My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 167: The Serpent's Venom

Chapter 167: The Serpent's Venom

At another section of the walls, far from Kace's group

A vampire screamed in agony as his entire body felt like it was on fire! His skin was slowly melting from the bone, and his blood was rapidly evaporating inside his body. This was causing unimaginable pain as the superheated blood turned his body into a living inferno. It was far worse than hell that he could have ever have imagined.

Charlie grinned as he watched the effects that his poison was having on the vampires surrounding him. He had barely even scratched every one of them, but the results far exceeded what he had expected. It seemed the poison had a stronger effect on more powerful vampires. As if it turned their own strength against them. He found this hilarious as his victims writhed on the floor around him.

The heroes who had accompanied him looked at each other in awkward silence. They all knew what kind of personality this guy had, so none of them was that surprised. 'It's a good thing that he is on our side.' This was the only thing that all of them could think when witnessing this scene. They could not imagine having to fight a battle where they would have to worry about even the slightest nick to their skin from one of his weapons.

"Who's next?" Charlie growled as he looked around to find a new plaything. 

There was no shortage of specimens for him to try out his new toy, so he was not overly fussed about picking out individual targets. The good thing about this poison was that he did not really have to worry about who his opponent would be. There was more than the hint of madness in his eyes as he rushed towards the nearest vampire, unwillingly to allow any of his comrades to 'steal' his fun.

Within the span of a few seconds, another dozen vampires were rolling around at his feet. Each of them was waiting to meet their end, and gain some relief from the horrifying torture that the poison inflicted on them. If they had a choice, this would certainly be the last way they would choose to meet their end.

From atop the observation platform, Sonja's eyes darted to the commotion that Charlie was causing. It was hard to miss as the soldiers in that area were falling back faster and in greater numbers than any other defensive line. Her vision zoomed in to see the problem so that she could remedy it before it got too out of hand.

However, what she witnessed made her anger boil uncontrollably. She instantly recognised the effects of a vampire being poisoned by the Setting Sun plant. 'Looks like I was right to keep the Eljein locked up! There's clearly more of that stuff growing somewhere!' Her eyes narrowed as she considered how to combat this new threat. 

It would take a considerably high powered vampire to have the ability to avoid taking even the slightest cut. On top of that, there was no telling how many heroes were potentially armed with the deadly poison. If too many of them revealed such a weapon, their soldiers on the ground would crumble without being able to put up much of a resistance.

Even though they had superior speed and strength compared to most of the heroes assaulting them, they were in no position to use it to there advantage. The walls only had a limited amount of space, and with the heroes using their numbers to work together, it was forcing the vampires to attempt the same to retaliate. 

However, doing such a thing limited the amount of space they had to manoeuvre, proving to be their downfall right now. 'I'll have to reinforce the frontlines until we can get a handle on the situation.' Ideally, it would be best to force the heroes to withdraw from the city for today. That way, they would have to go through the pain of attempting to retake the walls when they renewed their assault.

For now, the best course of action was to allow them to wear themselves out. Let them expend their energy, trying to bring a swift end to the battle. They would be sure to suffer heavy casualties when the time came that they would have to withdraw from the foothold that they had gained! 'Whoever the enemy commander is, she seems to be extremely inexperienced when it comes to matters of war.'

Sonja urged one of the nobles to come to her side. She had an idea of who would be best to send against the poison wielder that had been exposed. She only hoped that this noble could find him in time to prevent any further damage from being done. With a grim expression, she turned to face her messenger.

"Find Dao, tell him his skills are needed by the western wall. Tell him, the flower blooms once more. He'll know what I mean."

"At once, Your Majesty!"

The noble wasted no time in questioning her orders. He had served under her long enough to know that every move she made had a reason behind it. Even if he himself could not understand it. He ran to the edge of the platform and dove off of it in a swan dive. His body hurtled through the air in a free fall.

Just as it looked like he would be turned into a mess that would need cleaning up upon one of the rooftops, his body turned into mist. Using this form to his advantage, he rapidly progressed through the streets towards Dao's last known location. He tuned out to the screams of his people and steeled his heart. Although he had the strength to save these vampires that were being killed right in front of his eyes, he knew that his orders took priority. 

There was no telling how many casualties would arise for every second that he delayed. 'I'm sorry, I swear that your sacrifices will not be in vain!'

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