New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!

Chapter 196 Ah, Love!

Seeing the two sources of joy, Leon's tensed expression turned gentler. The worry in Eli's eyes immediately washed away the dangerous aura he was emitting.

He reached out to carry Little Han and gave the High Priest's letter to Eli.

Little Han seemed to be appeased, as he snuggled in his Daddy's embrace and started to sleep.

He allowed Eli to read and understand the letter for a while as he tucked the fast asleep Little Han on his crib.

"This.." Eli read the contents of the letter and looked at Leon, seemingly understanding the situation.

"Is this the reason why you were agitated earlier?"

"Uhn.." Leon did not hide the troubled and unwilling expression in his face.

He sat beside Eli and explained, "I couldn't help but suspect that he knew about your priestly abilities. I am afraid that he would force you to stay in the temple if that was the case."

Eli looked at the letter once again and contemplated for a while, Leon's worries were not unfounded.

However, there was something in the letter that made her feel at peace instead. There's a still small voice in her heart that says that she had to meet the High Priest no matter what.

What if that the key to knowing more about her priestly powers be answered through meeting the High Priest?

Could it be something that would help her protect her family?

If yes, she definitely has to try. There was no time for her to hesitate in the face of something that can make her family safe!

With the decision in her heart, Eli looked at Leon earnestly while saying, "Let's meet him. I need to know what he knows about our situation."

"He also guaranteed that he was not our enemy. As the Temple's High Priest, I believe that he will not betray the One that he serves."

Eli convinced Leon and tried to soothe his worries. She showed her strong determination to face the High Priest to let Leon know that she was not afraid.

True enough, when Leon heard Eli's decision, although unwilling and worried, he no longer objected, "Alright, I'll arrange for us to meet him after the winter banquet."

"Thank you, Leon." Eli was glad that Leon allowed her to face the High Priest.

A warm and comfortable feeling started to spring out of her heart that made her heart flutter from excitement.

Her dark midnight eyes lovingly looked at Leon who was obviously unwilling, yet chose to support her fully upon knowing her decision.

How beautiful was this feeling, how lovely was the person she loved!

Without thinking, she leaned closer to Leon and looked up to his eyes. Even while sitting, Leon was still a head taller than her.

Eli lifted her body slightly and softly pressed her lips on his slightly tanned yet fine cheek. Her soft moist lips landed on his face like a drop of the morning dew delicately falling on a vibrant leaf.

Instantly, she felt that her body was suddenly electrocuted.

A hot indescribable feeling crept up from the depths of her stomach, going up to her chest, making her breathing slightly tensed and her heartbeat pounding heavily like the drums on a marching band.

Butterflies in the stomach, she usually heard this phrase from the girls in her class when talking about their crushes back then. But it was only now that she finally understood what it feels.

It was exceptionally pleasing!

Especially, as she experienced it with the person whom she truly loved.

Ah, Love!

Fluttery as the gentle wind,

Violent as the waves of the raging sea!

On the other hand, Leon's mind suddenly short circuited. His sharp and scheming mind seemed to become unable to function properly as he tried to process what just happened.

Eli kissed him!!!

She actually did!!!

Oh, Heavens!!! How could you catch me off guard like this!!!

"Ah.. D-dont mention it." Leon was totally overwhelmed by the fact that Eli surprised him with a kiss. In the end he lamented, why was she the one who first made the move!

H-he should be the one to do that… Ah… why!!

Leon couldn't determine if it was the fact that Eli was the one who first stole his tofu,

Or if it was because just like Eli, it was the first time he experienced this kind of intimacy.

He could not help but reprimand his heart,

'Leon! You are so embarrassing! How could you make Eli advance like this?'

'Well, aren't you boasting earlier, on how you want to do this and that with Eli??!''

'D-don't mention it? Don't mention it?!! Is all that you can say? Why are you feeling so shy and embarrassed right now?! You coward!'

While Leon was fighting with himself, Eli was actually enjoying the sight of Leon's burning cheeks and reddish ears.

"Cute.." She chuckled in amusement.

These days, it has always been Leon who was teasing her and initiating advances with regards to their relationship.

Today, Eli was just fueled by the mood so she suddenly had the courage to kiss him. She had to make use of this rare moment after all.

'Just a little bit more, his blushing face could already compete with his blood red hair!' She continued to giggle as she thought of this.

Leon realized that Eli was already laughing at his embarrassing state, "You.."

"Me what?" Eli slightly raised her brow. Looking at the blushing Leon, she said with a teasing tone, "Want more?"

Leon immediately choked after hearing Eli's question. He gulped and thinked twice before replying to her teasing.

'Hmm, I was too surprised earlier that I didn't get to savor the feeling properly…'

'Maybe I can ask for one more… Eli may be unwilling to initiate in the future, I have to take advantage of this moment!' He tried to convince in his heart.

But as he looked at Eli's two crescent eyes and foxy smile, the wave of embarrassment defeated him again.

It rendered him unable to speak, but his inner self was already ridiculing him for suddenly cowering at the moment!

'Oh common Leon! War Lord Leon! Cold blooded and decisive...'

'But too scared to ask for a kiss!'

Seeing that Leon was still not able to recover with the conflicted emotions reflected in his face, Eli decided to stop teasing him.

She leaned over again but this time, there was no longer a hint of teasing in her eyes. It was only full of love and affection for Leon.

Eli's face inched slowly at Leon's nervous face. His adam's apple bobbed up and down as the rate of his heartbeat increased by leaps and bounds.

He felt his throat dry. Little Han was already asleep and they were already in their bedroom, just the two of them...

Nobody can see...


But soon his thoughts were overwhelmed by the feeling of Eli's moist lips landing on his cheek.

Her lips were soft and supple, but why does it have the power to strike his heart like a sword?

He looked at Eli again. Her fair, striking face was a few inches closer to his.

He just had to pull her a little bit closer to his body and land his lips slowly on to hers.

He just had to do that.

First step was to stretch out his hands and gently lock Eli to his embrace, then she could no longer run.

Next step was to slowly cup Eli's face in a way that she could no longer escape.

Last step was to slowly inch his lips towards Eli's and voila… let the love begin!

These three steps were so easy, just thinking about it had already made Leon feel like his body was on fire!

Finally deciding what to do, Leon steeled his heart as his arms started to do what he had planned on his mind.

Knock knock knock!

'Oh Great One! Am I not allowed to kiss her today?!' Leon couldn't help but feel aggrieved towards the one above.

The knocks on the door made the ambiguous air around the bedroom immediately dissipate.

Eli saw the subtle hint of frustration in Leon's eyes. To not make it awkward for him, she held his hand comfortingly while responding to the person behind the door. "What's the matter?"

"Madame, the Grandmasters and the rest of the Elders are here.." It was Ron who had interrupted their lovey dovey moment.

"Alright, we'll be coming right away." Eli quickly got up and looked at Leon, "It seems like you had to postpone your sleep for a little while.."

Leon only nodded and said, "It's fine, we must greet the Grandmasters and the Elders."

However his heart shouted frustratingly, 'I don't care about my postponed sleep! I care about my postponed kiss!'

Opening the door, Leon did not forget to throw a sharp look at the clueless Ron. 'If only this guy delayed it in just a few minutes!'

Ron suddenly felt a cold chill running down his spine. He immediately rubbed his arms with his palms to calm his shivering body.

'Hmm, I feel like someone is plotting against me… Could it be that my brothers wanted to pull a prank on me again?"

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