My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 341 Daughter Of Fenrir

A steady flow of memories appeared in Azzy's mind like some movie. The Reaper blocked the memories which aren't safe for a teenager like Azzy to witness and only let him see how she lived her life and how she turned out like this.

Loren was an orphan who grew up on the streets of some city. There was no one to look after her.

When she was only four years old, she killed an adult street dog to protect herself. She was too hungry back then, not having for five days straight. Having no choice, she attempted to eat its flesh.

Naturally, she didn't like it a bit but to fill her stomach, she gritted her teeth and started to eat it.

However, the scene was witnessed by a couple of policemen who are patrolling the streets.

Feeling disgusted by the scene, they attempted to take the dog away from her and thought of taking her to some orphanage.

But, little Loren was too hungry. Seeing that her food was snatched away, her eyes set on the two of them. She attacked them.

Each of the policemen is at least 6ft and weighs 70 kg and yet, both of them aren't a match for her.

One of them managed to escape with heavy wounds while the other one died.

She then consumed the human's flesh. This time, her eyes lit up and she started to eat it.

From then on, for the next ten years, about 547 people have been killed and their organs have been consumed by her.

Azzy couldn't bear to watch anymore. At first, when he saw the little her, he felt a little pity, thinking that circumstances changed her into a killer but then, he realized that she was born a beast.

The Reaper watched the rest of her memories and informed him, "a total of 2933 deaths on her head in the past 148 years of her life. You couldn't see the memories of her first four years because she might have forgotten but I have found those forgotten memories.

It appears that she's the daughter of Fenrir, a reincarnated celestial grade wolf of rank-3. When this kid was 3 years old, her mother found out that the one she was living with, for the past four years was a wolf. She was disgusted that she slept with a beast and decided to inform the authorities.

Fenrir ran away from home, leaving the mother and daughter alone.

No one knows who leaked the information. A group of people decided that her mother is a social abomination and burned her alive.

However, Loren unknowingly transformed into a wolf and escaped from there alive.

That's why don't think that she's nothing but a beast. Even the vilest of criminals were once innocent. The circumstances change them like that.

But that doesn't mean they are forgivable.

You have to punish them for their sins but don't give space to hatred in your heart for them. It's tough to not hate the sinners but you have a long life ahead of you. You can slowly learn."

Azzy took back his palm from her forehead and let out a deep sigh. Looking into her eyes with a mixed gaze, he said, "You indeed have a miserable beginning but I can't abandon my hatred after watching your cruel actions, at least not very soon. All I can wish you to make right choices in your next life."

He swung it down, decapitating her.

*Awooo* *Awooo*

Howls filled with grief escaped from her servants whose bodies were submerged up to their chests. Soon, gray energy enveloped them, and they started to roar, now trying their best to get free. It appeared as if they go berserk.

Two of them in rank-6 were even successful in resisting the sinking. They were getting up.

Azzy shifted his attention towards them and asked the Reaper, "what to do with them? I cannot use Soul search for a while."

From Loren's memories, he knew that they were once workers in the mines but later became victims to Loren's experiments, turning into her slaves. After that, whatever they did, it was Loren's fault.

But, he doesn't know their personal lives. So, he wasn't sure whether to save them by taking them to WAMO or abandoning them like this.

"They are beyond help. With their mind controller no longer present, they will forever stay as beasts. They cannot be saved, Azrael," replied the Reaper. "The best thing you can do is to kill them and free them from this suffering."

Azzy nodded and raised his arm. His soul energy started to deplete at a rapid pace while the cursed land became stronger.

As a result, none of them was able to escape and submerged completely. He cut off his supply of energy to the cursed land, ending the skill.

When it disappeared after 30 seconds, the only thing that is left of them is the bones. Everything else has been gone.

"My soul skills are really not suitable for friendly battles," Azzy mumbled with a long sigh while staring at them.

"Well, you still have the wolf and the lotus," The Reaper commented casually, not taking it much seriously as Azzy.

Half a day later;

Azzy, Claire, Neal, and several young villagers were seen digging the last body buried within a 5-km radius from the lab.

About 735 bodies were successfully dugout. Apart from a couple of dozens, most of them became skeletons, meaning they were buried long ago.

Only after then, did the village chief inform the nearby town authorities. They were too many in number and it will cost a huge amount of money and time for the town's council to identify each of them.

In the end, the council's representative informed Neal that they will be cremating the corpses altogether.

Neal cannot do anything. It is out of their jurisdiction and not to mention, even if he took the job, it will take several months or even years to identify every corpse and return it to their kin. WAMO couldn't bother to take such a task either.

As for Azzy, he was only satisfied with the fact that 76 of them were saved and the souls of the people that were buried at the mountain ascended to the spirit realm.

It was then Claire stepped forward. She didn't hesitate to pay 10 million credits to purchase a huge land at the outskirts of the town to give them a proper burial according to the Church of Light's traditions.

Along with them, the corpse of Loren and the bones of her servants were also given a proper burial.

As Loren died in her wolf form, people took her like a beast but at Azzy's request, Claire insisted that Loren has to be given the same treatment as others.

They stayed back another day to see all the process and only after that, Claire was satisfied and decided to leave.

The three of them then flew towards the city of Leunar, located within the same country but was a few hundred kilometers away from the mountainous area.

Little did they expect, the media will transform Azzy into a celebrity at Zuweth nation overnight.

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