Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 166: Request support

Chapter 166: Request support

Zhang Xiangu naturally wanted to take advantage of the situation.

If he didn't take advantage of the situation, why would he and Yang Jian set up this temporary plan?

"Mr. Zhang, can we discuss this after I leave this haunted place? Please, I'm begging you. Let Yang Jian come and save me. As long as I'm safe, we can talk about everything." Qin Zong pleaded.

"That's not possible. Some things need to be discussed first. If Mr. Qin is not sincere, then forget it. We can talk next time we meet." Zhang Xiangu acted as if he was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait, wait." Qin Zong hurriedly said, "There's something we can discuss. Please don't hang up."

Zhang Xiangu said, "Is Mr. Qin going to sell the property with Mr. Qian?"

"Even if we sell, you can't afford it, Mr. Zhang. I know your financial situation very well. Most of it is invested in the construction site. Before the property is sold, you shouldn't have much money." Qin Zong said.

"It depends on Mr. Qin's sincerity. If Mr. Qin is willing to sell at a price lower than the market price, then I can afford it." Zhang Xiangu said.

"How much are you offering?"

Zhang Xiangu said, "Ten billion."

"You want me to sell it to you for ten billion? Why don't you just rob it? I've already invested six or seven billion in this piece of land." Qin Zong cursed angrily.

Zhang Xiangu said, "Don't misunderstand. The ten billion is not for buying Mr. Qin's land. It includes Mr. Qian's land as well. Ten billion for the package deal. Although it's a bit of a loss, the price is still fair. After all, there are rumors that the construction site is haunted. I'm having Yang Jian investigate it. If it's true, the property value here will be worthless. If it's false, then it's a win-win situation."

"So, I'm also taking a risk. I just don't know if you two are willing to let go."

Qin Zong wanted to refuse immediately, but Zhang Xiangu's words reminded him.

That's right.

If he sells at the market price, he will definitely lose.

If this place is haunted and the houses can't be sold, then selling the package deal of ten billion to Zhang Xiangu and getting out of here as soon as possible might not be a bad thing.

Zhang Xiangu is still not sure if this place is really haunted.

But he is already sure.

This place is really haunted.

Thinking of this, Qin Zong thought it was feasible.

Just as he was talking on the phone, the footsteps outside the elevator were getting closer. From the distance of the sound, it could be judged that the pair of dead feet illuminated by the phone's light should be no more than three meters away.

It might even be closer.

"Mr. Qin, is there any result yet? Hurry and ask Zhang Xiangu to send someone to save us." Qian Zong urged.

"I... I'm still talking to him. Zhang Xiangu is taking advantage of the situation. At this time, he actually wants to acquire our property and sell our assets together for ten billion. This damn guy, he really knows how to pick the right time." Qin Zong was shocked and angry.

He didn't suspect that this supernatural event was orchestrated by someone.

It was his first time encountering such an event. How could he have thought that someone was manipulating it behind the scenes?

But before he could finish speaking, a bodyguard guarding the elevator suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Help... help!" The bodyguard exclaimed in fear.

Everyone hurriedly looked over.

They saw a human-shaped figure in the darkness, dragging the bodyguard and quickly disappearing into the darkness.

In the blink of an eye.

The person was gone.

There was no more sound, only an eerie silence.

Even the footsteps from earlier disappeared.

"Quick, quickly tell Zhang Xiangu. I agree, I agree. As long as we can leave safely, I agree to sell the property under my name." Qian Zong, who was easily frightened, couldn't bear such a scare. At this moment, he didn't care about how much money the place was worth.

As long as he was safe, he would agree to any conditions.

But at this moment.

Yang Jian, who was controlling the Ghost Domain, suddenly received a phone call.

It was his satellite positioning phone ringing.

"Hello, who is it?" Yang Jian frowned, feeling annoyed that someone would disturb him at this time.

"Is this Yang Jian? I'm your operator, Liu Xiaoyu." A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

Yang Jian said, "What's the matter? I'm busy right now and can't take calls."

"Emergency, there's a supernatural event in Dachang City. It has been confirmed that it's the Ghost Knocking on the Door event you encountered before. We need your assistance. We hope you can rush to Shengli Road, Rose Bar in Dachang City for support." Liu Xiaoyu said.

"Wait, wait a moment."

Yang Jian said, "Isn't Zhao Kaiming in charge of the supernatural events in Dachang City? Why is it my turn now?"

"Zhao Kaiming has been involved in this event. The situation is critical now. He has lost contact and his operator can't confirm if he's alive or dead. So I can only hand this supernatural event over to you. After all, you have experience dealing with the Ghost Knocking on the Door event." Liu Xiaoyu said.

Zhao Kaiming has been involved in the Ghost Knocking on the Door event?

Upon hearing this, Yang Jian immediately realized what was going on.

That old man went to find Zhao Kaiming.

