. The Witch of Stonewall, Vaskra. Her ego had been quite pleased the first time they had tortured this piece of information from a captured hero. So now, she had to live up to their expectations!

Bloodthirsty roars resounded from the tunnel that had been created. This was to mark that the vanguard had met the heroes soldiers somewhere along the way. Vaskra clicked her tongue in annoyance. She had hoped that these troops would make it into the city unhindered. Allowing them to wreak havoc from behind enemy lines.

A yell went up on her right as another section of the wall was breached. Without waiting the troops on that side surged forwards like a tsunami. Amongst that lot were one of the newest additions to their growing army. The Treants, giant living trees that could crush a human as if they were nothing.

Since they were living trees, they also found themselves to be Phillip's favourite target whenever he met them in battle. Sure enough, as soon as they were in range, a large curtain of fire erupted from the tiny figure on the wall. He was obviously aiming to catch as many of them in the spell as possible.

Unfortunately for Phillip, between Vaskra and the Eljeins, his attack was thwarted yet again. Vaskra could not help but laugh maniacally as she watched the distant figure jump up and down in a fit of rage on top of the walls. Judging from the current situation it should only take them another day, maybe day and a half to clear out the city. She smiled as she thought about how close the port was to her now.

"Don't worry my love, I'm coming for you!" Vaskra cackled as another cannonball of acid burst open over the heroes heads

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