New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 195 A Message

Julian's answer did not surprise Leon as he had infiltrated the restricted section of the Temple.

He knew the extent of the Temple's information about the curses.

In fact, he was already impressed at the extent of the security features of the chamber. It had basically addressed half of their worries about containing the two time bombs.

"I see.." With a serious tone, he nodded while signaling his men to proceed in transferring Igor and Hasta to their respective chambers.

As soon as their unconscious bodies were placed in the chamber, layers and layers of multicolored geometrical arrays were activated.

The men couldn't hide the surprise in their eyes as this was the first time that they saw such a highly complicated array.

Even Leon was unsure if he could solve this array with his S Level Bypass spell!

After ensuring that the matters regarding the transfer were settled, Julian tactfully led the men out of the temple's vicinity. They were led on another passageway and eventually got out to a remote area away from the Temple.

Prior to parting, Julian reached out to his chest pocket and gave a sealed letter to Leon and the team, "Kindly let your 'boss' take this."

He knew that one of them must be Leon in disguise, so Julian used these words to convey that the letter was for him.

Leon quickly understood and reached out for the letter.

He scanned it briefly and noticed that the letter was sealed through mana and an insignia from the High Priest was printed on the face of the envelope.

"Third," was the only indicator of the addressee. But Leon understood that this letter was for him.

Seeing the way the letter was concealed, he knew that the letter had to be opened in a safe place.

With that, he quickly kept in on his space pouch and thanked Julian cooly.

Not delaying any further, they parted ways. After instructing his men, he went with Kayden to come home in the cottage.

While traveling home, Kayden was obviously relieved as he knew that the matter was temporarily settled. However, Leon was uneasy at the moment.

Remembering the letter in his hands and the fact that it was Julian who escorted them in and out of the temple, Leon could not help but think that the High Priest was up to something.

Is choosing Julian merely a coincidence? Or is it deliberate?

Have they been found out? He didn't know, but he must stay vigilant at least.

He quickly sent a warning to Mort and Julian, who were the planted spies in the temple to be on guard, before proceeding on teleporting to the cottage.

When they reached the cottage, Eli and the rest were already up doing their morning training and routine.

Eli immediately checked Leon and Kayden's well being and ensured that they had not sustained any injuries at all. It took them a while before they managed to calm down the little worried lady.

Helplessly moved, Kayden even managed to tease Eli.

"Hey Little Sister, day by day you are really transforming into a worrywart mother! Look! I can already see the fine lines and wrinkles on your frowning face!"

"It's because of you guys who were constantly in danger! I couldn't even get a wink of sleep last night!"

Eli immediately retaliated with sass, even putting her hand on her hips like a typical asian mother reprimanding her full grown sons.

"If you guys were really afraid I would get wrinkles, then better ensure that you go home safe and uninjured!"

"Yes Ma'am." Leon responded like an obedient soldier, afraid of agitating his commander.

"Pfft!" Kayden was not able to hold it in and laughed amusedly at his little nagging sister and his cold blooded friend who suddenly turned into a wife slave.

Eli let out a superficial harumph but her eyes already reflected her relief and happiness seeing Leon and Kayden alright. "Breakfast is ready, come and replenish your lost energy first."

The two men did not want to worry Eli anymore so they obediently followed and took their breakfast with the rest.

After that, Kayden and Leon were forced by Eli to sleep for a while before going back to the palace to report their findings to the Emperor.

The two didn't object because they have to report to the Emperor secretly. Reporting during the court hours would not be good for them at all.

Besides, tomorrow would be another eventful day for all of them as the awarding ceremony and the winter banquet would be held.

They still had to mentally prepare for that particular day.

Before Leon proceeded on sleeping, he took the letter and read it in his and Eli's bedroom.

Opening the letter, he inserted a bit of mana to verify his identity as the addressee of the letter.

A string of faint red mana flowed and traced the seal in the envelope. It slowly covered the seal until the envelope floated in Leon's hand and unveiled the letter inside.

The words on the letter were written in an elegant cursive manner. Looking at the strokes, Leon could feel that the writer was a gentle yet authoritative person.

