Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 165: Taking advantage of the situation

Chapter 165: Taking advantage of the situation

"Boss, what's happening inside?"

At the entrance, two bodyguards heard the commotion inside and asked anxiously.

Qin Zong and Qian Zong hurriedly walked out, looking frightened.

"Don't ask so many questions, quickly leave this haunted place."

The two bodyguards didn't dare to ask further and immediately followed their respective bosses to leave.

"Damn it, could this place really be haunted? That young man named Yang Jian that Zhang Xiangu hired seems suspicious."

"Forget about that for now, let's leave first. A real haunting is no joke."

As they spoke, the two of them walked away, quickly taking the elevator downstairs.

Although the sales office was only five floors high, it still had an elevator inside.

"Let's invite some experts to come and see if there really is a haunting." Qian Zong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. "I've been in the construction industry my whole life and this is the first time I've encountered something so strange. Do you think what happened earlier was real?"

Qin Zong looked at his hands, still stained with blood. He said, "Look at this, could it be fake? The disappearance of those workers earlier was already bizarre. Although this construction site is big, it's unlikely for them to disappear without a trace, as if they never existed."

"Maybe it's really like what that Yang Jian said, it's haunted."

"Zhang Xiangu must have noticed something was wrong, that's why he specifically hired Yang Jian to handle it. In the end, we were kept in the dark."

While the two were talking, the nearby bodyguards immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Boss, there's a problem with the elevator." One of the bodyguards' expression changed and he hurriedly said.

At this moment, the elevator continued to descend without stopping. The most important thing was that the floor number displayed on the elevator showed -5, and the number kept jumping to -6... -7.

"This sales office only has five floors, where did the seven underground floors come from?" Qian Zong was so scared he almost jumped.

"Quick, make the elevator stop."

The bodyguard immediately made the elevator stop. Fortunately, the elevator didn't malfunction and it stopped when the number displayed was -10.

The feeling of weightlessness in the elevator disappeared.

The people in the elevator looked at each other, feeling something unimaginable. They stared at the elevator door, their hearts pounding.

They were all adults and had begun to realize that they might have encountered something extraordinary.


The sound of the elevator's notification rang out, and the elevator door that stopped at -10 slowly opened.

However, what appeared before them was not the familiar first floor sales office, but darkness.

They couldn't see their hands in front of their faces, and the darkness seemed like an abyss that could swallow people, sending shivers down their spines.

"Oh my god, what kind of place is this?" Qian Zong was so scared his legs went weak and he sat down on the ground.

The two bodyguards also had shocked expressions on their faces. Although they were skilled, being able to handle three or four ordinary people at once, the current situation exceeded their imagination. They could face various dangerous situations, but they didn't have the courage to face such supernatural events.

"Let's go back, quickly take the elevator back. We must have encountered a ghost." The bald Qin Zong still hadn't completely lost his composure and said anxiously.

The bodyguards hurriedly tried to control the elevator, hoping to return to the previous floor.

But pressing the buttons had no response at all.

"Boss, the elevator is broken. It seems like we can't go back." The bodyguard's voice trembled.


The lights in the elevator started to flicker, alternating between bright and dark. The lights here seemed like they could go out at any moment.

"Quick, call the police, find someone to rescue us." Qin Zong shouted in panic.

The two bodyguards quickly took out their phones and dialed for help.

The calls went through smoothly, and the distress signals were sent out, but the other end of the line said it would take at least half an hour to arrive, asking them to hold on.

"Half an hour? Wasn't it supposed to be within ten minutes?" Qian Zong exclaimed while sitting on the ground.

The bodyguards, with a brave face, said, "It takes ten minutes for the police to respond within the city, but Guanjiang Residential Area is a bit far from the city center. It's already good if they can arrive within thirty minutes. Moreover, this incident happened suddenly, so it's impossible for any rescue to arrive immediately. Boss, please stay calm and don't panic. As long as nothing unexpected happens, we will be fine."

But before they could finish speaking, a sound of footsteps suddenly came from the darkness ahead.

The sound was clear, gradually approaching, slowly walking towards the direction of the elevator.

"Who, who's there?" The bodyguard shouted, not daring to step out of the elevator.

