My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 166: Swimming shadows

Chapter 166: Swimming shadows

Kace watched as the lightning spread out and ricocheted off anything that it hit, making it impossible to predict its trajectories. 'Fuck! I didn't want to reveal this so soon!' Kace lamented being forced into a corner so quickly in this war, but he could not risk getting an injury if he could help it. Who knew how long he would have to be able to fight for?

As the different lightning bolts headed towards his position, Kace grimaced as he activated his new DNA Ability he gained from the goblin strand. It was his goblin tribes signature move. Swimming Shadows!

Kace dropped into his own shadow, taking Cameron by surprise. Cameron looked around and disturbed the flow of his own mana to break any illusion that may have been cast on himself without his realising. Finding that nothing was wrong with his perception and his spell passing through empty space, he became increasingly worried.

As far as he could tell, it was not a spell since he had not detected any mana fluctuations in the moments before it happened. If it had been illusion magic, it would have masked this signal, but since he had already proven himself that it was not of this type of magic, that only left one thing! It was some kind of personal skill!

These were far more terrifying than magic to an extent. As they could be highly unpredictable. Personal skills would usually be unique to a race or even a specific person, whereas something like a class skill could be learned by anyone who wielded the same class. Thinking along those lines, he recognised that the Spider Thread and Stampede from earlier would also be personal skills.

He sighed dejectedly as he thought about how much natural talent someone would have possessed to master so many unique skills. Who knew if he was still hiding even more of them? What made him feel even worse was that Kace had barely used much in magic spells, which would hint that he was trying to conceal his strength. 

To top all of that off, he still had to be wary of any class skills since he had no idea what kind of class his opponent wielded. The longer that this fight dragged on, the more he found to be worried about. He had to try and end this fight sooner rather than later. If such a monster was not pinned down or put an end to here, then there was telling what kind of casualties he could create for the army!

Kace swam around in the shadows that flowed freely through the city walls in the parallel shadow realm. He had only tested this ability once before and found it quite difficult to use. The goblins under his command were naturally attuned to this place whereas he was not. Which meant that his AP was continuously draining the longer he stayed here.

Peering through the small shadow ripples connected back to his own realm, he could see his opponent beginning to lose his composure. This was a good thing as it would mean that he would be far more likely to make mistakes. Which, in turn, would give Kace the upper hand in this fight. There was a good chance that he would only get a single chance to land a clean blow using this skill. 

After the initial attack, his opponent would likely be far more on edge as he attempted to work out the secret behind it. Kace bade his time patiently as he watched the strain from concentrating so much become evident on Cameron's face. This was likely as good a time as any. Focusing his mental will, he urged the murky shadows around him to eject him back into his own realm.

Kace silently erupted from he shadow directly behind Cameron's back, swinging his stave he was sure to crush the enemy's skull into something unrecognisable. Although he could not see it, Cameron actually a slight smile the second that Kace had emerged. A strong wind suddenly blew against Cameron's body and carried him off to the side in safety. A dull thud sounded as the stave in Kace's hand struck the stone where Cameron had once stood.

'That was close!' Cameron thought solemnly if he had not thought to use air magic to detect fluctuations in the air surrounding himself, then he would have never survived that attack. He stared at Kace and the ugly look he was giving him. 'Looks like he did not expect that one! Seems he still has much to learn about the possibilities that magic gives us!'

The situation was no longer looking so dire for Cameron. He could use his vast knowledge of advanced applications of magic to bridge the gap in physical capabilities. 'By the looks of things he's only used to fighting others who use magic to attack or defend. Even though he uses his own skills to allow him to manoeuvre favourably across the terrain. It seems like he does not expect that others can do the same!'

Kace swore internally to himself as he considered what had just happened. He had no idea how Cameron was able to react to his attack just now. Luckily, Sylvan had a theory based on what he had witnessed and the flow of mana that he perceived. Basically, Sylvan managed to describe the events exactly as they unfolded, including how their opponent had used a type of detection magic that alleviated the need to physically see his opponent.

Kace grimaced when Sylvan was done with his analysis. 'Basically, you're telling me I wasted my new trump card for no good reason?' This thought made Kace feel extremely hostile towards his enemy. Now he knew that this ability would be of little use against him.

'Maybe, maybe not.' Sylvan replied cryptically. 'I think you should view this as an opportunity.'

'How so?' Kace failed to come up with any way that this could be turned into a good thing for them.

'Well, here's what I think you should try'

Kace slowly developed a cruel grin as he listened to Sylvan's explanation. This smile put Cameron on edge as he now assumed that he would try a new skill that he had not witnessed yet. As he stared at Kace to not miss the moment the attack would be launched, he suddenly gaped in shock. Kace had actually dropped into his shadow once more! 'Is this guy a fucking idiot!'

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