My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 154: Making A Move!

Chapter 154: Making A Move!

Kace had spent about a full day filling Sylvan in on what he had missed so far. Which was to say, quite a lot. Sylvan did not seem surprised by his transformation, Kace just assumed that he must have known about it due to their unique bond. It sort of irked him a bit as he wanted to get a reaction from his living weapon.

"So, what now?" Sylvan asked with a curious voice.

"What do you think? As soon as Shadow gets back, we'll make a move." Kace snorted in response. As if this answer was obvious. Between the time he had spent explaining the situation and the bit of sleep, he got nearly two full days had passed since Sylvan returned. As such it should not be much longer until they received word from Shadow.

"My Lord! We've located your friend! What are your orders?" Shadow suddenly announced as he popped up beside the throne.

'Speak of the devil!' Kace almost wanted to laugh. He had thought that he might get maybe another day to relax and adjust before they found Grugda. 'No rest for the wicked, eh?' He thought almost grudgingly.

"Are you able to rescue him?" 

"Hmm, it can be done if that is your wish," Shadow replied while bobbing his head in the affirmative quite enthusiastically.

It was quite comical to watch, but Kace appreciated his loyalty. It was not every day that you would run into someone willing to risk everything to help you achieve greatness! He pretended to think about the matter to give the impression of a wise ruler. He was unsure how much of an effect it would have on the tribe, but it was better than nothing in his book.

"Get it done! Oh, and open a portal for me to wherever the queen is right now."

Shadow smiled in response, almost as if he had anticipated this. He began his usual chant and motions to perform the Shadow Gate. While doing so, ten members of the tribe stepped forward. Kace eyed them curiously but decided against saying anything in case he distracted Shadow from the procedure he was performing.

Once complete the shadow began to ripple like usual to signify that it had connected. Raising himself from the throne he noticed the ten goblins from before steadily walking forward to take up different positions around the Shadow Gate, 'What the hell are they up to?'

"These ones will accompany you, my Lord. As your Shadowguard. I hope you understand, but we would never allow you to be put in danger without some kind of insurance in place." Shadow said respectfully when he noticed Kace's gaze on the ten figures.

Taking another look at them, Kace found himself to be satisfied with how they carried themselves. Each one gave off the impression of being a veteran of many battles. Since Shadow would be busy liberating Grugda, they would do for a temporary replacement.

"Very well, let's go then."

Kace quickly strode forward and gave a little hop before sinking into the shadow. He was soon followed by all ten of his chauffeurs. When he popped back up, he was met with an outburst of shock, fear and rage. It appeared that he had come at a most inopportune time. No sooner than the moment he left the gate's exit point, a brutal looking mace was swinging for his head.

With a flick of his wrist, Sylvan appeared to brush the deadly blow aside in his weapon form. Kace could tell from the impact that Sonja had held back to gauge the opponent's strength. Of course, she never recognised Kace at first with his makeover and all. Seeing the familiar weapon made her back off. All sorts of thoughts were flying through her mind right now.

First of all, she thought that he had been fully possessed. However, seeing Sylvan in that form made her realise that this was not the case. Then, perhaps another creature had killed Kace and took his weapons and armour for his own? No. That was not right either. She scrutinised the figure before her. Trying to glean even the slightest bit of information about what was going on.

It was only when Kace fixed her with those familiar golden eyes that she finally realised that it really was him. However, before she could say anything, a few of the vampire's in the chamber that failed to read the mood made their own moves. In total, seven of them rushed him from different directions. Their nails at the ready to shred the skin of this trespasser like paper.

As if his body were made of flowing water, Kace easily avoided their attacks. His newly heightened senses were able to accurately pick out what was going on around him. He drove the horn at the tip of Sylvan's body straight through the heart of his first assailant. Vines lashed out to either side of him with such force that another two were immediately decapitated. He did not even bother to register the remaining four as his Shadowguards leapt out from behind one each and put an end to their miserable lives before they could even register what had happened. 

Once the disturbance was settled, and Kace was the only one from his group still standing there, he finally looked around the room. It appeared to be some kind of meeting hall, and much to his surprise he recognised a couple of faces there. To begin with, there was Sophia, whom he had just tried to kill a few days ago. Next up was the disgusting excuse for a noble, Marquis Perez. They stared at each other in silence for a while. Making the whole situation even more uncomfortable than it already was.

After a brief moment of sizing Kace up, Sonja became shocked with her findings. There was no doubt that Kace had gone through a staggering growth period. Not just in height or looks. Nor even his potential for magic was of any real use. Instead, it was the cold feeling that Kace was releasing from himself that was making her pause.

"You know, is this any way to treat a guest?

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