Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 119: Return to the City

Chapter 119: Return to the City

On the citys primary thoroughfare, workers began the process of dismantling the security barricades that had previously blocked off the road. Once these barriers were removed, traffic was allowed to flow freely once more. Vehicles of all kinds cars, trucks, and motorcycles began moving in every direction, gradually dispersing from the area.

Within a short period, the majority of individuals who had been present at the location had departed. Only a handful of observers remained. Their task was to closely monitor the remnants of what used to be Yellow Hill Village, ensuring that no unforeseen incidents occurred again in the wake of its mysterious disappearance.

While looking for a way back to the city core, Miles was offered a lift by Stretch. Grateful for the gesture, Miles accepted and soon found himself in Stretchs car, heading towards the heart of the city.

As they drove, Stretch, his voice tinged with uncertainty, broached a topic that had been on his mind. You know, Ive been scheduled for an appointment at that research company tomorrow. If all goes well and quickly, I might soon have the capability to control a second ghost. Im hoping this will give me more time and maybe prevent the re-emergence of the malevolent spirit thats haunting me. Im curious, though. Why did you decline their offer when they approached you?

Miles took a moment before responding, The procedure they offer has a success rate of less than 20%. Its too risky for my liking. Youre brave to give it a shot, but I wanted to give it more thought. I believe that over time, they might refine the process and increase the success rate. Thats when Ill consider it.

He continued, I have the luxury of waiting for a while longer. Besides, the offer stands, and I trust James to keep his promise. Let me know how your experience goes, and depending on where I am with my situation, Ill reconsider.

Stretch looked paler than usual. I understand your cautious stance, he murmured. But time isnt on my side. Im not sure I can endure long enough to control another spirit. He seemed to wince, hinting at some hidden pain.

Miles noticed Stretchs discomfort. You dont seem in the best shape. Youre sweating profusely. Its almost like youre suffering from heat exhaustion. If it gets worse, maybe you should lie down in the trunk. If something were to happen to you, dealing with your internal spirit would be quite a hassle for me, he half-joked.

Stretch grimaced, No, its not that. During our confrontation with the ghost, it managed to injure me. Theres a gash on my back, and Im losing blood. I need medical attention soon.

Miles raised an eyebrow, That explains your state. I was half-hoping Id get to perform some last-minute rites for you.

Ignoring Miless dark humor, Stretchs mind wandered to a previous incident. He remembered seeing Miles betray Frank for a profitable outcome. It made him wonder if Miles was growing fond of turning on his friends.

After a brief pause, Stretch, driven by curiosity, finally asked, By the way, is that rumor about the ghost candle actually true?

Miles stared at Stretch with evident astonishment. Ghost candle? What on earth are you referring to? Did we have a conversation about this earlier that Im unaware of?

Stretchs expression became noticeably darker, a hint of frustration evident. Im not plotting to snatch away your ghost candle. Why are you suddenly on edge about it?

Miles leaned in, lowering his voice to a mere whisper, Be careful! We cant be certain whos listening. The fewer individuals aware of this item, the safer it is. Remember, Spear City isnt just our domain. Even though a significant number of the Cockroach Club members met their end, there are undoubtedly other ghost tamers in the shadows. What if they overhear our conversation and are tempted by the allure of this coveted item?

With a serious tone and a gesture for emphasis, Miles added, That item is not just any trinket its a lifesaver, an invaluable asset. In the custody of Professor James, it would be untouchable. But if people learn that I hold such an item? You best believe Ill hold you responsible for any unwanted attention it draws.

Stretchs grip on the steering wheel tightened, his surprise nearly causing him to slam on the brakes. Why would it be my fault if someone targets you?

Miles shot back, If the information leaks, Ill know it came from you. Who else would be the source?

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Stretch countered, Perhaps someone from Professor Jamess team might have inadvertently shared the info.

Miles scoffed, Thats unlikely. Regular folks dont easily cross paths with ghost tamers. Take Wesley, for instance. Some may boast of their wealth and influence in the corporate world, but amongst the supernatural realm, we ghost tamers are held in high regard. In situations involving the paranormal, our expertise is indispensable. Were the only ones equipped to manage these affairs.

Stretch, seeking to end the argument, intervened, Fine, fine. Lets get this straight: I have no knowledge about this so-called ghost candle. My primary concern is to prolong the vengeful ghosts dormancy. I wont delve into matters that dont concern me. Lets just agree that I misspoke earlier.

