My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 168: The Last Gardener

Chapter 168: The Last Gardener

Dao eyed the noble curiously as he approached. He knew that this meant that the queen had specific orders for him. Which surprised him to no end. In a war like this, it was better to leave him to command the group of men that he had been assigned to protect this area. The look on the noble's face told him that the orders that he was about to receive were extremely urgent.

"Captain Dao, Her Majesty the Queen has declared that your skills are needed on the western walls." 

"Why me? There should be plenty of capable commanders over there?" Dao looked at the noble with a confused expression plastered on his face. There had to be more to it than that.

"Don't ask me. I know there's a troublesome hero over there. Oh right, she said to tell you that the flower blooms once more. Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean." The man bowed before taking his exit as quickly as he had arrived.

On the other hand, Dao had a severe look on his face as he looked towards the west. 'I never thought that I would get this sacred call to action.' Dao thought about the stories that his parents had told him about their lineage. 'I can't afford to waste any time!'

Dao quickly gave out his last orders for a while and left his second in command of the small force before rushing off to where he was needed. As he made the journey, he did his best to put a plan of action into mind based around his unique skill set. Even though he had practised his family arts and integrated them in new ways with his vampire abilities, he had never had a reason to use them on a live target before.

When he arrived at the location, he could instantly tell who he had to deal with. Many vampires were screaming around the man, by the looks of it he was too latter save them. For the first time in his life, he felt angry beyond anything he had ever felt before. Watching the miserable fate of these vampires had set something off within him that he had never experienced before.

He leapt from the nearby rooftop and landed on the walls with a loud bang. His eyes had no sign of sympathy within them as he stared at Charlie. 'There's no way that I'm letting you off easy!' Dao released the full extent of his aura, his mere presence instantly skyrocketed, making the surrounding heroes take a few steps back in fear.

"Holy shit! Is that a noble!" One of the heroes behind Charlie yelped in shock.

Until just now, they had only dealt with what was considered the lowest level of the vampire hierarchy. Compared to them, the presence before them was on a whole new, terrifying level. Charlie was the only one that seemed unfazed by the event. He eyed the newcomer with a vague look of interest.

"Another fool that thinks he can take me? Come, make my day!" Charlie declared confidently as he released his own aura that he had kept hidden for the longest time.

The power surge that erupted from drew the attention of Sonja and a few others on the battlefield. Those that could tell the subtle differences could not fail to notice something of this magnitude! It was clear that the initial estimation was wrong! Although Cameron was powerful, his own vibe was clearly lower than the hero commander outside the walls.

This man, however, had the feeling of equalling her in strength. Which meant that the enemies had two combatants on the level of a guild leader! Charlie smiled as he noticed the fleeting look of shock that spread across Dao's face. It was the same look so many confident enemies had given him before. Those were all just fond memories to him now.

"Well? Shall I start?" Charlie asked mockingly before closing the distance between them at a blinding speed. This was purely his own physical capabilities with no skill used whatsoever. 

Dao grimaced as he realised that this man may even be faster than himself. He was certainly a monster in human skin! Dao had more than a century of martial arts training under his belt, so he easily brushed aside the flurry of blows that was launched at him. He took great care in making sure to never touch the blades of the daggers that were thrust towards him. 

Instead, he opted to slap his opponent's hand or wrist to deflect each individual strike. As the fast-paced exchange continued, Charlie began to use more technical skills. Throwing in feints and misdirection since he failed to overwhelm his opponent with sheer speed. So far neither of them had been able to land a clean hit on one another, leaving the spectators in a state of shock and awe.

Many of them had never had the chance to witness such a high-level battle between two veterans. It truly made them realise the difference between themselves and the monsters of this calibre. Either one would be able to remove the lot of them from this world as casually as washing away a shit stain in the toilet.

While they were too busy being mesmerised by the show, Charlie hatched a plan in his sadistic mind to take the initiative in this fight. It was clear this vampire had appeared to protect the weaker ones in this area, so what was his weakness? It was those very same ones he had to protect, obviously!

He thrust a dagger towards Dao's eyes to keep his attention on it before throwing the second one towards the vampires in the crowd. No matter where it went, it was sure to strike one of them that was not properly paying attention to their surroundings. Dao panicked as he realised what his opponent had done and flitted into the daggers trajectory.

He felt the poison rapidly invading his body as his enemy seemed to celebrate his premature victory. 'Thank god I was born a Gardener!' Dao thought as he used his haemomancy skills to flush the infected blood out from his body. His unique blood then began to assimilate the poison and adjust its composition. 

Charlie stared on in stunned silence as the blood flowed freely out into the air from his opponent. Its red colour now changed to a mixture of yellow and green.

"Time to prune those thorns of your's," Dao stated with a glint in his eyes

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