Mysterious Awakening

Chapter 253: Captain Plan

Chapter 253: Captain Plan

Yang Jian said, "Listen, I'm not Jesus. I can only try to protect the people who should be protected. You should be grateful that you can stand here and talk to me, instead of dying in the hospital's operating room."

"You still have the ability, I can tell, but you chose to hide it," Wang Xiaoming looked at Zhang Wei. "A person who should have died is still alive, and you have some secrets that I don't know."

"So what?" Yang Jian said. "Everyone has secrets, and you are no exception."

"Even if there's a slight possibility, you should try. I know my request is unreasonable, but I've done everything I can, and you still have a lot to do. Now is the time for you to act. Once that thing harvests the entire city, it will be too late for you to do anything meaningful," Wang Xiaoming said.

Yang Jian looked at him calmly.

Sure enough, Wang Xiaoming found out about Zhang Wei's death.

Although it's not clear how he did it, there must have been some clues left behind when the police were collecting evidence at the scene last time.

But Wang Xiaoming only suspects, he's not sure. He can't possibly guess the existence of the ghost mirror.

He's just making bold assumptions and speculations.

"Are you done? You can leave now. You know I'm not in good shape right now. I might revive at any moment," Yang Jian said.

"Maybe the first person you'll kill once you revive will be you," Wang Xiaoming said.

"Professor Wang, stop provoking Yang Jian. The higher-ups have made arrangements for you. Right now, the most important thing for you is to stay alive for at least fifteen days under Yang Jian's protection," Liu Xiaoyu's voice came from the satellite positioning phone.

"Listen, my conscience is saving you," Yang Jian grinned.

Wang Xiaoming still insisted, "If you have any other way, you can tell me. I will do my best to help you. Also, as long as this matter can be resolved, I will agree to any request you have. Ghost candle, help you control the third ghost, or let you access some secrets that you are not yet able to access at your level."

"I can even recommend you to join the Captain Plan."

"The Captain Plan? What's that?" Yang Jian asked.

Wang Xiaoming said, "Considering the frequency and severity of future supernatural events, ordinary police officers are no longer able to maintain public order in a city. So, the country formulated another plan six months ago, currently named the Captain Plan. The plan aims to use all the country's resources to train a certain number of top ghost controllers."

"If you can solve this starving ghost incident, with such a great achievement, plus my recommendation, you will definitely become a future police captain."

"It sounds somewhat interesting," Yang Jian said, stroking his chin.

I didn't expect there to be such a plan in place.

But upon careful consideration, I also understand the true purpose of this plan. At present, whether it's a ghost controller with one ghost, two ghosts, or even more, they are unable to deal with the increasingly frequent supernatural events. And the fierce ghosts will grow, at an astonishing rate.

To deal with such top-tier terror, there must be top-tier ghost controllers.

The Captain Plan mentioned by Wang Xiaoming was born out of this need.

If I were selected, it would indeed be very tempting. The country's resources would be poured in, and the person selected would be trained to a level that is hard to imagine.

Ghost controllers are short-lived to begin with, and it's uncertain how long they can live. But if you can be trained by the country to become a captain, you won't have to worry about how long you can live. The country will care more about your longevity than you do.

"All the conditions I can offer have been laid out for you. Do I have to kneel and beg you? If you agree, I have no problem kowtowing to you," Wang Xiaoming said.

Upon hearing this, Yang Jian's expression changed.

Would Wang Xiaoming, the avenger of his murdered brother, really be able to endure kneeling and kowtowing to him?

"You are indeed very noble, almost moved me," Yang Jian's gaze flickered. "I won't hide it from you, I do have a secret, but it's not enough to change everything. Just as you said on the day of your failed operation, we have already lost because neither of the two conditions needed to solve this supernatural event are met."

"Which one can you overcome?" Wang Xiaoming asked.

"I can barely confront the first wave head-on," Yang Jian thought for a moment. "But it requires some preparation, which is also very dangerous. I estimate it's only about ten or twenty percent. If the preparation fails, I will die."

"Who will overcome the second condition? Heh, that thing is no ordinary ghost. It can't be contained just by wrapping it in gold foil. If it can't be restricted, it can't be imprisoned," Wang Xiaoming said.

"It can be lured into a safe house," Yang Jian said.

"I refuse," Yang Jian immediately rejected. "I've already revealed so much to you, and I've done my best for this city. Do you think I don't want to solve this event? Don't forget, I've been desperately containing the fourth-stage ghost infant.""If you can't meet my second condition, I won't consider it. Don't even think about the safe house. If that's what you're planning, I'll kill you."

He immediately took out a handgun and slapped it down on the computer desk beside him.

Zhang Wei, who was next to him, saw the gun pointed at himself, carefully shifted a bit, and aimed the gun at Wang Xiaoming to prevent accidental discharge.

Wang Xiaoming fell silent, turned around, and left the computer room.

Yang Jian's gaze flickered slightly as he spoke into the phone, "Liu Xiaoyu, you're not asleep, are you? You heard what just happened. I'm giving you three spots in my safe house. Bring two experienced armed police to watch Wang Xiaoming around the clock for twenty-four hours. Apart from eating, drinking, and the necessities, don't let him do anything else. The remaining spot is yours to arrange."

"If he tries anything at this critical moment, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop myself from making a mistake."

"I understand. Someone will arrive within half an hour to ensure Professor Wang doesn't cause trouble," Liu Xiaoyu said.

Yang Jian replied, "No need for guarantees. If you fail, I'll just kill him."

"..." Liu Xiaoyu felt a headache coming on upon hearing this.

Yang Jian was still so willful, just like a child.

To Yang Jian, daring to covet the safe house was futile, not even if Wang Xiaoming was a world-renowned professor, or even if it were the Heavenly King himself.

He could be fearless and dismissive of the safe house, but Yang Jian absolutely couldn't afford to block his own retreat.

If the plan failed, wouldn't everyone have to be buried with Wang Xiaoming?

That was a trade-off that didn't add up.

Sacrificing oneself for others was the work of a saint, not a Ghost Controller.


At this moment, Yang Jian's other phone received a text message, and his face showed a constipated expression when he read it.

"You're doing the right thing, we shouldn't listen to that so-called Professor Wang, he will definitely get us killed," Jiang Yan firmly stood by Yang Jian's side.

Zhang Wei sighed and said, "I thought I could spend my life with computers, but now it seems I was too naive. I haven't even played games, what's the point of living? I might as well go out and play with guns. Brother Leg, want to join? Let me show you the dual-wielding gun-shaking technique I've been practicing recently."

"I need to step out," Yang Jian put down his phone and furrowed his brows.

"You're going out at this time?" Jiang Yan was shocked.

Yang Jian said, "Playing Jesus."

"Right, if anything comes up while I'm gone, find Zhang Han. Also, don't let Wang Xiaoming go up to the fifth floor. If he insists on going up, Wei, use your gun to break his leg for me."

"Don't worry, leave it to me. By the way, which leg should I break if it comes to that?" Zhang Wei asked.

Yang Jian thought for a moment and said, "Either is fine."

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