My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 657: Are All Newbies So Wild These Days?

Chapter 657: Are All Newbies So Wild These Days?

“You can kill the Ghost Owl without arrows. Is this “Unshootable Shot”?”  The archer sitting on the ground widened his eyes in admiration.

The eyes of others also fell on the handsome new recruit holding a large bow with no arrows.


The ghost owls screamed, fluttered their wings, and flew to higher places to avoid being shot by arrows. 

The jet-black wings struck with the wind, and were more powerful than the wind blade. 

There was a veteran holding a long blade and slashing at Ghost Owl, and the sound of clanging and collision could be heard endlessly. 

He shouted loudly, “Find a way to close the formation. Don’t let the Demons and Ghosts rush into the formation.” 

“Those with swords and blades, join me in resisting these feathers! And you, kid, try harder and shoot those damn things down! Tonight we’ll have Ghost Owl Soup!”

“Newbie” was the term veterans used for recruits to express their expectations. It came from the saying, “A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.”

As for “kid”, it was a sign of recognition from the old soldiers to the new recruits, signifying that they could trust them.

As the situation became critical, Qin Feng nodded in agreement and pulled the bowstring once again. The white lightning array on his glove shimmered brightly.

In an instant, thunder roared and several white lightning bolts shot into the sky. Naturally, each “arrow” hit its target, harvesting the lives of the Ghost Owls!

When the archers saw this, they cheered for joy. This kind of archery skills was truly amazing and unheard of! 

The Ghost Owl suffered heavy losses, and the soldiers no longer had to be wary of threats from high altitudes, and immediately launched a counterattack with high momentum. 

“The Basilisk Serpent’s belly has been severely damaged by gunpowder! Brothers, try harder and let’s rip it open!”

“These iron-clad boars are invulnerable and have amazing strength. Be careful not to get pierced by their sharp tusks. Their weak spot is under their jaws. Spear wielders, sharpen your eyes and aim for a killing blow!”

“Oh no, there’s a Earth Splitting Elephant coming from the north!”


Boom! Boom!

The earth trembled, and everyone looked at a colossal elephant the size of a small mountain charging toward them, its four hooves pounding the ground.

As described in Great Qian’s Chronicles of One Hundred Monsters, the Earth Splitting Elephant was as large as a mountain and possessed the power to uproot mountains and rivers. Its tusks were like razor blades, unstoppable, and capable of easily piercing iron armor!

The strength of the Earth Splitting Elephant was determined by the length of its tusks. One zhang in length constituted one calamity cycle, two zhangs constituted two cycles, and so on…

The tusks of the Earth Splitting Elephant before them measured five zhangs, which meant that it was a five-calamity cycle monster!

How could an ordinary soldier fight alone against such a ferocious creature? 

Everyone was shocked and immediately adjusted their formation to prepare for battle. However, at this critical moment, there was still a foolish boy standing on the mountain road, lost in thought and oblivious to the danger!

“Are you waiting to die? Get out of the way!” a soldier shouted angrily.

Qin An was still remembering his elder brother’s actions when he heard a loud noise behind him and immediately turned around.

The Earth Splitting Elephant revealed its fierce appearance, its sharp tusks gleaming with a cold light, only a dozen meters away from his body!

With just one breath, it could pierce through his body!

The timid new recruits were already terrified and averted their eyes, while the veteran soldiers were all furious, even if they wanted to rush forward to save him, it was already too late.

But what happened next exceeded everyone’s expectations.

They saw the not-so-sturdy figure of a calf not dodging or evading, but actively confronting the Earth Splitting Elephant!

Qin An opened his arms, pressed his legs down, and directly held the tusks of the Earth Splitting Elephant with both hands, and the two began to wrestle with each other! 


“Damn, did I see that right?”

The soldiers’ eyes widened with horror on their faces. 

The Earth Rupturing Elephant possessed terrifying power; when it charged, even the city gate could be shattered in an instant.

