Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 252: Harvest

Chapter 252: Harvest

The appearance of such a serious event in Dachang City makes it impossible to hide even if you want to.

Although there is no positive report on the news, due to the development of the Internet, everything here has been spread through various information channels in Asia, and some people and forces may be secretly pushing it. Even foreign forums have reported on this.

"Is it a chemical leak? Or a mysterious event? Dachang City has been shrouded in haze for ten days."

"Is the lack of sunlight in Dachang City really a natural disaster?"

"Do you believe there are really ghosts in this world?"

Many such topics have appeared on various forums online. After all, it is impossible not to care about such a major event in the country where you live, a city that has mysteriously disappeared into the haze.

And the surviving residents of Dachang City have naturally sent messages to the outside world through various means of contact. They contact relatives, friends, and take pictures to spread the situation here.

"Don't believe in any chemical leaks or natural disasters. The real reason for the haze in Dachang City is that it's haunted. I'm in Dachang City. I saw a pregnant woman in the community screaming a few days ago. A dark green baby tore open the pregnant woman's belly and crawled out. You should know that the pregnant woman was only ten days away from giving birth."

"That thing is definitely not a normal baby, it's a ghost."

A netizen who claimed to be a local of Dachang City posted this.

But the replies below were: "You're talking about a cesarean section in such a bizarre way. You should write fiction instead."

"Another ghost story on the internet. Why are there so many ghost stories online recently? I'm tired of it. Isn't there anything fresh? Like the invasion of the second dimension, or even parallel worlds?"

"If you want to understand the real situation in Dachang City, go to Wei's live broadcast room. He is now live broadcasting in Dachang City, and you can win tens of thousands of dollars by commenting."

"Hehe, I'm not afraid of ghosts at all. You may not believe it, but I'm a disciple of Longhushan, and I have inherited the skill of catching ghosts. I've been in seclusion for many years, but now it seems that I need to re-enter the world."

"Get lost, what are you going to catch with your keyboard?"

Although the situation in Dachang City has had a great impact in the country, the mainstream thinking is still not to believe that this is a supernatural event.

Or perhaps previous supernatural events were effectively controlled by the efforts of the criminal police.

But now, with the brewing of the Dachang City incident, it is very likely that this will become the most important first step for supernatural events to be fully known to the people of the whole country.

As long as the Criminal Police Headquarters cannot suppress the increasing number of supernatural events in the future, the existence of fierce ghosts will eventually be known to people all over the world, and no one knows what kind of storm will be caused at that time.

However, now... the reaction of the outside world is irrelevant to some people.

"With the failure of this operation, Dachang City must be prepared for complete isolation to prevent the spread of the starving ghost incident and cause greater losses..."

Wang Xiaoming sat in front of the computer, inputting the document and writing the full report of this operation.

He believed that his failure this time had laid a very important foundation for the subsequent success. The changes of the four stages of the ghost baby, and the existence of the source ghost, have all been thoroughly investigated. As long as the Criminal Police Headquarters has the corresponding manpower and targeted action plan.

Then this starving ghost incident can be solved, and it is not a completely unsolvable existence.

It's just that now, Dachang City lacks external assistance under isolation, and the few remaining people in this city are powerless.

And it has been four or five days since the last operation failed.

Dachang City has been shrouded in haze for more than ten days.

This time is not long, but it is not short either.

Compared to the beginning, the city has obviously begun to gradually move towards death.

The city reveals fewer and fewer signs of life during the day and night. There used to be some vehicles, pedestrians, and residents buying supplies on the streets, but now, apart from the occasional few rats, stray dogs, and cats, there are no more living people to be seen.

They may be hiding at home waiting for the end of the event, or they may have experienced the kind of desperate fear of being on the brink of despair.

Or they may have silently died in this event.

No one knows how many people this major event will affect.

But those who survive still have to find a way to survive.