Miles smirked, As long as you admit it was a slip of the tongue, my minds at rest.

Every so often, Stretch felt a strong urge to reprimand this impudent young man. Who did this boy think he was, addressing his elder so brazenly? However, remembering his inferiority in combat against Miles, Stretch repressed his ire. He was the mature one in this situation and shouldnt engage in pettiness with a youth.

Nonetheless, a sincere gratitude emanated from Stretchs voice as he said, Despite everything, I owe you my gratitude for this ordeal. Without your intervention, I might not have escaped Yellow Hill Village in one piece. He continued, If only Page and the others had heeded your guidance earlier, maybe we wouldnt have suffered such losses.

Despite his often brash demeanor, Miless competence was undeniable. He had astutely navigated the perilous events of Yellow Hill Village. In comparison, the other veteran ghost tamers had been mere fleeting presences.

Miles cheekily remarked, If Page and the others were still around, Id have taken it upon myself to ensure theyre taken care of, perhaps even orchestrating an accident.

Stretchs eyes widened in disbelief, looking directly at Miles. Why on earth would you even contemplate such actions?

Miles smirked, a twinkle in his eye, I have my moments of pettiness, you know.

Stretch hesitated for a moment, his expression revealing a mix of confusion and realization. Alright, I get your point. He decided not to pursue the topic further and instead concentrated on navigating the streets.

Just then, Miles took out his smartphone and dialed a number. Hey, is this you, Sister River?

An annoyed voice shot back from the other end, For the umpteenth time, drop the Sister prefix! And where have you been? Nearly a week without a word! Do you have the faintest clue what Ive been through during your absence?

In a playful tone, Miles retorted, Didnt you just lock yourself indoors, immersing yourself in that video game, Blue Moon?

River was momentarily taken aback, struggling to find a suitable comeback.

Just reached the city, Miles continued, shifting to a more serious tone, Ill ping you my coordinates shortly. Make your way here. Theres something I need you to deal with later.

Rivers irritation vanished, replaced with enthusiasm. On my way! Expect me soon.

Miles, disconnecting the call, seemed lost in thought. What made River so eager to see him? Was there a hidden agenda?

Stretch, trying to make conversation, inquired, Dropping you off here? You live in this neighborhood?

Not exactly, Miles responded, Ive got a craving for some decent food. That packed sustenance in Yellow Hill Village was dreadful. Its heavy, bland, and leaves you feeling overfull. Remember, I shared my contact with you. Buzz me if anything arises.

Stretch responded hastily, No, scratch that. If anything pops up, Ill ring you. But please, dont initiate contact. Lets be clear, we arent buddies.

Stretch contemplated inviting Miles for a shared meal. But given the awkwardness that had transpired, he dropped the idea.

Miles quipped, Until next time.

With a perplexed expression, Stretch allowed Miles to alight from his luxurious sports car, accelerating away without any delay.

Miles, eyes gleaming with admiration, murmured to himself, What a sleek vehicle. Someday, when Im flush with cash, Ill get myself one.

He then proceeded to a fast-food outlet in a neighboring plaza, eager to indulge in some greasy comfort food. However, beneath the citys luminescent streetlights, a singular, chilling shadow trailed Miles. Regardless of the direction of the light, this solitary shadow loomed intense, elongated, resembling a stretched-out silhouette of a tall figure lying prostrate on the pavement. Disturbingly, this shadow was decapitated.

Ever since the incident in Yellow Hill Village, this eerie, headless silhouette had become a persistent, disquieting companion to Miles, symbolizing peril and dread.

The fleeting shadow that trailed Miles was unlike any other. Pedestrians, unaware of its unique nature, would inadvertently step on it. While no physical harm was done, they experienced an unexpected cold shiver as though a winter draft had momentarily caressed the underside of their feet. This peculiar sensation would vanish the moment they lifted their foot as the shadow continued to glide along with Miles.

Excuse me, Miles called out, the rumble in his stomach urging him on, Im terribly hungry. May I jump ahead in line?

The young lady he had addressed turned, a look of shock evident on her face. She seemed to be weighing whether Miles was joking or genuinely out of his mind.

Realizing his approach might have come off as odd, Miles hurriedly clarified, Im sorry, I didnt phrase that well. What I meant was, could I possibly move ahead in the queue? Ive been without proper food for days, and Im starving. My apologies for the abruptness.

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