But at that moment, a new recruit was wrestling with it, and he was not even lagging behind!

With the new recruit’s excellent archery skills, several ghost owls flying in the sky were shot down in an instant, and now another new recruit had the courage to face the Earth Splitting Elephant.

Are all the newbies today so fierce? 

Every veteran couldn’t help but have this thought in their heart – Could it be that times have changed? 

Qin Feng glanced to the side and realized that all his limelight had been taken away by his second brother. How could he tolerate this? 

He immediately shouted, “What are you all standing around for? Hurry up and kill that Earth Splitting Elephant!”

The soldiers snapped out of their stupor and, after repelling the ordinary demons and ghosts, rushed at the Earth Splitting Elephant.

However, their blades and spears fell on the Earth Splitting Elephant’s tough skin and could not cause fatal damage at all. 

An experienced soldier shouted, “The Earth Splitting Elephant’s belly is its softest spot. We must find a way to turn it over!”

Qin An immediately replied, “Understood, leave it to me!”

With these words, he let out a loud roar, and his vitality surged, causing his muscles to bulge all over his body.

Then, with a resounding boom, dust filled the air!

To everyone’s astonishment, Qin An had single-handedly toppled the Earth Splitting Elephant that was as massive as a mountain!

The surrounding soldiers were filled with shock, but some of them quickly reacted and shouted, “Don’t just stand there, kill this beast first!”

In no time, the Earth Splitting Elephant let out a painful howl and met its demise!

The soldiers cheered triumphantly.

Of course, they didn’t let their guard down, as the demons and ghosts continued to advance relentlessly, and the battle was far from over.

Lie Ying had already killed Six Calamity Cycle tiger beasts at the front of the formation, and with his strength as a third-tier Fierce General, he effortlessly dealt with the Demons and Ghosts, disappearing into the forest as if it were his own domain.

The pressure on the soldiers of the Duke’s Military War Army was greatly reduced.

But continuing to kill like this was no solution. When would this endless flood of demons and ghosts come to an end?

“Damn it, are these beasts really unafraid of death? In the past, they would have scattered long ago after being slaughtered like this!”

“There must be a powerful demon king or ghost king commanding them. General Lie has rushed into the forests, and he must have figured it out.”

At that moment, in the clouds on a mountaintop in front of the marching route of the Military War Duke’s Army, wisps of green smoke rose.

A strange thing happened. The Demons and Ghosts no longer attacked the Military War Duke Army. Instead, they showed fear in their eyes and ran away deep into the forest.

This was the end of the battle.

Although the soldiers of the Military War Duke’s Army didn’t understand exactly what had happened, they breathed a sigh of relief.

An old soldier shouted, “Brothers, start cleaning up the battlefield. The flesh and blood of these monsters is a great tonic for us. We’re in for a treat tonight!”

Qin Feng looked at the green smoke with a slightly raised eyebrow. “It seems that Father has already killed the big guy behind the demon troubles, so those demons and ghosts have retreated.”

“Big Brother, I didn’t do anything wrong just now, did I? I didn’t use my blade and hid my strength. Someone even praised me as a tiger cub and said that I could become a commander.” Qin An approached and spoke quietly.

“Well, even though it is a bit different from what I said, the goal is achieved. Next, as long as…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Qin Feng and Qin An felt their necks being grabbed again, without having to look, they knew it was their Father.

He said with a deep voice, “While no one is paying attention to you now, hurry back to the Imperial City. Otherwise, I’ll break your…”


At that moment, someone slapped Father Qin on the back of the head, interrupting what he was about to say.

The three of them were all surprised. They turned around to see an old soldier furrowing his brow and saying, “These two young puppies are the main contributors to this battle. Who allowed you to act arrogantly and bully them?”

Father Qin was stunned. When had his wisdom ever been questioned like this?

Qin Feng and Qin An were also taken aback. There was a hint of admiration in their eyes when they looked at the veteran. 

This veteran could never have imagined in his wildest dreams what kind of existence he slapped… 

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