In the Guanjiang community, Zhang Xiangu spared no effort to build the safe house. In order to keep the workers, he even raised the price to ten thousand a day.

But even so, workers continue to leave.

The progress of the project has slowed down.

The only thing to be thankful for is that there are no rumors of ghosts in this community.

Otherwise, all the workers would run away in fear, and the project would never be carried out again.

But Yang Jian, as a key figure, is not nervous at all at this time, nor does he care whether the project can be completed. He is not even concerned about the situation and the situation in Dachang City.

In this life-threatening crisis, he is actually playing computer games in his room.

"Brother Tui, go left, go around to the left, quickly take him down. I've already taken down three here. If it weren't for Sister Jiang's hand grenade blowing me up, I could have killed more."

"Damn, Sister Jiang, what are you doing lying there? Help me up."

Zhang Wei shouted loudly at this moment, with Yang Jian and Jiang Yan feeling particularly exhausted both physically and mentally.Before, it was just Yang Jian, which was fine since everyone knew he was a noob, but Auntie Jiang Yan was simply a malignant tumor, lobbing grenades at her own feet.

"Don't be nervous, I've been practicing my shooting lately, I'll definitely take him down."

Yang Jian manipulated the keyboard and mouse, charging forward, but the moment he showed his head, he instantly fell to the ground, with Jiang Yan lying dead beside him.

Game over, the screen turned gray.


"How did I die?" Jiang Yan asked.

Zhang Wei, having witnessed the scene, immediately burst into curses: "Damn, this orphan, pretending for so long, I thought he was a pro. Leg Bro, is there any way to follow the internet cable and beat this dog to death..."

But before he could finish.

Suddenly, with a click, all the computers shut down.

The lights in the room went out immediately as well.

"Ah~! There's a ghost."

Jiang Yan screamed, stood up, and ran to hide beside Yang Jian.

"It must be a power outage, Leg Bro, did you forget to pay the electricity bill?" Zhang Wei asked.

Yang Jian replied, "Not sure, I'll check."

The result was clear, it wasn't because of the electricity bill, but rather there was a problem with the city's power station, and it was likely that the power wouldn't be restored anytime soon.

It seemed that the influence of the supernatural events was growing ever larger.

"You still have the mood to play games." Soon, Wang Xiaoming walked in, frowning.

Yang Jian put down his headset: "This is called finding joy amidst the suffering, something you wouldn't understand. What do you want?"

"Just now, the center of Dachang City has fallen. Ghost infants have appeared there," Wang Xiaoming said calmly, "in... large numbers."

"What does that have to do with me? It's always been known that there are a lot of ghost infants," Yang Jian said.

Wang Xiaoming replied, "You are a criminal police officer in Dachang City, it's your responsibility. And don't you realize what the collective appearance of these ghost infants signifies?"

"Of course, I know I'm a criminal police officer in Dachang City, and I'm aware of my responsibilities, but that doesn't mean I should go and get myself killed. And I'm also clear about the current situation,"

Yang Jian said seriously, "Before, the ghost infants were just hiding and killing people stealthily, but now it's as if they've been deliberately released by something. If I'm not mistaken, the original ghost has begun to harvest the entire city."

"The potential danger evolving into a major disaster is a natural progression. It's precisely because of this scenario that we started building safe houses in advance, isn't it?"

Without the constraints of the police, the original ghost grew unrestrained.

And with the many ghost infants that derived from it, it was predictable from the start what this city would become.

It's just that this worst-case scenario came a bit too quickly.

"The safe house can protect at most a dozen people, twenty at most."

Wang Xiaoming's expression darkened, "But do you know how many people live in this city?"

"Are you suggesting I save the people of this city?" Yang Jian asked, "That's not the responsibility of a police officer, that's the responsibility of Jesus, of God. Do I look like Jesus to you? What do you think, Zhang Wei?"

"You're a noob," Zhang Wei said.

Old Iron, set a small goal first^ remember the new 81 Chinese network м.

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