Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 120: River is Pursued

Chapter 120: River is Pursued

After receiving a phone call from Miles, the dark cloud that had previously hovered over Rivers mood quickly dissipated, replaced by a wave of joy.

While she was fully aware of the fact that Miles possessed the rare and potentially perilous ability to tame ghosts, her past encounters with him had been quite ordinary. He wasnt just like other men; Miles was in a league of his own. Young and competent, he had the kind of wealth that drew attention, and his strikingly handsome features made him impossible to overlook.

True, there were times when Miless way of thinking was puzzling, but what did that matter to her? River began humming a cheerful tune, getting ready for the day. She styled her hair in a fresh, modern way and slipped into a playful, cartoon-themed dress shed purchased just a few days prior. The dress tastefully stopped just above her knees, revealing her lithe, pale legs.

Checking her reflection, River struck a sassy pose. This will do it. Theres no way Miles will keep calling me big sister after he sees me in this. I bet I look even fresher and more youthful than those high school seniors, she mused with a touch of pride. In her opinion, her figure allowed her to pull off just about any look. Nonetheless, her main goal was to ensure Miles remained close to her.

Suddenly, she remembered, Ah, I need my car keys!

As she grabbed them, ready to leave, she was met with an unexpected sight. A dapper young man in a stylish suit stood before her, holding out a rose. His smile radiated warmth. River, our connection must be psychic. I was just about to knock when you opened the door. Youre looking incredibly stunning today. This rose is but a humble gift, nowhere close to your radiant beauty.

Rivers jovial mood instantly dampened. In a frustrated tone, she snapped, Feng, why are you here? Havent I made it clear? Im with someone. You need to move on.

Undeterred, Feng replied, River, dont be so quick to dismiss me. Im more than willing to prove myself and win you over. I believe my genuine affection for you can rival his.

Thinking back to their college days, River pleaded, Feng, for the sake of our old friendship, please just go. If Miles learns youre here hassling me, I cant predict what he might do.

River now rued her decision to attend the recent college reunion. Eager to flaunt a bit, she had driven up in Miless lavish car. Though it earned her admiration and a bit of envy from her former classmates, it also unwittingly attracted Fengs unwavering attention ever since the event.

Youre acting as though Im completely naive. Do you think you can charm your way into my wealth? Believing that by seducing me, you could shortcut your way through life and avoid the grind of decades of hard work? River inwardly mused.

She mentally remarked that if she couldnt discern such clear motives, her training and experience as a seasoned accountant would be in vain. Yet, despite her repeated rejections, whether they were straightforward or subtle, Feng remained undeterred.

River, Feng began, with a tone suggesting sincerity, Im somewhat glad you view things this way. If Miles is merely some brute that turns to aggression at the drop of a hat, then hes undeserving of your affections. You should be with someone who can consistently ensure your well-being and support you.

Suppressing the bubbling emotions within, River kept a level-headed appearance. If you genuinely think that Miles doesnt offer me both stability and protection, then you are sorely mistaken, she mused internally, choosing not to vocalize her thoughts to keep the situation from escalating.

Collecting herself, she responded with an air of finality, Enough of this. Ive no interest in your propositions or your motives. Its best if you leave.

With an almost smug expression, Feng motioned towards a nearby apartment with its door ajar, For your information, Ive just signed the lease for the unit opposite yours. Well be seeing much more of each other.

River stared in disbelief, Have you lost it? Moving directly across from my place? Are you stalking me?

Feng grinned, Even your anger has its charms.

Frustrated and nearing her breaking point, River retorted sharply, Live your life how you want. Ive no more time for this.

As she started walking away, Feng called out, Heading somewhere? Allow me to drive you.

I have my own transportation. Your offer is unnecessary, she snapped, her irritation nearly causing a misstep in her heels.

Soon, River was behind the wheel of Miless elegant car, attempting to regain her composure before their rendezvous. She tried desperately to push the absurdity of the recent encounter with Feng out of her mind.

Suddenly, she was jolted from her thoughts by a car horn. At a red light, she saw Feng leaning out of his car, proclaiming for all nearby to hear, River, Im deeply in love with you! Wont you be mine?

Surrounding pedestrians, intrigued by the sudden outburst, turned their focus to the spectacle. River was taken aback, not anticipating Fengs audacity to tail her. Ruffled by his very public declaration, she sarcastically thought, After barely interacting during our college years and losing touch for the past two years, he suddenly claims to have such profound feelings? Its ludicrous!

Seeking a quick way to shake him off, River shouted back with a bold lie, Get it through your head! Im already seeing someone, and Im expecting his child!

An audible murmur of astonishment rippled through the crowd. Feng, left speechless by her unexpected retaliation, stared in stunned disbelief.

What a heartbreaking scene, mused an onlooker, witnessing the unfolding drama.

An intense, almost suffocating hush spread throughout the gathering, lasting what felt like an eternity but was only about a moment. It was a solemn silence, shared in commiseration for the man caught in this unfortunate predicament.

Hearing Rivers unexpected declaration, Fengs eyes widened in surprise. He had braced himself for various kinds of rejection, perhaps even being cold-shouldered. However, this was unforeseen. Deep down, a part of him suspected that Rivers claim of pregnancy might be a tactical diversion. Given her slender silhouette, it was hard to believe she was carrying a child.

His resolve unshaken, Feng called out passionately, Even if its true, I am prepared to be a father to the child! To love you is to accept every facet of your life.

A smattering of applause echoed from the crowd, acknowledging the guts it took to make such a public proclamation.

A cab driver nearby, moved by the declaration, remarked, Hes got the spirit of a young man I once had in my cab. Took hold of my steering and drove us at a dizzying speed of over 180 km/h to ensure we reached our destination within minutes. Ah, the audacity and courage of youth! Brushing a tear away, the cabbie continued to attentively observe the scene.

Undaunted by the publics gaze, Feng held Rivers eyes earnestly.

Cornered and unsure, River felt an internal turmoil. Even her exaggerated assertion didnt deter him. She pondered, I need to stand firm and push him away. What would Miles think if he witnessed this? She nervously bit her lip, contemplating her next step.

If Miles learned she was using his funds, driving his luxury vehicle, and worse, entertaining another mans advances, the consequences could be dire. He was a formidable individual, one who faced otherworldly specters without batting an eye.

Youre fooling yourself! You could never raise his child, she yelled defiantly.

Murmurs of shock mingled with stifled laughter echoed through the crowd. Some bystanders nearly spit out their drinks. Her words were a potent blend of scorn and derision, a devastating blow to Fengs pride.

Such an affront would have been insufferable for any regular man. It seemed like Feng might finally break under the weight of the humiliation.

Yet, resilient as ever, Feng snapped back, Very well, I can at least offer financial support for the child.

A mixed chorus of jeers and whispered conversations swept through the audience.

Suddenly, the impassioned taxi driver, unable to restrain himself, revved up his engine and rammed his vehicle into Fengs rear. As Feng tried to regain his bearings from the impact, the cabbie shouted, I cant stand by and watch a young man degrade himself any longer! If your vehicle ever crosses my path again, I promise you, Ill hound you until you rethink your absurd decisions.

Right on! shouted a few drivers nearby, almost as if cheering on a hero.

Unbeknownst to all, the taxi driver was a man of fiery passion.

Seizing the moment as the traffic light flicked to green, River didnt waste any more time. While Feng was still grappling with the aftermath of the sudden collision, she floored the accelerator and vanished into the horizon.

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