Although the lights in the elevator were flickering, they hadn't gone out yet. It was pitch black in front of them, and they were on the tenth underground floor. Who would dare to walk out randomly?

But no one responded to him.

The footsteps continued to approach, walking towards the direction of the elevator.

The bodyguard broke out in a cold sweat, his body tense. He quickly took out his phone and turned on the flashlight, trying to see the situation in front of him.

But the light couldn't spread out at all, as if it was suppressed by the darkness around it, only limited to a range of one meter around them.

"Who are you? Speak up!" The bodyguard shouted again.

The footsteps still didn't respond, but instead, they came closer.

"No, what if it's not a person? What if it's a ghost?" Qian Zong trembled in fear.

A ghost?

Hearing this, the two bodyguards turned pale with fright.

"Don't scare yourself. I'll throw my phone over to see." The bodyguard, who was relatively calm, knew that the flashlight on the phone couldn't illuminate the surroundings. He threw his phone along the ground.

The phone slid forward.

The darkness around them was dispelled.

When the phone stopped, the range covered by the light finally revealed the source of the footsteps.

A pair of bare feet.

Pale and stiff, thin and emaciated.

These eerie feet weren't walking on the ground like a normal person, but were standing on tiptoe, motionless.

Walking on tiptoe?

Do normal people walk like this?This scene shocked everyone in the elevator.


At the same time, this word popped up in their minds.

After confirming the fact, reality completely shattered their understanding and courage, leaving only fear enveloping their bodies.

At this moment,

The owner of these feet stood there as if observing the glowing phone on the ground.

But such observation didn't seem to last long.

Soon, the feet moved again.

"Step, step~!"

The sound of footsteps rang out again, crossing the range of the light, and finally disappeared into the darkness. But before disappearing, it could be determined.

The owner of these feet was still walking towards them.

"What do we do now, what do we do now? The ghost is coming, it's coming towards us." Mr. Qian was on the verge of collapse, he wanted to scream, but found that he didn't even have the strength to scream.

The two bodyguards were also completely panicked.

Despite their strong bodies, their fear was no less than their boss's.

"Call Zhang Xiangu, quickly, call him, ask him to get Yang Jian to save me. He knows there's a ghost here, he must have a way to solve it." Mr. Qin was also scared to the point of collapse, but at this moment, a key figure suddenly came to mind.

Yang Jian.

At this moment, it was too late to call the police or ask for help. The only hope to save himself was the young man brought by Zhang Xiangu.

Regardless of whether Yang Jian was capable or not, at least he knew about this matter.

In such an urgent situation, the bodyguards didn't dare to be careless and quickly dialed Zhang Xiangu's number for Mr. Qin.

"Hello, Mr. Qin? What's the matter?"

At this moment, Zhang Xiangu was having his staff draft a transfer contract in the sales department. He looked at the time, it was less than ten minutes.

He didn't expect to receive their calls so soon.

"Mr. Zhang, help, help, I think I've encountered a ghost. Quickly, get the young man named Yang Jian you brought to help." Mr. Qin's voice was very urgent, and it was trembling.

"Really? Encountered a ghost? There's really a ghost in this sales department? Where are you? What's the situation now?" Zhang Xiangu feigned surprise.

"We, we took the elevator to the -10th floor, we really encountered a ghost. Everything Yang Jian said was true." Mr. Qin said, "Send someone to save us quickly, or something big will happen."

Zhang Xiangu was also slightly surprised.

He had also taken the elevator downstairs just now, why didn't he run into them?

It seemed that Yang Jian's abilities were indeed beyond comprehension.

"Rescuing people is not a problem, but before that, I have a business deal I want to discuss with Mr. Qin and Mr. Qian."

"At a time like this, you still have the mood to talk about business, come and save me quickly." Mr. Qin was about to collapse.

Zhang Xiangu laughed, "Don't be in a hurry, business still needs to be discussed. I've recently been thinking about acquiring two of your properties. I wonder if Mr. Qin and Mr. Qian are willing to sell them as a package?"

"Damn it, Zhang Xiangu, you're taking advantage of the situation."

Mr. Qin immediately realized Zhang Xiangu's intentions and started cursing.

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