My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 656: Who Says Demons and Ghosts Can't Be Killed Without Arrows?

Chapter 656: Who Says Demons and Ghosts Can't Be Killed Without Arrows?

As soon as the words were spoken, a huge black shadow swept out of the mountain forest, accompanied by a gust of wind and a stench that filled the air.

Qin Feng focused his gaze and couldn’t help but frown.

It was a huge black-bodied snake with a green head!

This was the Bashé from Great Qian’s Chronicles of a Hundred Demons, known for its ferocity and incredible strength. With a single snap of its jaws, it could swallow an elephant whole. Bashé snakes that lived for over a hundred years were said to have a strength that reached the level of the Fifth Calamity Cycle.

And judging by the size of this Bashé snake, it had clearly surpassed that level!


The Bashé snake raised its body and spat out its tongue, its crimson eyes scanning the surroundings as if it were selecting its prey.

The rest of the team was also uneasy as various demons and ghosts emerged from the mountain forest, baring their fangs and claws and eyeing their prey.

At the forefront, led by General Lie Ying, there was even a tiger beast whose strength was probably at the peak of the Sixth Calamity Cycle.

With a roar that shook the earth and the mountains, the scene was deafening.

Sensing the unusual situation, Qin An said in a deep voice, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a gathering of demons and spirits during our training with Master.”

“With the current chaos in the Southern Domain, such scenes are to be expected. Back when the catastrophe occurred in the Western Domain, the extent of the chaos was much greater than this.”

“Wait, let’s pay close attention and take advantage of the chaos to strike to prevent these demons and ghosts from harming our soldiers,” Qin Feng advised.

“I understand, Big Brother.”

The two of them thought that the Military War Duke Army would be overwhelmed by the onslaught of Demons and Ghosts, but they were clearly thinking too much.

The Military War Duke Army, recognized as the second strongest army by Great Qian, had been through countless battles and had seen all kinds of formations.

When General Lie Ying shouted “Third Formation”, the formation immediately began to change.

Although the new recruits at the back of the formation had little experience in actual combat, they had not neglected their training during peacetime.

Hearing the call to formation, they moved with the team almost instinctively, rushing to their designated positions.

Those with massive shields stood on the outer perimeter, fending off the onslaught of demons and ghosts, while those with long weapons followed close behind, their spears thrusting like dragons and their halberds swinging horizontally, inflicting damage on the demons and ghosts.

Swordsmen protected the gaps in the formation, while those carrying gunpowder lit the fuses and hurled them violently into the midst of the demons and ghosts.


The fire was blinding, and the heat wave swept over the surroundings.

The screams of the demons and ghosts echoed incessantly!

The change in the battle almost happened in a matter of moments, leaving Qin Feng and his companions stunned and looking at each other in disbelief.

As inexperienced recruits, how could they have participated in proper training, let alone understood the so-called Third Formation?

At that moment, they seemed like outsiders, completely out of place in the entire army.

A veteran soldier noticed the three of them and immediately shouted, “What the hell are you staring at? Are you looking for death? Get in formation now!”

No sooner said than done.

In the sky, several black shadows flashed across, wings flapped, and the strong wind was like a sharp blade, sweeping toward the ranks of the Military War Duke Army.

In order to avoid the attack, the team’s formation had to be separated, leaving gaping holes.

The soldiers looked up and their expressions became extremely ugly. 

“It’s actually the Ghost Owl!”

The Ghost Owls were avian beasts that roamed the southern realm, with most of them in the Four Calamity Cycle realm, and possessed the innate divine ability to turn wind into blades.

Airborne demonic beasts have always been a headache for soldiers going into battle. Their strength was usually below the sixth rank, so they had few means to counter aerial threats. Among the many flying demonic beasts, Ghost Owls were especially despised for their ability to cut through formations.

Countless brothers had lost their lives to these creatures in past campaigns!

“Shield bearers, watch out for the wind blades in the sky! Archers, shoot down these pests for me!” 

The bows were drawn and ready to go


The sound of sharp arrows piercing the clouds could be heard endlessly, but the effect was extremely mediocre. 

The Ghost Owls possessed innate divine abilities like wind blades, and their flying speed was naturally good. It was already a challenge to hit targets dozens of meters away, let alone target their weak points – their eyes.

Fierce winds and sharp blades rained down, causing the formation to falter once again. The shield bearers, already struggling to fend off the attacks of the outer demons and ghosts, were overwhelmed by the additional threat of the ghost owls.

Casualties ensued, disrupting the previously seamless flow of the Duke’s Military War Army.

Qin Feng and Qin An turned around, but Father Qin was nowhere to be found.

“Big Brother, where’s Father?”

“The attacks of these demons and ghosts seem to be too coordinated. There must be a powerful demon king or ghost king orchestrating the battle. I just felt a strong aura fluctuation. Considering Father’s strength, he might have gone to deal with that guy.”

“What should we do now? Should we sneak in?” Qin An looked around, his expression filled with fear.

Qin Feng thought for a moment before deciding. “Father was just here, so I couldn’t say anything. But now is the perfect opportunity.”

“What do you mean, big brother?” Qin An asked curiously.

“If it were just the two of us brothers who were still keeping a low profile, Father would surely send us back to the Imperial City when he returns.”

“But if we show a certain level of strength in front of the other soldiers, then Father won’t be able to send us back in front of everyone.” 

Qin An understood immediately upon hearing this, his eyes shining. “So we don’t have to hold back and can go all out?”

“Not go all out, exactly. The enemy lurks in the shadows while we’re in the light. It’s best to leave some wiggle room. Let me give you an example.” Qin Feng said this and then surveyed the surroundings before rushing over to a wounded crossbowman.

“How are you, brother?” 

The crossbowman replied with difficulty, “I’ve been injured by the wind blades, but I’m not in any danger of dying. Don’t worry about me, protect the formation!”


Qin Feng nodded, then grabbed the crossbow from the man’s hands and tied it.

“What are you doing?” the man shouted.

“Of course, I’m going to shoot down those demon owls and avenge you!” Qin Feng explained righteously.

The man was taken aback and cursed, “I am not even dead yet, what revenge are you talking about? And why are you drawing the bow without any arrows? What do you think you can shoot with?”

“Today’s Military War Duke Army doesn’t even conduct assessments when recruiting new recruits. Damn it, a calf can be so stupid!” 

Qin Feng glanced at the empty bowstring and twitched the corner of his mouth. 

The second brother was watching not far away. In order to maintain his image as the eldest brother, he coughed dryly and said. “It seems like your archery skills aren’t quite there yet. Haven’t you heard of a supreme archery technique called the ‘Unshootable Shot’?”

“The Unshootable Shot?” The man was puzzled. “What does it mean?”

“Just watch!” Qin Feng, who was now incredibly strong, exerted force with both arms, pulled the bowstring, and confidently recited, “I can draw the bow like a full moon, face northwest, and shoot the star!”

Such audacity?

The man was completely shocked.

And what followed was even beyond his comprehension.

Although there was clearly no arrow on the bow, a white light emerged, like a thunder, it shot straight into the sky at the Ghost Owl with lightning speed! 

Then came a piercing scream as the owl was struck down by a single arrow!

The daylight thunder was already terrifying, but the Ghost Owl that had left the archers helpless was shot dead by someone, instantly boosting morale!

The surrounding officers and soldiers looked around in amazement.

“Who just shot that arrow?” exclaimed an veteran soldier.

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