My Soul card is a Reaper

Chapter 342 Homicide Case Part-1

36 hours ago;

After eliminating the enemies, Azzy left the lab and went to the adjacent chamber.

There, about six females were found to be sleeping. There was a switchboard right beside the door. He switched on the light.

In an instant, they woke up and looked at Azzy. He was a stranger to them but they took him as a servant of Loren.

Maybe, the death scythe in Azzy's hand was looking damn intimidating, or maybe, they live in fear every moment. Whatever the case, they appeared to be afraid of Azzy.

Before he even said anything, one of them spoke, "just give us a minute. We'll change into our uniforms right away."

Without minding the fact that there's a male in front of them, the representative of them proceeded to take off her top to change into a full lab gown everyone is required to wear.

Azzy hurriedly stopped her. "Don't. Calm down for a second."

"Hmm?" The women looked at Azzy in surprise because apart from Loren, no one to date had talked to them.

Azzy said, "No need to panic. I'm not a foe. My name is Azrael, I'm from World Arcana Masters Organization and I'm here to save you all."

"What! No…" The leader of the room screamed as she shivered in fear, "if we attempt to escape, we will face a punishment worse than death. Please go away and bring your higher authorities. Only rank-7 people can help us."

Azzy was a little bit surprised to see how a normal civilian like this blonde woman know about Loren's strength but it isn't the time to think about such a thing.

He said, "Loren and her servants are dead. You are free, now. I'm going to release the others. Follow me."

The six females took some time to get out of the shock but soon, all of them burst into tears, thanking the heavens for showing mercy on their lives.

Very soon, 76 people filled with young women and men, all between 20-30 ages, gathered at the exit of the dark tunnel.

Staring at them, he spoke, "my colleagues will be here at any minute. Until then, please wait. It is still dark outside and the exit to outside these mines has a complex route. If you go now, I can't guarantee your safety."

All of them listened to him and just sat down in obedience.

Looking at their actions, the Reaper couldn't help but comment in pity, "poor children. They have experienced so much torture that they no longer hold the courage to talk back or resist."

Half an hour later, Claire and Neal arrived together. Claire immediately hugged Azzy and scolded him for going out alone.

After finishing the enemies, Azzy had already reported the matter to Neal and Claire. While Claire didn't respond because she was in deep sleep, Neal was always on alert, so, he replied right away.

He woke her up and left for the mountain, right away. As for Evan, they left him at the house because the case is already solved.

Soon, the three of them took them to the village and placed them at the church until the morning.

As the sun rose, Azzy and others started digging the mountain to finish the matter.

At that time, neither Azzy nor his two companions know that the first woman Azzy saved at the mines is actually the niece of the king of Zuweth. She was a royal born.

About three years ago, she ran away from the home as he father and her uncle tried to marry her to the playboy son of the prime minister.

They thought that she ran away to some country or Arcana world but how would anyone expect that she would get abducted by a taxi driver and get sold to Loren.

By the time the party of three arrived in the city of Leunar for Azzy's case, Azzy's name is being reported in every article and newspaper along with Linda's interview.

As for Claire and Neal, they were only mentioned as person A and Person B because of the following reasons.

1) No one knows their names except for the village chief and the family of Arvid. Arvid was grateful that his cattle will no longer be stolen and the village Chief Albert was grateful that not only Evan and his friends were spared from punishment but Evan was also offered a place at WAMO's general forces. This way, Evan holds a dignified position in society and WAMO can keep an eye on his werewolf transformation.

2) While Claire indeed bought the land for a separate burial ground, only the town's officials know of the matter. Since she wanted to keep the matter secret, no one from the media got the whiff of it.

In the end, Azzy unknowingly stole all the limelight.


They finally realized how far the matter of the earlier case was spread among the public after reaching the Detective bureau, where one of the detective squads was supposed to brief them regarding the case.

Even the chief of the detectives shook his hands with Azzy and then the other two, followed by praising them.

Azzy almost regretted revealing his identity to the woman upon hearing the complete matter.

But, then again, it wasn't the time to think about the past. His current thoughts should be on the mission he was given.

Soon, as the three of them took the seats, the detective squad of five briefed them. It is a homicide case that was reopened after 7 years.

A couple was murdered and the wife's ex-lover was thrown into prison when all the pieces of evidence pointed to him. As a result, he received a 14-year-old sentence as he was a civilian and not an Arcana Master.

However, 7 years later, the sister of the culprit came to the police along with a private investigator and submitted two pieces of evidence that proved his innocence. He was granted bail and the case was handed to this squad-4.

"What were those evidence?" Azzy asked the captain upon hearing the entire story.

Captain Chester answered, "It's the video footage from the international airport of Searvale. Orchard wasn't even in this country when the murder happened."

"But, one can easily travel through portal points as long as they have enough money," Azzy argued with him, feeling that evidence isn't strong enough.

Neal and Claire nodded in agreement and looked at the captain for an explanation.

"Yes, it was also taken into consideration but the second evidence," Chester gave a pause before he eyed another detective named Leola.

​ She handed a document with a hospital name printed on it. He gave it to Neal, instead of Azzy.

As Neal read it, realization dawned upon him. "I see… no wonder he was believed to be innocent."

"What is it Captain Neal?" asked Claire.

Unlike the detectives, Neal didn't hesitate to divulge the details, "according to the initial investigation results, the woman was found to be raped but this man is impotent."

As it was a little uncomfortable topic for teenagers like Azzy and Claire, the former tried his best to not go deep into the topic and be as calm as possible, followed by asking the captain to resume with the briefing.

Captain Chester took the seat and continued, "Once we received the case, a week ago. We explored other possible suspects. If one is framed, then, either the real culprit must also have a grudge against the accused or they could be complete strangers.

We proceeded with assuming the first case and our investigation results brought down to one suspect that has the motive, time, and was spotted at the hotel, about 30 minutes before the murder."

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