The curse that was spread through the phone ringtone earlier had taken effect.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his lips. Today really is a double blessing. Not only did he make a big deal, but he also conveniently killed an annoying guy.


He couldn't be sure if Zhao Kaiming was already dead.

"Sorry, although I have experience surviving the Ghost Knocking on the Door event, in my current opinion, this supernatural event is of an unsolvable level." Yang Jian said seriously.

He wasn't lying with his words.

The Ghost Knocking on the Door event was indeed unsolvable.

Once you enter the Ghost Domain of that old man, not only do you have to face the old man, but you also have to deal with the Ghost Slaves that appear by your side at all times.

Most importantly, ordinary Ghost Tamers can't escape from the Ghost Domain.

They will be slowly consumed inside."Now is not the time to shirk responsibility. Zhao Kaiming's life and death are unknown, and a disaster-level supernatural event is happening in Dachang City. As a prospective criminal police officer, it's necessary for you to take up this responsibility at this time," Liu Xiaoyu said.

Yang Jian replied, "This is not about responsibility, but about whether to go to my death. If the criminal police department has defined the 'Knocking Ghost' event as A-level, they should understand how terrifying it is. The Huanggang Village incident I solved before was only defined as B-level. Even if you send ten ghost controllers to the 'Knocking Ghost' event, it would be a death sentence."

"It's not about the number of people, but the terror level is too different. I refuse to accept this task."

"Moreover, Liu Xiaoyu, let me remind you again, I am not a criminal police officer yet. Unless I take over, I will take up this responsibility. For now, I refuse."

"You..." Liu Xiaoyu was immediately frustrated, but she couldn't find a reason to persuade Yang Jian.

If it was an unsolvable horror event and she let Yang Jian go, it would indeed be sending him to his death.

But if Yang Jian could solve it and didn't go, it would also make her very annoyed.

"You've been delaying the time to take the criminal police exam and take office, isn't it because you don't want to accept task assignments?"

Yang Jian said, "I haven't accepted any tasks, but I haven't enjoyed any privileges or benefits, right? On the contrary, I have solved two supernatural events for Dachang City, the Furen Mall incident and the Huanggang Village incident. This is obvious to all. And I want to ask, what supernatural event has Zhao Kaiming, who has just taken office, solved? Don't say that isolation counts as a solution."

"You should be fair and mature in your work. I was very unhappy about the modification of the file last time. If you continue to give me such an attitude, I think it's necessary for Zhao Jianguo to change my operator for me."

In the operator room.

Zhao Jianguo noticed Liu Xiaoyu's mood, he took over the microphone and said, "Yang Jian, you should realize that this event is of great importance. I hope you can prioritize the overall situation."

"I am currently dealing with another supernatural event and can't get away. The ghost is right next to me. Do you want me to take this ghost to find another ghost? Do you think I'm not dying fast enough? I also hope you can prioritize my safety."

Yang Jian lied, but it wasn't really a lie.

He was indeed dealing with a supernatural event.

Just a relatively small supernatural event.

"So you're dealing with other supernatural events. Okay, I understand. Then I'll mobilize other criminal police for temporary support. Can you provide some useful information to help?" Zhao Jianguo said.

"It's best not to support. Once you enter the ghost domain of the 'Knocking Ghost', whoever goes will die."

Yang Jian calmly said, "The biggest help I can give you is not to interfere."

"During the Seventh Middle School incident, Zhou Zheng died at the hands of that ghost."

"I see, thank you for your advice." Zhao Jianguo quickly cut off the communication.

"Captain, Yang Jian refused to support, what should we do now?" Liu Xiaoyu said.

Zhao Jianguo pondered, "He probably has a shadow in his heart from surviving the 'Knocking Ghost' event, so it's normal for him not to want to face it. And Yang Jian is right, this kind of event is not something ordinary criminal police can solve. Rushing in might also be sending them to their deaths. We can't force people to do what they can't. You shouldn't use such a pressing tone to assign tasks to others. That attitude is not acceptable. We are in the office, the ones who really face the fierce ghosts are them. If the mission fails, they are the ones who die. We can't understand the pressure and fear they are under."

"Captain, I'm also worried about the situation in Dachang City. A disaster-level horror event has occurred in the city center, which could potentially cause large-scale unrest. If that ghost continues to wander around Dachang City, Dachang City may fall. This is different from previous supernatural events."

Liu Xiaoyu's face changed slightly, and she quickly explained.

"So you lost your composure?" Zhao Jianguo said, "You should know what kind of person Yang Jian is. If he were Zhou Zheng, you would be right to do this, but it's not right for him. Reflect on yourself after you go back."

"If it were any other operator, I would have let them leave after such a mistake. But for you, this is the last time I will tolerate it. Yang Jian is right, you need to be more mature in your work."

"Check which cities closest to Dachang City have relatively free criminal police, arrange for a helicopter to pick them up, and make sure they rush to Dachang City for support within an hour."

"Okay, okay." Liu Xiaoyu immediately said.

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