The first thing that Leon read was not the body of the letter. Instead, his eyes immediately went on the sender of the letter.

Indeed, it was the High Priest who wrote the letter for him.

His heart couldn't help but beat furiously after knowing this, what reason could the High Priest have to personally write a letter for him?

Leon immediately moved his eyes towards the content of the letter and started to read it in full attention.

"To the Third Prince of the Seirende Empire,

Greetings young man! Or should I say, Greetings to you and your little family!"

The opening sentence already made Leon's forehead scrunch with wariness. The High Priest really couldn't be underestimated!

In one statement, he already revealed what he knew about Leon's situation with regards to Eli.

"I know that the things from your side were already hectic and complicated. However, this old servant still has to reluctantly make things a little hard for you.

After the acknowledgement ceremony, think of a way to let me see you and your lady. There are many highly important things I have to say to the two of you.

I apologize for not expounding everything in this letter, for the eyes of the enemy can be anywhere.

I hope you and the young lady do not mind this old servant's request.


Enoch, the 18th High Priest of the Seirende Temple.

PS: Please keep in mind that I mean no harm. We are working towards one goal, and that is to eradicate the evil in this Empire."

After reading the letter, Leon couldn't help but stay still in a daze. He did not know how to process the contents of the letter he had just read.

He was also surprised that the High Priest specifically asked for Eli. His mind wondered, what was the High Priest's intention in summoning her?

Could it be that the High Priest already knew of her priestly abilities?

Leon couldn't help but frown. If the High Priest knew of Eli's abilities, then he was sure that the temple would do everything to take Eli inside the temple walls.

No way!

He didn't want Eli to be separated from him and Little Han! They had to stay together as a family! No one, not even the High Priest can make him do that!

As soon as the thought of Eli being forcefully taken in by the temple invaded his thoughts, Leon's cold and dangerous aura seeped in his body and immediately made the bedroom colder by several degrees.

Little Han sensed his father's agitation. In the plushie playground, he desperately looked for his mommy and cried out loud.

"Waaaaah! Aaaaahhh!" Little Han cried desperately, he even tried to pounce on the playground's little fence in an attempt to crawl towards their bedroom.

Fortunately, Blanc's safety array kicked in and made sure that Little Han would not be hurt from the impact.

Eli, who was busy coordinating with the rest of the family for the winter banquet, was startled.

She immediately excused herself in the call and went towards Little Han.

Little Han saw his mommy approaching, with his big crystal blue eyes shining with pitiful tears, he let out a wail and stretched out his hands towards Eli.

"Awuuuuuu.." His heartbreaking cries made Eli immensely worried.

Eli was also puzzled by Little Han's sudden tantrums. This was the first time Little Han cried like this for no obvious reason.

Usually, he would cry if he was extremely uncomfortable or sick.

However, Eli checked a few times but still couldn't find Little Han's reason at all. She checked his diapers, as well as his body if there were any signs of irritation or being hurt.

He didn't have a fever, there was no set of milk teeth growing in his gums. Could it be another sickness that doesn't have any visible symptoms?

Eli immediately became worried.

Little Han seemed to have sensed that his mother was not able to figure out his concern. He wiggled vigorously while intensifying his cries.

"AAAAAAhhh, Waaaaah!"

He leaned his body towards the direction of their bedroom, reaching out as if he wanted someone from the room to carry him instead.

Eli thought that Little Han wanted to sleep, so she carried him towards the bedroom with great care.

"Susssh, my son, we're going to the bedroom.." She uttered as she tried to appease Little Han as they walked towards the room.

But upon entering, a wave of cold shivers ran down her spine.

The bedroom which was constantly warmed by the fireplace was even colder than the snowy winter outside!

"Waaaaah!!!" Little Han saw his daddy and reached out with all his might.

It was only then that Leon and Eli snapped out from the thoughts that were occupying their minds.

Eli looked at Leon who was sporting a cold and agitated look.

However, she didn't feel any trace of fear in her body, instead she followed Little Han's urging and sat beside Leon.

The two sat closely with each other. Eli tried to calm Little Han down and asked Leon softly, "Leon, what's wrong?"

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